We have had a lovely and very informative last week of this half term.
For Safer Internet Day, we tuned into a live lesson, courtesy of the BBC. We learned a great deal and have improved our understanding of how to stay safe online.
We have completed our free-verse poetry and have been able to edit, improve, write up our best copy and assess our writing. We will be sharing our poetry with Talland Class when we return to school after the half term break. Nuala, someone new to free verse poetry, has truely written a piece of poetry to be proud of!
Year 5 have been learning how to multiply and divide a range of fractions by integers this week. Y6s have been practising their SATS skills and our results are very promising. Keep on revising Y6s!
We have been combining our knowledge of how bridges are constructed and have designed and begun to create our own prototypes. We will continue this when we return to school and then test out our bridges to see if our designs are fit for purpose. In PE, we have been developing our net and ball skills in Tennis and in Science, we have investigated animals and their habitats around the world.
We were very priviledged to have a lady from the National Trust in on Thursday to talk to us about conservation in our area. We will be working closely with them next half term and have been invited to take part in a tree planting program which we are all excited about.
That's all from me so have a lovely half term break and see you all soon!
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Mrs Hodge and Miss Colton.
I don't know where to begin as this week has been so busy!
On Wednesday, we were visited by Muhunthiny (a Hindu speaker) who gave us a workshop on the Hinduism religion. We had a lovely morning, trying on the traditional clothing, learning about the religion and how Hindus live their lives, day to day. Our behaviour was impeccable and she is looking forward to visiting us again in the future.
We have written our draft copy of our free verse poetry and are in the process of editng, improving and writing up our best copies: I look forward to reading them all.
Y5s have been completing their multiplication and division this week, focusing on the short method of division. Y6s have been multiplying and dividing fractions by integers and are absolutely nailing the learning.
We have been exploring the construction of suspension bridges in DT. Lily has made a fabulous 3D model and Martha, Elsie and Ava constructed a bridge, spanning the length of a 60cm gap. The class will be moving onto designing and constructing their own model bridge in our final week next week. In Geography, Chaipel have been learning about energy sustainability, about the life and times of Gandhi in RE and in Computing, how to compress images to show how pixel quantity enhances an image without altering its size.
Recognising that this week is Child's Mental Health Week, Polperro Primary had a fabulous morning ensuring positive mental health. We began with the RSPB National Bird Watch - dedicating an hour to watching and recording the birds that we saw in our area. After that, in our house teams, we then did four different activities designed to relieve stress and support our wellbeing. Ava embraced her love of art and took a piece of chalk to our playground! It was a truely wonderful morning and as a school, we have decided that we should do more mornings like this.
Congratulations to our People of the Week, Isaac and Lily, for demonstrating our school values of being 'creative' and 'curious' as well as Lily for achieving her BRONZE in her 99 Club.
That's all from me this week. So have a lovely weekend and see you all for a four-day final week of half term from Monday.
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Miss Hodge and Miss Colton
We have had a lovely week of learning in Chaipel, topped off with our trip to the Tamar Learning Centre as part of our enquiry into bridge construction.
We are at the stage of planning our free verse poetry and have compiled some effective poetic devices. Next week, we will be writing, editing and creating our final versions.
Y6 have been completing our ratio unit and then multiplying fractions with integers as we further our fractions knowledge and the Y5s have been multiplying a range of numbers using grid and long multiplication methods.
In DT, we have been testing the strength of an unsupported arch bridge by experimenting with height and weight. In Geography, we have been debating on whether mega farms are a good idea and we have some strong opinions!
We ended our week with our trip to the Tamar Learning Centre and it was amazing! We had a tour along the Tamar bridge footpath, learnt how the Royal Albert Bridge was constructed and broadened our knowledge on the different types of bridges and their unique features.
Congratulations to Martha who was our Person of the Week, but really, WELL DONE to all Chaipelers as you did our school proud with your curiosity and responsibility today.
Enjoy your weekend,
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Hodge.
