Welcome back everyone. It has been nice to see all of the children return to nursery this week and we had some new children start with us so we have enjoyed welcoming them into the nursery. We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break.
We have come back this week to some very cold wintery weather which goes perfectly with our enquiry question "Why is it cold in winter?"
The children have been exploring our snowy themed road on the tuft tray and have made some lovely handprint calendars to take home.
They have made handprint birds in the snow and we have started creating lolly stick snowmen.
At story time, we have been enjoying the book "The Gruffalo's child" and in phonics we have been talking about hospitals. The children have been clapping to a beat, matching hospital sounds to different instruments and trying to match objects to there initial sounds.
On the maths table, we have been making comparisons and looking at more than, fewer than or the same. The children are been encouraged to mark make and have a go at forming numbers 1-3 or beyond.
Have a lovely weekend
The Nursery Team
We have had a busy week of finishing up all of the Christmas craft that we have been carrying out. Our Christmas door competition ended on Monday and we thank everyone for taking part, the doors all looked great.Mrs Hillman chose a winner, so well done to Eliza for her glittery Christmas door entry.
On Wednesday the children enjoyed Christmas dinner, we were feeling very festive with the Christmas music playing and the food was delicious!
Today (Friday) we have had our Christmas party. The children have enjoyed party games and a party lunch.
We look forward to the holidays now and we would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and we can't wait to see everyone in the new year.
The nursery team
Christmas is well under way here in nursery. The children have been super busy creating lots of lovely artwork and some lovely things to take home with them. They have been busy cutting, sticking and wrapping "presents" on the tuft tray ready to put under our Christmas tree and have been doing a super job of writing and forming recognisable letters to create name snowman.
At story time, we have enjoyed the books "Hurry Santa!" and "Through the North Pole snow".
In phonics we have tried to recreate sounds that we have heard with instruments and have been naming them. The children have been learning more about rhyming words and have been thinking of words that rhyme with pen, cat and dog.
In maths we have been exploring and building with shapes and the children have been completing inset puzzles.
Today (Friday) we have all been wearing our Christmas jumpers. Thank you for your kind donations for Save the Children.
This afternoon we had our nursery nativity. Thank you to everyone that came. The children all did such a great job and we were so proud of them.
We look forward to next week where we will enjoy Christmas dinner on Wednesday and our nursery party on Friday 12-1.15pm.
Just a reminder that Friday is our last day before the holidays and we finish at 1.30pm.
See you next week
The Nursery Team
This week we have gone all Christmassy! The tree is up and the sparkles are out!
The children had a great time decorating our nursey tree, making it all very pretty to go in our role play area. In the tuft tray, we have been decorating Christmas trees with lots of different materials which will go on our Christmas display.
In cooking on Thursday this week, the children helped to make mince pies that they could take home and share. They scooped, rolled and identified the shape they were using.
Our book corner this week is Santa themed and we are enjoying the story "Father Christmas needs a wee" and "Alien's love Panta Claus"
In phonics this week, we have been using musical instruments to create different sounds such as stomping giant footsteps. We have been identifying words that start with a "P" or a "B" sound and listening to sounds in our indoor and outdoor environment.
In maths, we are exploring shapes and how we can contruct and make arrangements with them. The children have been naming numbers that they see and ordering numbers on the math table.
Just a couple of reminders that next Friday is Christmas Jumper Day and also our nursery nativity at 2.45pm.
Have a good weekend
The nursery team.
We have finished exploring how we use maths in nursery this week. The children have been busy creating number caterpillars and writing numbers and making marks that represent their numbers. On the funky fingers table we have been sorting colours and shapes into the correct bags.
The children have been busy exploring the playdough and have used the rolling pins and cutters to create different shapes.
In cooking this week, the children practiced spreading and cutting skills when making sandwiches to take home.
At story time, we have enjoyed number books including “Ten in the bed” and “Five minutes peace”.
In phonics we have listened to the story of “The Enormous Turnip” and then identified and made different sounds heard from it. We have sorted initial sounds into groups and have been identifying rhyming words.
Have a great weekend
The nursery team.
This week we have been exploring shape and number and beginning to answer our new question "How do i use maths in nursery?"
