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Talland   Talland's Class Blog 27.9.24

Posted 27/09/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley


It's been a fun but icky week in Talland class. Hopefully you were informed all about our delightful digestive system hands on experience!
The children are now in an excellent position to set instructions on how to travel through the digestive system! I'm looking forward to reading them next week!

I wanted to say a huge well done to all the children that have been bringing in their amazing pieces of homework - it was lovely celebrating their work with the school during celebration assembly today!

Well done to Isabelle for achieving her second 99 club badge two weeks in a row... YAY!
Great work from Heidi this week also for being noticed for her excellent attitude towards learning and work ethic - what a fabulous member of the class she is!

Short but sweet this week! I'm looking forward to lots more fun learning next week. But until then, we hope you have a brilliant weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.

P.S. Spellings for next week are attached at the bottom.


Head's Blog   27:09:24

Posted 27/09/2024
by Anthea Hillman

It was lovely to see so many of you at our Meet the Teacher sessions on Wednesday. We hope that you found it useful.

Home School Agreement/ Parental Consents Please would you take some time to log into your Arbor Parent Portal/App to check both your own and your child’s data. Once logged in you will notice that the 2024/25 Home School Agreement has been uploaded. Consents are to be completed for every child to enable them to have photos taken, watch PG films, attend local sporting events and access approved learning platforms etc.

FOPS fundraisers - save the date FOPS are busy planning some exciting fundraisers. The first two of the year are: Spooky Discos which will be after school on the last day of this half term, Thursday 24th October, and a Quiz Night on Friday 15th November. (Details of both events to follow).

Wild Wellbeing sessions Following on from the success of their summer Wild Wellbeing sessions, the Mental Health Support Team (MHST), along with Natural England, are running several Wild Wellbeing sessions over the October half term. These are nature-based, creative, practical workshops where we will be learning about the Five Ways to Wellbeing: Give, Connect, Take Notice, Be Active and Keep Learning outdoors in nature. These sessions are open to all primary school aged children (5-11), each session will be approximately 2 hours long. Sign up using the link below, and also details are included in the attached poster.

The Looe Festival of Words begins next week. Please see the attached flyer for more details of free events for children on Saturday, 5th October, including poetry on the rocks at Hannafore, combined with a rockpool ramble.

Ladybirds Please see attached information on a local parent and toddler group.

Coats Please ensure your child has a coat in school every day as the weather is rather unpredictable at the moment.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Hillman


Landaviddy   Friday 20th September 2023

Posted 20/09/2024
by Alice Wilkie

During our Wider Curriculum lessons this week, we have continued to explore 'What makes our world go around?'. In Geography, we found out what the equator is and discovered what the climate is like for countries along the equator. We managed to get into the swimming pool on Friday, which was fantastic, but a tad cold! We had fun though, playing some pool games. During Science, we learnt about the human life cycle, along with the life cycle of barn owls. Can you recall the five stages of the barn owl life cycle?

In English, we have been working hard on our descriptive writing this week. We recapped adjectives and nouns, and written some amazing expanded noun phrases inspired by owls. Today, we began to plan for writing our own character descriptions about Plop from 'The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson. I can't wait to see your final written descriptions next week!

In Maths, we have continued working hard on our Place Value unit. This week, we have particularly been using number lines to count in 10s and 1s (Y2) and 100s (Y3). 

Congratulations to Lowen J, Harley and Darragh for being Landaviddy's People of the Week. And a big well done to Amelia and Frankie for achieving their 22 club! 

Please find this half terms Knowledge Web attached below. This details everything your child will be learning during wider curriculum lessons. Of course, should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Reminder - Meet the Teacher is on Wednesday 25th September at 2:45pm.

We hope you have a fabulous weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Monday!

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton


Head's Blog   Update 20:09:24

Posted 20/09/2024
by Anthea Hillman

School Council Our School Council is a group of dedicated and passionate pupils who are committed to making our school a better place for everyone. School Council members are elected by their peers in our School Council elections which we hold every September. Well done to everyone who put themselves forward and to those who have been elected this year: Elsie, Martha, Henry, Grace, Tabbi, Benjamin, Amelia, Ronnie and Ada and Phoebe (our member for Pupil Voice for PE and Sport). Information about our School Council can be found on this website under the ‘Our Children’ tab.

