Posted 20/10/2024
by Anthea Hillman
Well done to our amazing cross-country runners who entered the first cross-country league race of the year with enthusiasm and energy. In spite of the mud and rain they all completed the course admirably. A great start to the season.
Foodbank Assembly and Cookery Demonstration
On Tuesday 22nd October, the Foodbank Schools and Rural Outreach Team will be joining us for an
assembly where the children will learn about all of the things they do in the community. At the
assembly, the children will present our harvest donations collected this month.
At 3:15, following the assembly, parents and carers are encouraged to come and join their children
in the hall where a cookery demonstration will take place. Any family that attends after school will
receive a bag of ingredients and a recipe card to take home. This project is separately funded and is
all about encouraging families to cook. It is open to everyone. If your child is at dance club, please
come and join us anyway.
Please email school by Monday to us to let us know if you would
like to attend the cookery demonstration. It would be great to see as many of you as possible there.
Parent Consultations
Please sign up for parent consultations which are happening week commencing 4th November. Details have been emailed and are attached to this blog.
There will be no clubs the week of the 4th November because of parent consultations ; however wraparound care will continue as usual.
Clubs will resume from Monday 11th November as follows:
• Monday: After School Football Club (Mr Langley) for years 3, 4, 5 and 6
• Tuesday: Lunchtime ECO Club (Miss Randle) for years 3 to 6, some places by invitation
• Wednesday: Lunchtime Mindfulness and Art Club (Mrs Wilkie) for years 2 to 6
• Thursday: Lunchtime Music and Singing Club (Mrs Fitzsimmons) for years R, 1 and 2
• Thursday: After School Running Club (Mr Langley and Mrs Turnbull) for years 3-6. This club
is open to anyone who likes running however it will not run when the Cross-Country League
races are on. Pupils do not have to race in these events.
Please inform us by email or phone call, which clubs you wish your child to attend by Thursday 24th
As usual, if your child has signed up for a club they should attend every session in the half term
unless they are unwell.
Individual Photographs will take place on Wednesday 23rd October. We will arrange for siblings to be
photographed together including those in our nursery.
Spooky Discos
Tickets for next Thursday’s discos are selling quickly. Don’t forget to buy yours from the office!
INSET and Diary Dates
Reminder that next Friday is an INSET day and pupils will not be in school. There is an Events Diary on this website where you
can find upcoming events and dates such as the year’s INSET dates, sports day and other events.
Have a great weekend
Mrs Hillman
Posted 18/10/2024
by Alice Wilkie
Another week has gone by in Landaviddy class. And what a week it has been!
On Wednesday, we learnt about the famous author and olympian, Ibtihaj Muhammad, in celebration of Black History month. We created some fantastic posters, ready for our annual Black History assembly, where we will share our posters with the school. In Art, we continued practising our sketching and shading skills. We began by creating botanical drawings from our observations of plants and flowers we found outside. Then, using viewfinders, sketched varying parts of flowers to create a plan for a piece of abstract art.
In Maths, we have continued exploring addition and subtraction. Year 2 have been using concrete objects to support their understanding of exchanging, when crossing 10s. Year 3 have been focussing on using the column method with accuracy this week, taking great care with our presentation.
In English, we finished off our plans for writing non-chronological reports on owls. We spent today's lesson writing our first drafts, which required a lot of determination! I can't wait to see your final reports next week!
Congratulations to Amber and Hector for being Landaviddy's People of the Week! And a big well done to Rosie for achieving her 99 club!
We hope you have a super weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday for our last week before half term!
Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton
Posted 18/10/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons
Hello Everyone,
We have had a wonderful week of writing this week. Reception have been busy writing captions and acting out the story of the little red hen, while Year 1 have started to learn all about the features of instruction writing. They have also completed their own poems, based on the Allan Ahlberg poem; 'Peepo'. Thank you to Hugh, who brought in his own copy of the book from home, and read it to the whole class.
In our RE lessons this week, we have been learning all about how to look after our world. We went into the school garden to make sure that all of our plants are well cared for. We also read stories, with a conservation theme, and discussed examples of how we can care for our environment.
Year 1 have really enjoyed using the ipads in maths today, to increase their fluency in addition and subtraction. Meanwhile, Reception had a great time getting active with their maths in the hall. They were learning about the composition of 1,2,3,4 and 5, by throwing bean bags into hoops, and zooming around on wheels to make different numbers to 5.
