Behaviour In Our School

Behaviour at Our School

We follow our Trust wide Behaviour Policy (please see the policy section of our website for this), but have our own strategies in place here. These have been designed in line with the Education Endowment Fund guidance.

We follow the 6 main principles:

1. Know and understand our children and their influences

2. Teach learning behaviours alongside managing misbehaviour

3. Use classroom management strategies to support good classroom behaviour

4. Use simple approaches as part of our regular routine

5. Use targeted approaches to meet the needs of our individuals

6. Consistency

Here are some of our proactive strategies:

• We regularly talk about kindness and what good behaviour looks like in assembly and classes
• We award children with additional choices when they show continued good behaviour
• We talk to parents/carers about improvements that children make and when they show good manners (phone calls home)
• We praise children who show good behaviour

Here are some of our reactive strategies:

• A child may have time out
• A restorative discussion is held with the child/ren and this may also involve parents/carers
• A suitable consequence is put in place based on the incident
  A child/group of children may miss up to 5 minutes of their free time
• A behaviour plan may be put in place with a detailed approach

This is how we implement them:

• Class Rules. At the beginning of every academic year, all classes draft classroom rules (co-constructed with the children) which are revisited regularly. These feed into our Dojo system (see below).

• Playground rules are co-constructed with pupils in the Autumn term through assemblies and class discussions around the 3 areas of Kind, Safe, Respect.

• Dojos. Each Class uses Dojos to recognise positive behaviours. Dojos are never taken away. (Penhallow Class starts the year using star charts and progresses to Dojos in the Summer term). Children generate ideas with their teacher for rewards for Dojos collected. This is done for the whole class and on an individual level. Rewards range from certificates to a whole class party. Any staff member may award Dojos when appropriate. In consultation with teachers, visiting teachers/guests may be encouraged to award positive behaviours with Dojos.

• Additional age appropriate rewards are used (eg stickers, star of the day certificates, positive notes home).

• Person of the Week is awarded by staff to pupils in Friday’s celebration assembly. This recognises positive behaviours such as kindness, thoughtfulness, politeness or many of the other qualities that we expect children at Polperro School to display.



Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.