Time Capsule Each of our classes has created a booklet to go in a time capsule to be buried under Big Green in Polperro which is currently being refurbished. The booklets contain the children’s self-portraits and their wishes for the future. To go with the booklets, we have written a letter to the future (attached) which Tristan read beautifully to the school at today’s assembly.

Asda Cash for Schools Parentkind – a charity that supports school PTAs - have teamed up with Asda, who is making millions of pounds available to donate to primary schools across the UK through their ‘Cashpot for Schools’ initiative. To support our school, all you have to do is opt-in through the Asda Rewards app, shop and scan in store or shop online at Between 2nd September and 30th November 2024, every time you shop with Asda using the Rewards app, our school will receive a percentage of your spend.

Home School Agreement/ Parental Consents Please would you take some time to log into your Arbor Parent Portal/App to check both your own and your child’s data, amending where necessary ensuring you have details of at least two contacts on your file in case of an emergency. Once logged in you will notice that the 2024/25 Home School Agreement has been uploaded. Consents are to be completed for every child to enable them to have photos taken, watch PG films, attend local sporting events and access approved learning platforms etc. 

Pre-loved uniform We keep a stock of very good condition pre-loved uniform in school (£1 donation per item towards school funds). Please bear this in mind if you need to replace any items for your child. There is a rail of items just inside the reception. Please ask at the office for a range of sizes.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our Meet the Teacher sessions on Wednesday 25th September at 2:45.

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Hillman


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 20.9.24

Posted 20/09/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley


I cannot believe it's in the end of the week - it's flown by!

Talland have been working their socks off this week! We even managed to squeeze  a couple of cheeky swims in - might as well make the most of the sun shine!

Both year groups are nearing the end of the first unit (place value). Addition and subtraction is next on the list!

Talland have worked their way through the features of an instructional text - next week it will be time to begin planning to write their own (independently). Let's see how much they've learnt - it should be fun!

We had lots of fun using black and white paint to show the children how to add shade to a colour using black or tint a colour using white. Why not ask your child what shading and tinting means?

We've continued looking at erosion and what causes this to happen - fun added homework task to those who choose a little adventure - take pictures of you and child on/next to (nothing dangerous) different coastal features: Arch, bay, beach, cave, cliffs, coast, cove, headland, island, stack, stump, sand dune, spit. I wonder who can find the most?

Well done to Isabelle for earning a 99 club badge!
Well done to Skye for being noticed as Tallander of the week!

I have attached the spellings your children will be learning next week. If you have time, it would be fantastic if you could help your child learn them along with their times tables.

That's all from Talland. We hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.




Posted 20/09/2024
by Emily Randle

Chaipel have been busy this week, investigating Place Value in Maths and are really getting to grips with dealing with numbers up to 10,000,000. Next week, we will be rounding, reasoning and problem solving, applying our new understanding.

We are currently planning our newspaper report on the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and destruction of Pompeii and this week we have been exploring how to write 'journalist-style', practising direct and indirect reporting as well as past simple and past progressive verb sentences. We will be writing our report next week and I look forward to reading them!

For Spellings, we have been creating Top Trump cards for our curriculum spellings, navigating dictionaries and unpicking a word, its composition and its word family. Phoebe and Verity have created some impressive cards full of facts.

We have been exploring the use of water colour in Art, and experimenting with various techniques to create texture. Freddie worked extremely hard and has produced some incredible work to be proud of. 

Today, we were lucky to have had the opportunity to create class cards to put into a time capsule which will be buried beneath the new Big Green for future inhabitants of Polperro to unearth in years to come...

Congratulations to our People of the Week - Aria and Imogen - to displaying our school values as well as to Dom for achieving his 99 Club. 

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday.

Mss Randle, Mrs Clary and Mrs Hodge.


Penhallow   Week Ending Friday 20th September

Posted 19/09/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone!