Have a lovely weekend!
From the Penhallow team.
Posted 18/10/2024
by Emily Randle
Another week has flown by and we have been writing up our narrative in English. We will continue next week as our stories are reaching their resolution. In Maths, the Y6s are investigating long multiplication and short division whilst the Y5s have been learning to apply the inverse operation to check their calculations.
Wider Curriculum
Chaipel have been learing about the significance of Roman Baths for leisure as well as for health and relaxation. We have learnt how to use Binary texts in ICT and about the importance of the Hajj pilgrimage to Muslims in RE. In Art, we have planned our final piece which we will create next week.
Roman Day
A letter went home today (and via email) regarding our Roman Day on Thursday. Please take time to read the letter and let Miss Randle know if you have any allergies to the food that is listed. We will be taking part in Gladiator battles, feasting on tradional Roman food, making jewellery and then re-enacting the eruption of Mount Vesuvius thanks to Lily's volcano she has brought in as part of her homework activity grid.
Spooky Disco
Don't forget the disco on Thursday!
Tickets are on sale at reception.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Colton
Posted 14/10/2024
by Julie Peat
This week in nursery we have continued to explore autumn. The children have been making handprint leaves and have been using broccoli to create the leaves on the trees.
We have been looking at pumpkins and the children have made some still life paintings of what they could see, they created some great pictures!
We have been using our fine motor skills to manipulate clay in order to create a dormouse which the children have been taking home.
At story time we have enjoyed the stories of "Owl Babies" and "Shh Quiet!"
In phonics the children have been joining in with songs and rhymes, exploring the movements that our mouths make when we create different sounds and they have been identifying intial sounds during a game of "silly soup".
In maths we have been finding numbers in everyday life. The children have been finding and counting objects that they collected in the school garden and using the outside abacus to count with.
Thank you to everyone that donated to our Bags2school collection this week, we await confirmation of how much we raised.
Next Wednesday it is individual photos, could children please be in nursery promptly at 8.45am.
Have a lovely weekend
The nursery team.
Posted 13/10/2024
by Emily Randle
We have had another fabulous week of learning in Chaipel.
We have been learning about the use of active and passive voice as well as how to accurately punctuate dialogue: all of which we can apply to our Pompeii time slip story. We finished the week by planning our narrative, ready for us to begin writing on Monday.
The Y5s have been learning how to estimate and round to check calculations - a very important skill to have, whilst Y6s have been tackling multiplying 4-digit by 2-digit numbers. We have applied our knowledge to ICT where we have been adding up using the Binary number system.
We have been very productive. In Art, we have been creating abstract perspective landscapes, for PE we have been developing our tactical skills in Tag Rugby and Geography has taught us about how volcanoes are formed, where the Ring of Fire is and what causes eruptions. Following our learning about the Roman invasion on Britannia, we have investigated what the Romans brought to us and how significant it is to today. We explored the types of houses for the wealthy and the poor and how they differed depending on where you lived. What did the Romans bring to Britain? Roads, aquaducts, sewage systems, the list goes on!
CONGRATULATIONS to Elsie who achieved her 66 Club.
Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Colton.
Posted 13/10/2024
by Anthea Hillman
Thank you for sending your children in on World Mental Health Day on Thursday wearing yellow. In
assembly, we discussed the importance of looking after our mental health and that asking for help
from an adult that they trust is always ok if they are feeling overwhelmed or sad. We raised £80 for
Young Minds, a mental health charity for children, young people and their parents.
S.P.A.C.E (Supporting Parents and Children Emotionally)
Due to the popularity of the S.P.A.C.E course run by the NHS mental health in schools team, there
are now three available sessions that parents can sign up to.
Please see links below to sign up:
Monday 4th November at 10.00am -
Monday 4th November at 6.00pm -
Monday 4th November at 8.00pm -
Online Safety
Throughout the school year we will be working with the children to help them develop the life skills
and knowledge they need to use the online world safely and with confidence.
The following websites also provide helpful information about staying safe online: how to let your child make the most of the internet while
remaining safe. Childnet International is a non-profit organisation working with others
to help make the internet a great and safe place for children. If you are worried about online abuse or the way
someone has been communicating online let CEOP know.
If you have any questions about how to support your child in staying safe online, please don’t
hesitate to contact school.
Parent Consultations – diary date
Parent consultations will take place the first week after half term, the week beginning 4th November.
