Class Blog for Landaviddy

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Friday 12th July 2024 

What was Farming in Cornwall like in the Past?

What a whirlwind of a week Landaviddy class have had! 

To continue our enquiry question 'What's On Our Doorstep?' during our Wider Curriculum lesson this week, we discovered what Farming was like in Cornwall in the past but examining photographic evidence. We compared photographs and began to develop our oracy skills through discussion.

In Art, we sketched repeated patterns we observed around us and then cut out a motif to be used as a stamp for a repeated, rotated print. We learnt about how our muscles contract and relax in Science. Can you recall what the muscles in your arms are called? What happens to them when you bend your arm?

We also got in the pool this week on a sunny Thursday afternoon, despite the rain for most of the week! We worked on our breath work and enjoyed playing water tag.

In Maths, Year 2 have been exploring telling the time to o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. Year 3 have been measuring in m, cm and mm.

English *BREAKING NEWS* - We received a letter from 'Peter Pluto' this week, detailing that aliens are planning to destroy Cornwall's natural environment, to make way for the galaxy's first ever milky-way supermarket! We couldn't believe it! So next week, we will be planning and writing persuasive letters to try and change their minds!

Congratulations to Emma and Flora for being chosen as Landaviddy's People of the Week. And a big well done to Reuben for his 55 club and Anya for her 66 club!

Reminder - On Monday 15th July is a mufti day, where we will be asking for donations of an item matching your child's house team colour to create hampers for raffles prizes. Children can wear their own clothes and this could include wearing their house colour. 

We hope you have a super weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week!

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Bowden


Friday 5th July 2024 

Do People with Longer Femurs Jump Further?

What a great week we have had! 

As part of our enquiry 'What's On Our Doorstep?' we enjoyed exploring topography maps in Geography, locating different elevations across the UK. In Science, we conducted an experiment to find out whether people with long femurs jump the furthest. We had a mixture of results, but most of use agreed that longer femurs did mean further jumps! In Computing, we learnt more about how PowerPoint works and had a tinker within the app. Hopefully, we will be able to develop our word processing skills next week, by typing up our English stories.

In Art, we have continued to discover what we can do with printing. We used a range of found objects to print with, such as potatoes, buttons and cotton reels, and began to create rotated patterns. Music this week was fantastic! Mrs Butlin worked with the class on a story, where we used the keyboards to provide sound effects for key parts of the story. Everyone did a brilliant job at locating the sounds and playing this in time with the key parts of the story. 

In English this week, we have been working tirelessly on our own Polperro legends. We have written these using our own mythical creatures and enjoyed describing their secret lairs. Next week, we will finish off our legends and begin some non-fiction writing. 

Both Year 2 and 3 have had a whistle stop tour of money this week. Year 2 have been recognising coins, making amounts and comparing money, whilst Year 3 have been converting coins, adding and subtracting money. Next week, we will finish off this unit, with Year 2 exploring Time and Year 3 consolidating their knowledge on Length and Perimeter. 

Congratulations to Zac and Harley for being Landaviddy's People of the Week! 

Polite Reminder - Please can you ensure you child brings in their colour banded reading book into school each day. Thank you.

We hope you have a restful weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week.

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Bowden


Friday 28th June 2024 

Landaviddy have been very enthusiastic this week! We got into the swimming pool on Monday, which was fantastic! On Tuesday, we celebrated Sport's Day with the whole school. Everyone showed brilliant sportsmanship and determination in each of their races. Well done everyone for an excellent morning!

In Science this week, we planned an investigation to find out whether people with longer legs jump further. What do you think? As Geographers this week, we used a map to follow a route around the boundaries of the school. We had a fabulous time marking where we were going and using our maps to spot the features around us. We then sketched our own maps of the school and used a key of symbols. We also started a new unit in Art, where we will be looking at Printing. We began by using crayons to rub against different textures we could find outside. Next week, we will use these to create some repeated patterns. 

In Maths, we have been finishing off our work on Statistics. Year 2 had a go at applying their knowledge of block diagrams and pictograms, by drawing their own from data they collected on their classmates favourite fruits. Year 3 have been looking at the ways we can interpret data and explored two-way tables. 

In English, we have been busy designing our own mythical creatures, ready for a Polperro Legend, which we will be writing next week! We also created story maps by adapting 'The Cobbler and the Dragon' with our own ideas. 

Congratulations to Reuben and Jamie for being chosen as Landaviddy's People of the Week! And a big well done to Zac for achieving his 88 club this week! 

We hope you enjoy a lovely weekend! 

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Bowden


Friday 21st June 2024 

Festival Fun and Olympic's Day!

It has been a fun-packed week in Landaviddy!