We have all been enjoying a new story this week, to inspire our writing lessons. The story of ‘Stanley’s Stick’ by John Henley, has helped us to use our creative ideas. According to Penhallow, a simple stick, has become a musical instrument, a dinosaur, a telescope, and a magic wand. The reception children have enjoyed finding their own sticks to explore these ideas in the school garden. Year 1 have written some lovely sentences to tell the story in their own words.

As you may have noticed, your child will have taken a wet swimming costume home on Wednesday. We decided to take advantage of the warm weather and go swimming in our lovely pool. Well done to reception, who mostly took part with enthusiasm. 

On Friday we enjoyed a fun music lesson in class. We used a range of percussion instruments to accompany our singing, which included some action songs. It was lovely to hear some of the children singing these songs later, during learning through play.

Have a lovely weekend!

From the Penhallow team.


Killigarth Nursery   20/9/24

Posted 19/09/2024
by Julie Peat

This week we have finished our question of “who am I? The children have been practicing drawing faces with different features such as eyes, ears, nose and mouth. We have been discussing the places we live and exploring the story of “The three little pigs”.
We have made the pigs houses out of straw and sticks and bricks and used props in the tuft tray with the pig stick puppets. The children have been painting and creating tube pigs.

In phonics we have been making the sounds of different family members, taking notice of the way we formed these sound with our mouths and we have been making silly soup with different initial sounds.

In maths we have been practicing counting and finding different numbers around us. We have been learning about simple shapes such as circle, square and triangle.

Have a great weekend

Julie, Sarah and Jade



Penhallow   Week Ending Friday 13th September

Posted 13/09/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

What a lovely week it has been!

During our science lesson, we enjoyed exploring the school garden, where we were able to find plenty of signs that Summer is starting to turn into Autumn. The children have been learning about seasonal changes, and we have been really impressed at the range of scientific vocabulary that the children can now already use.

Reception are already getting the hang of their phonics learning, and have been enjoying a range of fun activities that have helped them this week. We hope all of the children will start to benefit from logging on to their new 'Teach your monster to read' account. Account details and passwords have been sent home this week. 

On Monday, Penhallow enjoyed their first music lesson of the year with Mrs Butlin. They practiced using a range of percussion instruments to keep a steady beat, and enjoyed singing a range of songs.

In Geography this week, we have been learning about maps. The Year 1 children have created some plans of our classroom. We learnt about keys, directions and birds eye views. Thank you to those people who have emailed pictures of their houses. We will use these in our continuous provision areas.

We have been making an extra effort to keep active in Penhallow this week. Mr Langley has given each class the challenge of being active in school for at least 30 minutes a day, so we have been busy dancing at different times throughout the day.

Have a lovely weekend!

From the Penhallow team.



Posted 13/09/2024
by Emily Randle

It's the end of our first full week and we have had a fun one! We are learning how to write a newspaper report in English. We will take what we have learnt and then create a report on the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and its destruction of Pompeii. It's got everyone excited about writing about the tragic event and I look forward to reading their amazing reports in the coming weeks.

In Maths, it's Place Value and the Y6s are looking at numbers to 10,000,000 and Y5s to 1,000,000. We have investigated extreme weather conditions as part of our Geography and why the Roman army were so powerful in History. In Art, we have been learning perspective landscape drawing, creating work from a horizon line and vanishing point. Noah has really got to grips with this and has made a piece to be proud of! In ICT we have been learning about the Mars Rover and how the Binary system of data collection works. 

Congratulations to Harry and Henry for being our People of the Week today for displaying our school value of being a 'responsible' role model - both for behaviour and attitude to learning. 

I have attached the KIRFs  for Autumn 1 as well as the homework grid and curriculum spellings (Y3-4 and Y5-6 pdfs below). Please continue to read every day and practise your KIRFs and spellings. It really makes a difference to your learning!

Have a fantastic weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Mrs Hodge.


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 13.9.24

Posted 13/09/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley



It's been so lovely getting to know the new year 4's in Talland class and just wonderful seeing my year 5's back from their summer break. 

I hope everyone had an amazing summer holiday and had a whole lot of fun -  I'm sure you were kept busy!

We've kicked started into a very busy first couple of weeks back with our new enquiry question of... drum role please... 'WHY DO WE AGE?'