Further information to follow next week.
Harvest Assembly and Donations
Reverend Allen came in on Tuesday for our harvest assembly where he talked about the importance
of sharing what we have. Thank you for your donations for the foodbank in Liskeard so far. We are
continuing to collect donations until half term. If you would like to donate, please send your
donation in with your child or bring it to reception where there is a collection box. There is also a
collection point in the nursery.
Spooky Discos
Reminder that we will be holding Spooky school discos on Thursday 24th October, the last day of this
half term. Tickets are on sale in the office and cost £3. The disco for Reception, Year 1 and year 2
will be from 3:15-4:15pm. Pupils should bring a change of clothes and will be able to change after
school. KS2 (years 3-6) children should go home at the usual time of 3:15pm and then return to
school for their disco which will be from 4:30-6:00pm.
Have a good weekend.
Mrs Hillman
Posted 11/10/2024
by Alice Wilkie
We have thoroughly enjoyed PE this week! On Tuesday, we continued developing our Yoga skills with Mrs Phillips. Just look at how flexible we are! On Wednesday, Mr Langley joined us for our PE, and we had a fantastic session practising being attackers and defenders.
We continued our enquiry this week, 'what makes the world go around?' in Geography, by learning the water cycle. We sketched our own diagrams and were able to recall the key vocabulary. Can you remember how the water cycle works? In Art, we used our texture rubbings to create a frottage of a flower. We had to carefully tear our paper to create the shapes we wanted for our flowers.
In English, we finished writing up our character descriptions of Plop and began our non-fiction unit, where we will be writing non-chronological reports on owls. We have already identified features using WAGOLL's and started planning for writing, by recording facts about owls for our reports.
Year 2 have been working hard on addition this week, using their number bond knowledge to support their learning, use number lines to add by making 10 and adopting strategies to add three numbers together. Year 3 have been adding and subtracting 1s, 10s and 100s across and making connections with their understanding of addition and subtraction to answer questions.
On Thursday, we wore Yellow in support of World Mental Health Day! We spoke about who we could speak to if we were worried about our mental health and spent time doodling things that make us happy.
Congratulations to Emma for being chosen as Landaviddy's Person of the Week! And a big well done to Lowen J for achieving his 33 club badge!
Enjoy a lovely weekend, and we will see you refreshed on Monday!
Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton
Posted 11/10/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons
Hello Everyone!
We enjoyed a lovely end to the week today, when the children sat outside in the sunshine, eating some freshly-made bread that they had just baked.
The Reception children have used 'The Little Red Hen' story to inspire their English lessons this week, and they finished, by following instructions to make bread, just like the little Red Hen did.
It has been lovely to see the children continuing to enjoy their library books and choosing to read during their choosing time. We keep discovering children quietly reading in all sorts of places, such as self-made dens, or reading in tents with torches.
Year 1 have surprised themselves with how talented they are at sketching. They began by experimenting with sketching pencils, drawing different lines, as well as blending and hatching. They finished the lesson by sketching their own faces. The results were impressive. Well done everyone!
Reception have really been making progress with their phonics over the last few weeks. Not only are they remembering the sounds that they have been learning, but they are also beginning to blend and read words independently. Please keep practicing reading your Twinkl phonics books and your own reading books at home everyone. New phonics reading books are sent home every week, so please look out for them in your child's reading folder.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
From the Penhallow team
Posted 11/10/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley
The eggs-perts have been in along with the results and it's safe to say we should all brush our teeth twice a day AND avoid drinking too many sugary drinks. Water wins the day!
Both year groups have continued with subtraction and addition - now would be a great time to quiz them on what they have learnt so far - why not ask them to solve some addition problems?
We have just started looking writing a narrative. We've been pulling apart some of the features this week to help us understand what a great piece of narrative writing requires.
This, as always, was great fun! Talland were exploring different techniques and textures to apply to a page in order to create some amazing ideas for our mixed media piece we will soon create!
A huge well done to all of the children who were noticed this week for being responsible and BRILLIANT (Chilali, Thomas and Lily)!
That all from us - we hope you all have a fabulous weekend!
Signing off rom Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.
Posted 08/10/2024
by Julie Peat
This week we are answering our new enquiry question which is "How do i know it is autumn?"
The children have explored our autumn themed tuft tray, looking at different objects and exploring the different properties of them.