On Tuesday, we performed at the Polperro Festival School's Day. We had so much fun and enjoyed sharing with you the songs we had been rehearsing. Everyone had been working so hard and we were so proud of the part everyone played. It was a true whole class effort. Well done Landaviddy! 

The fun continued on Thursday, when we celebrated an Olympic's day by participating in a variety of different sports. Everyone tried their hand at fencing, javelin throwing, standing long jump and archery. In the afternoon, we split into coloured teams and enjoyed competing for the podium. Overall, it was a fantastic day and everyone demonstrated super sportsmanship and enthusiasm! Well done! 

In Maths this week, we have been learning about Statistics; how we can present and interpret date in different ways. Year 2 have been looking closely at tally charts, block diagrams and pictograms. Year 3 have been interpreting information from tables and presenting data by drawing bar charts.

English this week has focussed on rehearsing our story map for 'The Cobbler and the Dragon'. Can you remember any of the actions and the story? We will continue to practise this next week and begin designing our own characters for a legend set in Polperro!

Congratulations to Lowen for being Landaviddy's Person of the Week and a big well done to Reuben for his 44 and Emma for her 77 club badge! 

Sports Day - On Tuesday, it's sports day. Please can you make sure you have sun cream, a sun hat and a water bottle, as currently the weather forecast is predicting a hot day! 

We hope you have a super weekend!

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Bowden


Friday 14th June 2024 

It's been another busy week, with performance practise and prop making well underway!

We launched our new enquiry 'What's On Our Doorstep?', thinking carefully about what we would like to learn this half term. In Geography, we revised compass directions and has a go at using 4 figure grid references. We've been spending time rehearsing for our 'rocking' Polperro Festival performance which is on Tuesday! We can't wait! Please continue to practise the songs and your speaking part! Links to the songs can be found in the previous blog post.

We have come to the end of Fractions in Maths. Year 2 have been working hard finding three-quarters of a set of objects and Year 3 have been applying pictorial strategies to find the non-unit fraction of an amount. We are ready to move on to the world of Statistics next!

English this week has involved lots of Polperro Festival rehearsal along with continuing to explore legends. We made predictions about the Polish legend we will be learning, 'The Cobbler and the Dragon' and today wrote descriptions of a dragon's lair using our senses.

Polite Reminder: Please can you ensure you are bringing your colour banded reading book in with you to school everyday. 

Congratulations to Summer and Anya for being Landaviddy's People of the Week.

We hope you have a great weekend and see you on Monday.

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Bowden


Thursday 6th June 2024 

Welcome Back!

Our first week back, and it has been a busy one! 

We have enjoyed rounding off our previous enquiry 'Could You Be An Explorer?', by participating in a class Kahoot quiz and recalling as many things as we could and placing these in envelopes. We have been working hard on our Polperro Festival performance too. We can't wait to show you! 

In Maths, Year 2 have continued our work on Fractions, learning the difference between unit and non-unit fractions and recognising the equivalence between one half and two quarters. Year 3 have been looking at how fractions make a whole and finding a fraction of a set of objects. 

In English, we revised nouns, adjectives and adverbs. Can you recall what each of these are? We had a go at writing 2A and Double 'ly' Ending sentence types this week, thinking carefully about our choice of vocabulary. This half term, we will be looking at legends and we started by reading the legend of King Arthur. Next week, we will be creating a picture dictionary of all the Arthurian language we come across in the story.

Congratulations to Charlie and Zach for being Landaviddy's People of the Week. And a big well done to Summer and Oliver for achieving their 55 club this week. 

Polperro Festival
We are working hard on our class performance for the festival. We have two songs that we have been rehearsing. Please find the links to these below. Any practise you can do would be amazing! 

Stone Age Song 
Walking on Lava

We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you next week!

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Bowden


Thursday 23rd May 2024 

Happy Half Term!

Just like that we have come to the end of Summer 1, and what a week we have had!

Year 2 have been busy completing their Y2 SATs papers this week. I have been very impressed with their focus and dedication - well done! 

During our Wider Curriculum sessions this week, we enjoyed Art where we learnt about our final European artist of the half term, Salvador Dali. Can you recall the names of the artists we have learnt about? We loved exploring his surrealist paintings and experimenting by mixing primary colours to create swatches in our sketchbooks.

On Tuesday, we held the NSPCC assemblies, which all the children enjoyed. We know how to keep ourselves safe and to speak out to the safe adults in our lives.

We managed to get into the swimming pool for the first time this year, which was fantastic. We played a hot potato game and enjoyed our time in the water.

In English, we concluded our Biographies and began writing our own EXPLORERS acrostic poems. We collected a range of vocabulary and composed our poems using similes and alliteration. 