This enquiry gives us a great opportunity to delve into a bit of biology and take a look at the human body. Time for  a whistle stop tour of what we've done so far...

Both year groups are looking at place value. The year 4's are building up to 10,000 while the year 5's have been building up to 1,000,000... lucky them! We've had resources out to help the children understand different representations of numbers. They need to know which digit represents which place value. Why not quiz your child. E.G. Which digit represents 5 tens in the number 9,354?  

We have begun with instructions. Once we have found out all of the key features, children in Talland will have to write a set of instructions for a miniaturised individual to travel through a human digestive system. Which organ to gracefully pass through, what equipment they might need on their rather revolting adventure and key directional prepositions to safely guide our brave explorer out the body and down the toilet. Hopefully the children will add a cunning method to avoid getting flushed down the loo.  

We will of course be looking at the digestive system, the roles and function of our mouth, food chains - these fun lessons will be accompanied with some fascinating science investigations and experiments. You have been given a lovely one to have a go at on your homework grid which has been attached.

On a Wednesday, Talland will have TAG RUGBY - this is tremendous fun and the children had a blast in the first lesson. 
On a Thursday they will become relaxed and flexible with some refreshing YOGA. 

There's a brief run down of some of the fun lessons we will be covering -  there is of course, a whole load more (COMPUTING, ART, RE, PSHE, MUSIC and GEOGRAPHY) and I'll keep you up to date on those as the weeks progress.

Well done to Flora for earning her title as Talland's HANG TOUGH champion!
Well done to Lilly for being celebrated as last week's person of the week!
Well done to Frankie for being celebrated as this week's person of the week!
Well done to Tabbi, Skye and Archie for being nominated as HOUSE CAPTAIN's.
Well done to EVERYONE for a fabulous start to the year!

Important Information:
Please make sure PE kits are always in school with indoor and outdoor clothing. I like to keep your children as active as possible - Wednesday's and Thursday's are our designated PE slots.
Please make sure your child brings their reading records into school daily to hand in (they will bring it home everyday). It would be lovely if you could write some comments in there at least 3 times a week.
Spellings will be given out on a Friday - it would be amazing if you could practice these with them throughout the week (I will also attach these to the weekly blog).
KIRFs for this term were given out today (these will be attached to this blog.
Homework grids were given out today (this document will be attached to this blog). It would be so nice to share what the children have done with you at home. This can be in the form of show and tales and their work will be displayed on the 'WOW WALL'. 

Your kids are great and I can't wait to get to know you all throughout the year. Any questions please don't hesitate to ask!

That's all from us in Talland Class this week. We hope you have an amazing weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.


Head's Blog   Update: 13:9:24

Posted 13/09/2024
by Anthea Hillman

The children have been amazing in the way they have already thrown themselves into their new routines and learning this week. Our class enquiries have started. Questions this half term are: ‘What Makes me me?’ Penhallow Class; ‘What makes our world go round?’ Landaviddy Class; ‘Why do we age?’ Talland Class and ‘What have the Romans done for us?’ Chaipel Class. Please look at the class blogs to see how the children’s learning is going.

House Captains At a special assembly this week we thanked last year’s house captains and vice captains for doing a wonderful job and announced our new Captains and Vice-Captains for this year who have been chosen because they consistently demonstrate our values. Congratulations to Max B, Martha H (Willow); Skye and Hector (Oak); Tabbi and Amber (Ash) and Martha F and Archie (Chestnut). House Points are given to the children when they demonstrate our school values: Curious, Creative, Excellent, Responsible, Determined and Enthusiastic and pupils can see how many points their house has by looking at our House Point Tracker in the corridor by the library. Our value for this half term is ’I am responsible’ and houses have met to consider what this means.