The children have been busy on the tuft tray identifying numbers and filling cups with the correct amount of pom poms to match. They have been making stick shapes and identifying amounts and quantity and have used paint to trace shapes.
The children have been learning different numbers and trying to identify them from sight as well as making a collage number picture.
At story time we have enjoyed the story of"Simon sock" who longs to be a part of a matching pair.
In phonics we have been repeating patterns of sound, talking about, exploring and identifying words that all start with the same sound and we have explored voice sounds, making different sounds and seeing how our mouths move to make these sounds.
Have a great weekend
The nursery team
This was our last week of exploring colour and answering our enquiry question of " How does colour make us feel?"
The children have been busy sorting colours on the funky fingers table into the different coloured colour monster cups and sorting coloured objects on the tuft tray.
We enjoyed going onto the field this week and into the school garden where we went on a colour hunt, looking for different coloured items to match our list. The children did well and enjoyed looking at all of the different colours on the leaves.
Today (Friday) it has been Children in Need. The children looked great, dressed in their pyjamas, spots and bright coloured clothes and thank you for your kind donations. We enjoyed cooking and made blueberry muffins, the children coloured in Pudsey pictures and we made pudsey ear headbands.
This week at story time we have enjoyed continuing to read "The colour monster" story and we have also explored the books "Elmer's colours" and "When i'm feeling happy", giving the children lots of opportunities to discuss their own feelings.
In phonics this week, we have been using our mouths and our voices to create different sounds, using everyday objects such as pots and pans to create different sounds and we have enjoyed games of "I spy" to help recognise the initial sounds in different words.
In maths we have been continuing to recognise and order numbers and the children have been experimenting with their own symbols and marks to represent numbers.
Have a great weekend
The nursery team
It has been lovely to see everyone back after the half term and to welcome some new faces to nursery. This week we have been exploring colour and answering our enquiry question "How does colour make us feel?". The children have been using different coloured paint to create firework pictures and have been discussing bonfire night and all of the colours that they create.
On Friday, the children decorate poppy biscuits and made poppies using apples to mark remembrance.
At storytime, the children have enjoyed looking at "The colour monster". They have been talkinig about how they feel and which colours make them happy, sad, scared or angry.
In phonics, we have used musical instruments to create sounds. They have explored them to see if they make different sounds or if they sound similar. The children have performed different actions to songs they have heard and been exploring the initial sounds in words.
In maths, we are naming and ordering number to three and beyond, we have been exploring numbers on the maths table and practicing counting using different objects.
On Monday it is the start of Anti- bullying week. Children are invited to wear their odd socks to nursery.
Have a lovely weekend
The nursery team
This week we have finished our enquiry question “How do I know it is autumn?”
The children have been finishing different crafts including fingerprint acorns and they have been sticking leaves and drawing faces to make leaf animals.
On Thursday we dressed up for Halloween and made apple pumpkins and had a spooky snack of ghost bananas and pumpkin satsumas.
At story time we have enjoyed more autumn stories and the children have especially loved "Room on the broom"
In phonics we have been finishing rhymes that we hear in stories, naming the different sounds that we hear in our environment and copying and making movements with our bodies.
In maths, we have been making arrangements with shapes, identifying numbers in everyday life and counting groups of objects.
It is INSET tomorrow and then half term so have a great week and we will see you when we return on Monday 4th November.
The nursery team
This week in nursery we have continued to explore autumn. The children have been making handprint leaves and have been using broccoli to create the leaves on the trees.
We have been looking at pumpkins and the children have made some still life paintings of what they could see, they created some great pictures!
We have been using our fine motor skills to manipulate clay in order to create a dormouse which the children have been taking home.
At story time we have enjoyed the stories of "Owl Babies" and "Shh Quiet!"
In phonics the children have been joining in with songs and rhymes, exploring the movements that our mouths make when we create different sounds and they have been identifying intial sounds during a game of "silly soup".
In maths we have been finding numbers in everyday life. The children have been finding and counting objects that they collected in the school garden and using the outside abacus to count with.
Thank you to everyone that donated to our Bags2school collection this week, we await confirmation of how much we raised.
Next Wednesday it is individual photos, could children please be in nursery promptly at 8.45am.
Have a lovely weekend
The nursery team.
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We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
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We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.