There has been some great arts and craft happening including handprint hedgehogs and leaf printing with the paint.
On Thursday we did some cooking and the children enjoyed making some apple crumble and today (Friday) we have been in the school garden and on the field collecting sticks for an art project next week. The children explored with interest and were keen to see what was growing in the greenhouse.
At story time we have been enjoying a selection of stories including "The leaf thief" and "In the woods".
In phonics this week we have been exploring loud and quiet sounds, copying sequences of actions e.g. clap, stamp, clap, stamp and we have been trying to recognise sounds that have the same initial sounds.
In maths, the children have been enjoying our new abacas outside and have been practicing counting all of the different coloured balls on it as well as drawing and practicing writing numbers and mark making on the chalk boards.
Bags2school- We are collecting any good condition clothes, shoes, bags and belts for Bags2school. If you have any items then please bag them up and bring them to nursery before 9am on Wednesday16th October.
See you next week
Julie, Sarah and Jade
Posted 04/10/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons
Hello Everyone,
What a lovely afternoon we have had this afternoon, learning all about the rowing challenge of oars of thunder. Thank you so much to the crew, who allowed all of the children to step onto the boat to see the equipment that the crew will be using. In school we enjoyed drawing pictures and writing letters to the crew, to thank and encourage them. We looked at some online maps to find out more about the route that the crew will take. As you can see, some of our children decided to reenact the experience of rowing.
During our science lessons this week, Penhallow have been learning about the human body, as well as different categories of living creatures. We learnt about the features of mammals, and how different animals can be grouped into categories.
In maths, Year 1 have been learning about making 10 in different ways. We have used different apparatus and different ways to record number sentences.
In English this week, we have been learning and innovating the story of ‘Orion and the Dark’. We ended with drawing our own story maps and using them to retell our own stories verbally.
This week, the children have chosen their own library books and have taken them home. We will have a regular weekly session every Tuesday, when children can change library books. Please can you make sure that library books are in school every Tuesday.
Have a lovely weekend,
From the Penhallow team.
Posted 04/10/2024
by Alice Wilkie
Landaviddy class have had a fantastic week! We continued our Enquiry, 'What Makes the World Go Around?' by exploring the features of rivers in Geography and investigating what happens to our pulse when we exercise, in Science. We have also been working extremely hard on our handwriting this week!
Today, we were amazed by the Oars of Thunder crew, who will be undertaking a journey across the Atlantic in the next few months...and we were lucky enough to see what they will be travelling in. We had so many questions!
During English, we have been concluding our character descriptions of Plop form the story 'The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark'. I have been so impressed with the stamina of the children's writing this week. We have had to use our growth mindsets to stay motivated. Next week, we will finish off our descriptions and then begin our non-fiction unit for this half term.
In Maths, we have concluded our Place Value unit and started working hard on developing our Addition and Subtraction knowledge. Year 2 have been using their number bonds to add and subtract within 20, find fact families and related facts. Year 3 have been busy adding and subtracting 100s, 10s and 1s.
All of the children have been to the Library this week and chosen a book for pleasure to read at home. This may be a book they read independently or decide to share with their adults at home. Please continue to ensure your child brings in their colour-banded reading book into school daily.
*Year 2 Minibooks will be sent out again next week, as we are working through our new sound 'gn' and will continue this next week.*
Reminder - Wear yellow for World Mental Health Day
Next Thursday is World Mental Health Day and our School Council is asking pupils to come to school in MUFTI and wear something yellow to raise vital funds for Young Minds, and show children and young people they’re not alone with their mental health. A donation of £1 or more to Young Minds will be collected in class
We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday!
Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton
Posted 04/10/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley
What an 'eggsellent' week we've had in Talland class this week (excuse the pun)! Here's a brief run down of it...
Both year 4 and 5 have completed their place value units and have moved swiftly on to addition and subtraction. It's always fun to get your child solving some addition and subtraction problems at home - especially when it comes to money - you can't have them short changing you now (joke)!
The children have written up their instructions for helping a minaturised monster travel through a digestive system. They have been great to read!
We have begun our experiment to see what happens to an egg when left in a particular liquid for a week. What do you think will happen? Why not ask your child why we used an egg to replicate a tooth...
We've continued to experiment with white (to tint) and black (to shade) paint. We tried painting a mug this week - First, the children draw the mug, then we added either black or white to the paint to show elements of where the light was shining on the cup and where is was most shaded. Talland did a fantastic job!