In Maths, Year 3 have been working on recognising equivalent fractions on scales and number lines. Year 2 have been recognising and finding a third of shapes and numbers. We have also been accessing Mathletics to assess our understanding of Fractions.

Congratulations to Lowen for being chosen as Landaviddy's Person of the Week, and a big well done to the whole of Landaviddy Class who were recognised for their excellence this week. 

Please continue to read your coloured book during the half term and practising your KIRFS. I have also uploaded spelling activities for you to access on TwinklGo over half term with the codes for Year 2 (DM1203) and Year 3 (YJ4019). 

Reminder - Class photos are on the day we return to school, Monday 3rd June.

We hope you have a lovely half term and enjoy a well deserved rest!

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Cullingford


Friday 17th May 2024 

Another busy week for Landaviddy Class! 

We have been keen Scientist's this week, designing and conducting an experiment to discover whether all magnets are the same strength. We couldn't believe how many paper clips were attracted to each magnet! In History, we started to created fact file posters about Sir Francis Drake, following our visit to the National Maritime Museum last week. On Thursday, we had a wonderful whole school Music session run by Mrs Butlin. We can't wait to share with you the songs we have been learning at the Polperro Festival in June. In Art, we explored the work of Coco Chanel and produced our own collaged hats, using images of Coco Chanel's fashion designs. In PE, we worked in groups to recreate different maps using various equipment, which was lots of fun!

We have been focussing hard this week on writing up our final neat copies of our biographies. All the children have done such a brilliant job, and we are blown away by their hard work and writing. Well done everyone!

In Maths, Year 2 have been looking at recognising and findings halves and quarters. Year 3 have been identifying fractions on a number line, which had been a challenge. However, everyone was determined to try their best. 

Remember, please make sure you are reading your coloured book at home and bringing it in to school everyday with your reading record. Year 2 also have their phonics minibooks, relating to the phoneme/grapheme we are focussing on for that week.

We hope you have a lovely weekend full of sunshine, and look forward to seeing you on Monday. 

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Cullingford


Friday 10th May 2024 

The National Maritime Museum

Landaviddy have had a spectacular week! 

As part of our enquiry 'Could You Be An Explorer?' myself, Mrs Clary, Mrs Hillman, Mrs Hood and Landaviddy class visited the National Maritime Museum in Falmouth. 

First, we learnt about Elizabeth I and Sir Francis Drake's exploration across the world. We plotted the continents on a world map and discovered what treasures could be found around the world during the 16th Century. Next, we imagined which items we would take from a sunken Spanish galleon as Sir Francis Drake. We had to think carefully about what we would want and why. Finally, we made our own ships and raced these across the boat pool, which was amazing!

In the afternoon, we explored the pirate exhibition where we saw some famous pirate outfits, canons and even pistols. We discovered the lookout tower and loved admiring the view across Falmouth. We had a brilliant day as a class!

'I loved seeing the fish through the magnifying glasses.' - Charlie
'I enjoyed the pirate part with the screen. We got to imagine we were real pirates!' - Amber
'I liked seeing the pirates guns and pistols.' – Jamie
‘The best part was racing our boats across the pool. It was so much fun!’ - Callum

Check out the photos from our trip below! 

In Maths, we have continued exploring fractions by understanding what the numerator and denominator shows, as well as being able to recognise equal and unequal parts of shapes.

In English, we have been focussing on writing up our biographies about famous campaigner of our choice; Malala Yousafzai, Greta Thunberg, David Attenborough or Marcus Rashford. I look forward to reading your finished copies next week!

Congratulations to Amber and Zac for being Landaviddy's People of the Week. 

We hope you enjoy the sunshine!

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Cullingford

 Image Gallery



Friday 3rd May 2024 

Landaviddy have had another brilliant week. 

In Geography, we identified human features in the UK and discussed the human features we have in our area. Can you recall what a human feature is? In History, we plotted on a map where many famous explorers have explored across the world. During our Art lesson this week, we learnt about the architect Le Corbusier and created our own shape houses. Everyone did such a fantastic job too describing their likes and dislikes. Our Music session with Mrs Butlin this week, was fantastic. We got to explore the keyboards, which we loved! We can't wait until our next lesson.

In English, we have started writing up our biographies about our chosen campaigner. We will continue to write these up next week.

In Maths, Year 2 and 3 finished their unit on Shape and have now started new learning on Fractions. Year 2 have started by looking at parts and wholes. Year 3 have been learning about unit and non-unit fractions and how we can find the numerator and denominator when looking at pictorials. 

Reminder: Next week on Thursday 9th May is our class trip to the National Maritime Museum. Please ensure you have returned your permission slip and paid the contribution on ParentPay as soon as possible.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you back in school on Tuesday 7th May.

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Miss Cullingford


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