Another week has gone by and we are well into our enquiry for this half term, 'What Natural Resources Do I Depend On?' We have been looking into different types of trusses - the framework for supporting bridges - and have been making our own out of art straws. We have been creating Warren, Pratt and Lattice structures.
We have been nailing long and grid method multiplication (Y5s) and scale factors and problems involving ratio (Y6). Imogen has really got the hang of long multiplication and her presentation is absolutely amazing. Well Done!
We are looking into free verse poetry and have been learning how to write similes and metaphors for effect. Harry, WOW! The glistening sun is a lion's mane, sparking the sky with a glow of warmth. The mountain peak is a missile: white as a dove, lighting up the sky with thick, opaque smoke.
We have been investigating pixels in computing, recognising how bit patterns represent images as pixels. The children created an image on squared paper and then recreated it on Excel spreadsheet. They have done an amazing job.
Congratulations to Aria (99), Verity (Bronze) and Dom (33) for achieving their next badges in their 99 Club and to Harrison and Nuala for being Chaipel's People of the Week for demonstrating our school values.
Our trip to the Tamar Learning Centre is on Friday, so could you please make sure that any permission slips are back in school on Monday. It is just for the morning so lunchtime will be as normal.
I've attached this half term's Homework Grid, KIRFS and Knowledge Web.
That's all from me, so have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday.
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Hodge.
Image Gallery
What a fabulous week of learning we have had. We have begun our new enquiry into our country's natural resources. We have investigated the main sectors of our economy and how ingredients that make a simple chocolate cake have been on an epic journey from the countries where they began as raw materials to the countries that turned them into manufactured products.
We have edited, improved and begun to write up our persuasive letters in best copy. I am so proud of the effort that Chaipel have put into this piece of writing and look forward to reading each and every one of them.
We have completed our Fractions unit and we have come so far. We can compare, order, simplify, convert, add and subtract. For Y6s, it's Ratio next and for Y5s it is Multiplication and Division.
Our investigation into Bhangra dance is coming on with us creating sequences using a range of motifs and travel steps. Tennis is also on the PE timetable for this half term with Mrs Hillman. We have learnt about bridge construction beam styles in DT and tested out our beams for strength using a range of weights and measures. In Science, we have located the reproductive features of a plant and will move our learning on next week to look at asexual plant reproduction.
Congratulations to Verity and Ashton for being our People of the Week, recognised for displaying our school values and to Dom and Elsie for achieving their next badge in their 99 Club.
Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday.
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Hodge.
It's been a very productive first week back for Chaipel Class. We began with immersing ourselves with our new enquiry, "What Natural Resources Do I Depend On?" We have completed a pre-knowledge Kahoot quiz and thought about what we wanted to find out, over the next few weeks. We will be investigating the UK's natural resources, the use of fossil fuels and how bridges are constructed in order to transport goods from place to place.
We have begun to write up our formal, persuasive letter to The Warden at Camp Green Lake and will continue to write, edit and best copy create next week.
We have been adding and subracting mixed numbers over the last few days and are finally making headway! We will wrap up this section of Fractions on Monday and then move onto Multiplication and Division (Y5) and Ratio (Y6).
We have begun to learn Bhangra-style dance in PE this week. It is a fun, uplifting style which is used a lot in celebrations across different faiths and communities. In Geography, we have been investigating the regions of England and then locating the seas, channels and oceans which surround us. We will move onto finding out about the physical and human features of the UK before identifying our country's natural and man-made resources.
We ended the week by writing down everything that we have learned in our previous enquiry, 'HOW DOES OUR BODY WORK?' It's amazing what new knowledge we have in such a short period of time! Joel was completely absorbed in his work!
Congratulations to JOEL and SIENNA for being our PEOPLE OF THE WEEK, demonstrating our School Values and to MAX S for being 6 questions away from achieving his PLATINUM badge in 99 Club: keep on going, Max!
That's all from me so have a lovely weekend!
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Mrs Hodge and Miss Colton.