A massive thank you to the Oars of Thunder crew for bringing their rowing boat in to show and talk to the children about. The vessel will be rowed around the Atlantic - what an amazing achievement that will be once they have conquered it! We wish you all the best on your journey!
Attached are the spellings for both year groups next week.
We hope you have a spectacular weekend and we can't wait for Monday!
Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss Colton.
Posted 04/10/2024
by Anthea Hillman
Another busy week at Polperro School has seen a visit from George Orwell’s son, Richard Blair, to
discuss an exciting upcoming project involving writing, art and nature. The project will start next half
term and will culminate in the children presenting their art and writing as part of the annual
conference of Orwell Society which is taking place in Polperro in October 2025.
The World's Toughest Row
We had an amazing visit today from the crew of Oars of Thunder, who spoke to the children about
the World’s Toughest Row by Atlantic Campaigns which brings together teams from all walks of life
to take on the unique challenge of crossing an ocean in a rowing boat. The team of four will be
rowing more than 3000 Miles west from San Sebastian in La Gomera, Canary Islands, Spain to
Nelson’s Dockyard, English Harbour, Antigua & Barbuda . The race begins in early December 2024,
with up to 30 teams participating from around the world. Our pupils will be following the team’s
progress during the race with interest.
The team (Sally, Kim, Nat and Harry) brought the boat, Oars of Thunder, onto the school field and all
of our pupils were lucky enough to go onboard and have a look round.
Wear yellow for World Mental Health Day
Next Thursday is World Mental Health Day and our School Council is asking pupils to come to school
in MUFTI and wear something yellow to raise vital funds for Young Minds,
and show children and young people they’re not alone with their mental health. A donation of £1
or more to Young Minds will be collected in class.
Harvest Assembly and Donations
We will be holding a harvest assembly for the children in school on Tuesday 8th October with
Reverend Allen.
We are collecting donations for the foodbank in Liskeard. If you would like to donate, please send
your donation in with your child or bring it to reception where there will be a collection box. There
will also be a collection point in the nursery. We will be taking donations to the foodbank at half
School Open Morning
Do you know anyone looking for a school for their Reception age child in September 2025? If so,
please pass them the attached information regarding our open morning on 13th November, 9:30 –
Spooky Discos
we will be holding Spooky school discos on Thursday 24th October, the last day of this half term.
Tickets are on sale in the office and cost £3. The disco for Reception, Year 1 and year 2 will be from
3:15-4:15pm. Pupils should bring a change of clothes and will be able to change after school. KS2
(years 3-6) children should go home at the usual time of 3:15pm and then return to school for their
disco which will be from 4:30-6:00pm. Please find attached a poster for this event and the FOPS
Quiz which will be held on Friday 15th November.
We Are Music (WAM)
Pupils from year 3 to year 6 are welcome to attend the WAM music ensemble, led by Mrs Butlin, at
Looe Community Academy (Music Department) on Monday’s 4pm-4:45pm term time. The first two
sessions are free then it is £3 per week. To book a place please email if your child
is interested.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Hillman
Posted 04/10/2024
by Emily Randle
Welcome to our new Year 6 bloggers: Verity, Joel and Ava.
It's another busy week in Chaipel. We have finished writing up our newspaper report best copies and they all look amazing! In Maths, the Y5s have finished place value and are now onto adding and subtracting, whilst the Y6s are learning the rules of divisibility.
Chaipel have enjoyed learning about what causes a tsunami in Geography and who Boudica was, and her influence over the Roman invasion of Britain. Did you know 'tsunami' means 'harbour wave' in Japanese? - VERITY
In ICT, we are learning about the Mars Rover and have been creating instructions for sending data from Mars back to Earth. Recently, we were lucky enough to have a visit from George Orwell's son who we will be working with on an exciting project in the Spring term. More information to follow...
We have been experimenting with tinting and shading in Art, and been looking at atmospheric landscapes. They look fab!
We've had another fabulous Funky Friday, listening to music and dancing our hearts out at lunchtime. - AVA
On Wednesday, our Readers of the Week were Lily and Phoebe, our Writers of the Week were Aria and Max B for their newspaper reports and our Mathematicians of the Week were Kora and Harrison. A big well done to those guys!
Today some amazing people came in to show us the boat that they will be sailing across the Atlantic in, later on this year. We learnt that two people would row whilst the other two would sleep or eat. We wish them lots of luck and hope to follow their adventure! - JOEL
Have a fab weekend!