Meet the Teacher: 2:45pm, Wednesday 25th September It is extremely important for us to work together to ensure that every child makes as much progress as possible each year. Each year we hold a Meet the Teacher session at which you will find out about your child’s classroom, the adults working alongside your child, classroom routines and timetable, and most importantly, how you can help your child at home. It is also an opportunity to find out about all of the exciting learning and activities the teachers have planned. Of course, the teachers will also answer any questions and try to eliminate any worries or concerns you may have. We understand if you are unable to make the meeting because of work commitments and will find a mutually convenient time to chat to you about your child’s new school year if this is the case. If you have children in more than one class, please attend one session and we will find another time for you to meet your other child/children’s teacher/s. Our ‘Meet the Teacher’ session will be on Wednesday 25th September starting at 2:45pm. Please come in through the main gate from 2:40 and access your child’s classroom by the external door. We look forward to seeing you then.

Keeping Active We actively encourage the children to do at least 30 minutes physical activity each day in school. This is in the form of playground activities at break and lunchtime, movement breaks such as Supermover active videos in between lessons, and the daily mile round our playground. As part of this challenge, we have introduced a new active timetable for lunchtimes which includes a range of activities across the week including football, basketball and playground games. Every Friday in School is Funky Friday when lunchtime is reserved for dancing. Today the children managed 25 minutes of dancing and chasing bubbles from our new bubble machine.

Water Bottles As a Heathy School and a Sugar Smart school we encourage children to drink water throughout their day at school, rather than juice or squash. We would prefer that your child’s water bottle contains water only, to encourage healthy habits. This also helps us when there is a spill as water doesn’t stain! If there is a reason why your child cannot drink water, please let you child’s teacher know. Please note that this applies to their classroom drinks.

Clubs Reminder that clubs start next week. Please contact the office to sign your child up.

Space Please find attached a poster with details of the SPACE programme which is a free programme for any parent or carer who wants to better understand and support their children’s emotions, as well as their own.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Hillman


Killigarth Nursery   13/9/24

Posted 13/09/2024
by Anthea Hillman

This week at nursery we have been answering our enquiry question of "Who am I?". The children have been busy making paper plate portraits and naming and drawing parts of their faces. We have been discussing their likes and dislikes and what makes them, them.
On Monday, the children enjoyed making and creating their own wrap snack faces. They selected their own fruit and vegetables to make the different features and then enjoyed eating them at snack time.

At story time we are looking at the story of "The Three Little Pigs". We have started to talk about the different houses in which the pigs live and talking about our own homes.

In phonics we have used our bodies to make different sounds such as stamping and clapping and have been listening and trying to identify different sounds in our environments both indoors and out.

In maths we are finding numbers in everyday life. Kirfs learning will be sent out soon.

Just a reminder that flu vaccinations will take place next Friday (20th Sept) and can all forms be back to nursery by the end of Tuesday 17th.

Have a great weekend

Julie, Sarah and Jade


Landaviddy   Friday 13th September 2024

Posted 12/09/2024
by Alice Wilkie

Dark is...Exciting!

Our first full week in Landaviddy class is over! In English, we have continued reading our story The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark' and used role play to explore what the characters might be thinking, saying and feeling. In Maths, Year 2 have been partitioning two digit numbers into tens and ones, with Year 3 recognising and exploring hundreds.

During our Wider Curriculum lessons this week, we have been busy in Art, sketching and using our observational skills to draw like an artist. In Geography, we learnt the names of the continents and oceans by learning a song. In Science, we looked closely at what offspring are and how they change into adults. Who knew a baby goat is called a Kid!? In PE, we have been practising our Yoga, and we are already showing how flexible we are! This afternoon, we enjoyed learning about possession and what this means when you are an attacker or defender during team games. The sun shone too, which we were grateful for after a wet week! 

Please find attached the Homework grid for this half term, along with the KIRFS for Autumn 1 for you to practise at home. In addition to this, please continue to read daily and practise your Common Exception Word spellings (attached below). I have also uploaded some spelling challenge cards which may help you when practising these. Children can also access TT Rockstars to practise their times table facts. Anything you can do at home can make a big difference to your learning! 

Reading Books
Everyone was sent home on Thursday with their new reading record and colour banded book. We ask that children read their book twice at home before getting it changed, however longer reads can be changed after being read once. Additionally, Year 2 will be sent home next week with their minibooks, relating to the sound we are learning in Phonics. In future, a new minibook will be sent home every Friday. 

Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday, so please make sure PE and swimming kits are complete in school everyday.