What a lovely last week of term we have had! Christmas Art Day was a huge success and the school came together to create their own crowns, decorations, cards and bags/tags. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves!
We have completed our Expressive Art investigation into 'Making our voice heard through expressive art', combining street art and Mayan symbolism with chiaroscuro and the results are amazing. They have been put up in the Library/Entrance Hall so that everyone visiting the school can enjoy seeing our work.
Chaipel finished the week with a Christmas party on Friday morning. We really are an amazing class and have produced some incredible work to be proud of this term. The celebration was well deserved!
All that is left for me to say is MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!
See you all back on Tuesday 7th January!
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Mrs Hodge and Miss Colton.
We have had another busy week in Chaipel Class.
Our Circulatory System explanation texts are now complete and everybody has done a fabulous job. I will be reading them over the weekend and can't wait! Verity and Max B worked with a couple of Year 3 children on their best copy writing, showing them how to present their work as a double-page spread. The results are amazing and the children can't wait to come back and work with the Y6s again.
Fractions: comparing, ordering and converting - you name it, we have done it this week!
We have been investigating the ageing process and gestation stages of human life in Science. Most of the afternoons have been spent practising for our play which we performed, three times, on Thursday. Everyone was absolutely amazing and the parents and carers said it was the best they had ever seen!
CONGRATULATIONS to our People of the Week, Verity and Max S for showing our School Values and being super role models for their peers.
Christmas Art Day is on Tuesday, Christmas lunch on Wednesday and our Christmas party on Friday morning!
Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Mrs Hodge and Miss Colton.
What a fun-filled, action-packed week we have had in Chaipel. Many of our Y6s have been doing their Level 2 Bike Ability and have braved some challenging weather to learn about road safety/awareness when riding. They all did extremely well and enjoyed themselves thoroughly.
Our Christmas play is in full swing and we are now script free! Thursday is our big performance day, one at 2pm and then a final perfomance at 6pm.
We are writing up our explanation text, following on from editing and improving our draft version. We have chosen to produce a double-page spread and it is looking really good so far. I look forward, very much, to reading them.
Fractions, fractions and more fractions. We have been finding equivalents, simplifying and plotting and interpretting number lines this week.
Practising our play has taken priority, this week, but we have been learing about how to keep healthy (in Science) as part of our investigation into the Circulatory System.
Our Y5s and Y6s worked really hard to produce and run the Christmas games at the fayre. We raised a lot of well-needed money for the school and had a lot of fun along the way. Thank you, parents and carers, for allowing them to help out and supporting the school.
That's all from me, so have a lovely weekend, albeit a windy one, and see you all on Monday!
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Mrs Hodge and Miss Colton.
Another week has gone by and so much has happened.
We are fully into our rehearsals for the Christmas play - it's going to be epic! Everyone has their lines and are getting into their roles, with the stage going up next week.
We are writing up our draft version of The Circulatory System explanation text and I'm rather impressed. Everyone is applying the grammar they have being learning and it makes for quite a read. Next week, we will be editing and improving and then producing our best copies.
We are in full swing with our Fractions, already beginning to feel confident with equivalences and simplifiying.
In Art, we have been learning about the Italian technique, Chiaroscuro: the art of 3D light and dark. We have produced some work to be proud of! In DT we have been adapting a recipe to our own tastes and we have been writing about what we have learnt about the Romans, following on from our school trip!
Our trip to Truro was a huge success! We toured around the cathedral, saw the mineral exhibition at the museum before our workshop on ancient Rome. Our challenge was to create an oil lamp and the finished products were, "The most imaginative that the lady had ever seen." Can you spot the BFG?
Congratulations to our 99 Clubbers Elsie (88) and Hamish (Bronze) as well as our People of the Week, Elsie, Verity and Joel for displaying our School Values.
Remember the Christmas Fayre is on next Friday from 2pm and the Polperro Light Switch On is tomorrow (4:15pm at the Chapel).
Hope to see everyone there!
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Miss Hodge and Miss Colton.
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