Verity, Ava and Joel (Chaipel's Y6 Bloggers)
Posted 01/10/2024
by Julie Peat
"Goldilocks and the three bears is what we have been looking at this week at nursery. The children have enjoyed exploring the themed tuft tray, re-creating the story using the props available and exploring voice sounds such as a deep voice for daddy bear, a soft voice for mummy bear and a high squeaky voice for baby bear.
The children have been getting creative decorating bears, making paper plate bears and have made their own bear toast for snack!
In phonics we have been talking about pets and the children have been using instruments to match animal sounds, identifying the different sounds that animals make and using our bodies to explore and create different sounds.
In maths, we continue to practice KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) We have been finding numbers in everyday life and sorting objects and identifying how many.
Julie, Sarah and Jade
Posted 28/09/2024
by Emily Randle
We've had another busy week in Chaipel. Y6s have been finishing off Place Value and will be moving onto the four operations next week (addition/subtraction/multiplication/division) whilst the Y5s are tackling rounding, compairing and ordering numbers.
We have written and edited our draft newspaper report on the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD79, adapting our byline names to that of ancient Roman times, such as 'Veritius' , 'Elisius' and 'Maximus'. We will be writintg up our best copy, assessing our writing and creating our first writing target for this year.
In PE, we have been learing and sequencing a range of yoga positions and techniques, which we will develop over the next few weeks, and in Art, we are looking at atmospheric perspective, using tints and shading to create the illusion of distance.
For PSHE, we have looking at the rights of children and how this differs globally. We have been investigating the cocoa plantations in Ghana and how the lives of the children compare to those of our own. In Geography, we have been exploring earthquakes, how they are measured on the Richter Scale and where the tectonic plate faults are around the world.
A huge WOW goes to Joel, Ava, Max B and Harry for their creations of Mount Vesuivius as part of their homework grid activities. They look amazing and you can see that a lot of work has gone into these.
Congratulations to Dom for achieving another badge in his 99 Club and to Freddie and Lily for being Chaipel's People of the Week for demonstrating our school values.
Have a lovely weeked and see you all on Monday!
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Colton.
Posted 27/09/2024
by Alice Wilkie
During Wider Curriculum sessions this week, we loved refining our shading skills in Art. We practised our detail and shading grip, and recalled the four rules of shading. Can you remember the four rules? In Geography, we used atlases to identify the countries, capitals and seas of the United Kingdom. On Thursday, we conducted a Science experiment to explore how our feet may change as we get older. What pattern did you notice?
In English, we have been writing our character descriptions on Plop, from 'The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson. Next week, we will continue to work on our writing and get these finished.
We are coming to the end of our Place Value unit in Maths. Everyone has been working so hard and we are looking forward to moving on to addition and subtraction next week.
Year 2 - Minibooks haven't been sent home this week as we will finish off the previous week's spelling rule.
Congratulations to Ida and Oliver for being chosen as Landaviddy's People of the Week! And a big well done to Charlie-Ray and Nevaeh for achieving their 22 club this week.
We hope you have a brilliant weekend and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday!
Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton
Posted 27/09/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons
Hello Everyone,
It was lovely to meet those of you who came to our 'meet the teacher' meeting on Wednesday. Please don't hesitate to contact us at any time, via phone, email or in person after school if you have any questions or information that might help us to help your child with their learning.
This week, Year 1 have been busy learning about parts and wholes in mathematics. Well done to Ada, Evie, Casey, Hugh, Martha and Jack, who also received their 11 badge for the 99 club.
During their English lessons, Year 1 have written some fantastic stories, based on the story of 'Stanley's Stick.' We have already seen an improvement in their writing after only a few weeks.
Reception have been busy enjoying the story; 'Oi! Get off our Train' by John Burningham during their English lessons. They have loved joining in with repeating phrases from the story, and using the train set to construct and act out parts of the story.
In Geography, Year 1 went on a tour of the school, to help them to draw a plan of the school. They even managed to include a key. Well done Year 1.
We have all been learning about the story of creation in RE this week. We wondered and discussed how we thought the world was made, and then learnt about the bible's story of creation, which explains what Christians believe. We drew pictures and some children made a 'story wheel' which retold the bible story.
Have a lovely weekend!
From the Penhallow team.
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
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