Congratulations to Frankie and Nevaeh for being Landaviddy's People of the Week!

We hope you have a fabulous weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Monday!

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton


Penhallow   Week Ending Friday 6th September

Posted 06/09/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone!

A very warm welcome to our new reception children and families who have joined us this year. The children really have made a fantastic start to school, and we are so proud of them.

Welcome back to Year 1, who have been so helpful and kind to the younger children. You have been so helpful this week. Thank you!

This week, we have launched our new learning enquiry question; 'What makes me, me?' We began by learning a song all about families and how they are all different.

In art, we have been using mirrors to draw and paint our own self-portraits, which are displayed in the Penhallow cloakroom. Well done Penhallow, they look amazing!

In our outdoor learning area, we have been learning about our senses by exploring objects with different textures, smells, sounds and visual effects. 

The reception children have been enjoying their phonics learning this week. The use of water pistols to aim at an outside wall, to practice the letters that they had learnt, was definitely a favourite activity! 

To support the development of reading, we will be introducing an activity that can be used at home on ipads, tablets or laptops. Please look out for an individual username and password for a program called 'Teach your monster to read, ' that will be stuck into your reading record next week. We will be asking the children to have a go at practicing some fun activities at home, using this app. All children will also be given a phonics booklet to practice reading at home, as well as a bookmark containing all the words that they have been learning during phonics lessons. New booklets and bookmarks will be given out every week.

To help us with our topic of 'What makes me, me?' Please can you email or send in a photograph of your house? We will be using these in our construction area, and to compare different types of houses. 

Please remember that we are always more than happy to talk to you either before or after school about any questions or information that you might have, that will help us to help your child. You may instead prefer to phone school or email. 

Next week, please use the main gate when coming to school.

Have a lovely weekend!

From the Penhallow team.


Landaviddy   Friday 6th September 2024

Posted 06/09/2024
by Alice Wilkie

Welcome to Landaviddy!

It has been lovely to welcome you all back to school this week. So far, we have had a very exciting few days! We have also welcomed Frankie today, who has joined our class. 

We launched our new enquiry ‘What Makes Our World Go Around?’, which sparked some fantastic discussion. We came up with lots of excellent questions and we can’t wait to explore more.

Reminder - PE days will be on Tuesday and Friday, so please ensure that you have your PE kits in school. 

Congratulations to Rosie, George and Finn for being Landaviddy's People of the Week.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Monday. 

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton


Killigarth Nursery   6/9/24

Posted 06/09/2024
by Julie Peat

A big welcome back!

It has been great to see all of our returning children to nursery and we have enjoyed welcoming some new faces to our nursery family.

This week has been all about settling the children back into nursery life and the nursery routine and we will be beginning to explore our enquiry question which is "Who am i?"

We have enjoyed some sunshine over the last 3 days so have been making the most of this time to play and explore outside. We have enjoyed lots of discussions about the children's summer holidays and it was lovely to hear about what you all been up to.

We look forward to sending book folders home again from Monday and we are sure the children will enjoy taking these home to share with you all.
We have a new helper in nursery from today. Jade will be in nursery helping us on a Monday and Friday morning and is looking forward to getting stuck in!

Have a lovely weekend

Julie and Sarah


Head's Blog   Welcome to the new school year

Posted 06/09/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Welcome back to school from all the staff at Polperro Primary Academy and a particularly warm welcome to those joining us for the first time. The children have settled extremely well. Please see the Class blogs for a flavour of the week’s learning and for information regarding your child’s class. Class Blogs and the Head’s Blog are updated after school on Fridays.

Communication I will continue to send a weekly update out on Fridays rather than send several emails out per week, so that all the information you need is together in one place. Information from this update will also be posted on this Blog each Friday along with photos. We are going to relaunch our Facebook page shortly which we will use to update you on everything to do with school, whether it’s news about the children’s learning, upcoming events or useful reminders.

Parent Survey Thank you for the many very positive and helpful comments which we received in our Parent Survey in the summer term. As always, we strive to improve and this year we will again be organising trips to enhance our curriculum, alongside valuable local visits. We will also be organising more fundraising events to build on the success of FOPS (Friends of Polperro School) events last year. Please watch this space as we will be asking for your support with this shortly.

We will be continuing our garden project: growing fruit and vegetables in our greenhouse for the school kitchen to prepare for the children. Mr and Mrs Peters have kindly looked after the garden over the summer break and there are crops ready to pick including some amazing bunches of grapes.

Achievement Assemblies We will resume our special Wednesday assemblies the week starting 16th September. In these assemblies, we celebrate the children’s achievements in Reading, Writing or Maths. If your child is to be awarded a certificate, their class teacher will ring to invite you to attend the assembly which will be held at 2:50pm (please arrive at 2:45pm). We look forward to sharing the children’s successes with you.

Swimming The pool is still open so in the hope that there is still some warm weather to come, please ensure your child’s kit is in every day.

Clubs The school is again providing after school and lunchtime clubs and we would like to get these up and running as soon as possible. The clubs and days are listed below and if your child would like to attend, please email the office by Friday 13th September. All clubs will start from Monday 16th September. Clubs will run from 3.15pm until 4.15 pm after school and from 12:30-1pm at lunchtime. Please note that year groups for our clubs may change half termly to give everyone an opportunity to try them out. We will introduce other clubs as the year progresses such as creative clubs and we will incorporate our School Council’s suggestions where possible.

Monday: After School Football Club (Mr Langley) for years 3, 4, 5 and 6
Tuesday: After School Dance Club (Mrs Phillips) for years 1, 2 and 3
Thursday: After School Gardening Club (Miss Randle and Mrs Wilkie) for years 1-6. We will have to limit numbers in this very popular club on a first come first served basis in the first instance.
Friday: Lunchtime Music and Singing Club (Mrs Fitzsimmons) for years R, 1 and 2
After School Running Club (Mr Langley and Mrs Turnbull) years 3-6. This club will not run when the Cross Country League races are on. The club is open to anyone who likes running. Pupils who attend do not have to race in these events.

Arbor You will have received a communication from the Trust about completing the permissions for photos, trips, medications etc. on Arbor. It is really important that these are completed soon as they allow staff to plan in more detail. Even if nothing has changed since last year, please re-complete the forms so we have the most up to date information. If you are having trouble logging in, please contact the office for help.

Guitar lessons will start next Thursday, 12th September.

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Mrs Hillman 



Posted 06/09/2024
by Emily Randle

Welcome Chaipel Class!

We have had a lovely first few days back and what a fabulous class Chaipel is this year!

We have chosen our class monitors and they are already helping the school day run smoothly. Welcome to our new class member, Elsie, who has settled in very well to life in Chaipel. 

Our enquiry is all about the Romans this half term and we have already been learning about where Rome is and how historians believe it was built/founded. We are also exploring extreme Earth in Geography and have been investigating areas of extreme temperatures. We will move onto learning about tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquakes etc. which the children are already excited to learn about. FYI, Knowledge Webs, KIRFs and Homework Grids will be attached to the blog next week.

Congratulations to Elsie and Dom for being our first People of the Week this school year for their fabulous learning attitudes and how well they have settled into our class.

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Mrs Hodge.


Landaviddy   Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Posted 24/07/2024
by Alice Wilkie

Happy Summer Holidays!

I can't quite believe we have made it to the end of this academic year! What a brilliant year Landaviddy class have had! 

Thank you to all who came to our book share on Monday. It is always lovely to be able to share with you all the learning we have covered this year. 

During our final week, we have been working hard on writing our persuasive letters to Peter Pluto. I was amazed by all of your hard work and the reasons you gave were superb. Well done everyone! We also concluded our enquiry 'What's on our doorstep?' which we have thoroughly enjoyed.

Congratulations to Nevaeh for achieving her 22 club, as well as Anya and Jamie for their 77 club! 

Remember to keep reading as much possible, practising your times tables and finding any opportunities to get writing! 

I hope you all have a wonderful summer break, find lots of time to rest and most importantly, have fun! Hopefully, we will have lots of sunshine too! 

I look forward to seeing you all again on Wednesday 4th September 2024.

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Bowden


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