Class Blog for Killigarth Nursery

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This week at nursery we have been exploring under the sea and answering our enquiry qurstion "Who lives under the sea?"
The cildren have enjoyed exploring the beach/under water tuft tray and have named and added different sea creatures to this. They have discussed going on holiday and we made passports for this.
At story time we have enjoyed exploring the story of "Rainbow fish" and turned our book area into an underwater area with the rainbow fish that the children helped to decorate. We have also been enjoying "Commotion in the ocean".

In phonics we have been exploring pirates and mermaids and have been matching objects with the same initial sounds. The children have been exploring the different sounds that their bodies make and have been exploring the sounds instruments make and comparing the noises that each makes.

In maths we have been finding objects up to 5, counting to 5 and beyond and practicing our mark making to represent these numbers.

We will continue exploring under the sea next week.

Have a lovely weekend

Julie and Sarah



This week at nursery, we have been answering our enquiry question "Does everyone go on holiday?"
The children have been talking about their own experiences of going away on holiday, how they got to where they were going and what they did once they were there.
They have been busy creating paper plate beach balls and painting ice cream cones in the creative area.

In maths, we have been finding different objects to represent numbers up to 5, practicing our counting skills and writing numbers.

At story time we have enjoyed the story of "Sally and the Limpet" and "The train ride".
In phonics. we have been exploring words that start with the same sound, creating different voices and exploring mouth movements in the mirrors.

Have a great weekend

Julie and Sarah



This week we have continued to talk about superheroes. The children have painted paper plates to make shields and used different coloured tissue paper to decorate super hero masks.
They have enjoyed play in the construction themed role play area where they have been building with the duplo and large soft shaped bricks and fixing with the tools.

At story time we have continued exploring the range of “Supertato” stories.
In maths, we have been counting, ordering and writing numbers 1-5 and finding sprecial objects up to 5.

In phonics the children enjoyed having a go at rhyming bingo. They explored and tried hard when identifying initial sounds in words and we went on a listening walk in the playground before recording what we heard by drawing pictures.

Have a great weekend

Julie and Sarah



This week we have been exploring superhero’s and answering our enquiry question “can anyone be a superhero”
At story time we have been enjoying the stories of “Supertato” and “Supertato: Veggies assemble” The children have been busy making their own super potatoes to take home.
They have also been busy making superhero masks.

In phonics this week, the children have been listening to sounds they hear in their environment, clapping syllables of words and learning about rhyming words that they hear.

In maths we have been counting and grouping objects 1-5 and practicing writing numbers and creating marks that represent numbers.

It is INSET day today (Friday) but we look forward to seeing everyone back to nursery on Monday.

Have a good weekend 

Julie and Sarah



This week we have been exploring all things dinosaur related with our question "Where did the dinosaurs go?"
The children have been hand painting and decorating different dinosaur pictures. We have a few dinosaur experts at nursery and they have been teaching us all of the different names of the dinosaurs. Everyone's favourite appeared to be the T-Rex!!
The children had a go at bubble blowing painting this week and enjoyed watching all of the paint move around the paper as they blew through the straws.

At story time we have enjoyed listening to the story of "Aliens love dinopants" and have enjoyed reading and moving our bodies to the story "1,2,3, do the dinosaur". In phonics, the chldren have been matching different objects to their initial sounds, counting syllables in words at the garden centre and comparing sounds that instruments make.

In maths, we have been stacking and counting bricks and writing and recording our findings from this and we have been ordering numbers 1-5.

Just a reminder that next Friday 24th May is an INSET day so nursery will be closed to the children and then it will be half term from the 27th-31st May.

Have a lovely weekend and see you next week.

Julie and Sarah



This week, we have finished exploring and learning about insects. The children have created lovely colourful butterflies to hang up and on Thursday decorated biscuits like ladybirds. They counted the number of spots that they put on them.
The children have been manipulating clay, practicing rolling before using the toy bugs to make an imprint in it.
We have been watching the beans and peas that the children planted over the last few weeks and most have been growing well. The children have been excited to start taking them home.

In phonics this week we have been listening to and talking about the sounds that we have heard outside, exploring the noise that different instruments make and comparing sounds and joining in actions to well known songs such as “I’m a little teapot” and “wind the bobbin up”.

We have been sorting on the maths table this week and continuing to practice our number writing and counting.

Have a great weekend everyone and see you on Monday.

Julie and Sarah



This week we have been looking at different types of insects and answering our new enquiry question “What do bugs do?”
The children have been busy exploring the bugs in the tuft tray and comparing them to our insect book to see what they are called.
They have created lovely art work including paper plate and thumb print lady birds and brightly coloured butterflies.

At story time we have enjoyed the story of “The bad tempered ladybird” and “What the ladybird heard”.
In phonics we have been making different voice sounds, grouping objects with the same initial sound and performing different actions to a song about the woods and woodland animals.

In maths we have been writing numbers 1-5, ordering and grouping numbers and comparing sizes.

We now have a long weekend with the bank holiday upon us and hopefully the weather will be kind.

Have a lovely time and we will see you back to nursery from Tuesday.

Julie and Sarah



This week at nursery we have been continuing to look at planting and growing. The children have been planting beans in the hope that they can grow a beanstalk like in the story and coloured a giant's castle to go in the pot with it.
They have all been busy with arts and craft and have been creating handprint flowers and carrots in the paint.
The children have practiced writing their names in order to create a name flower.
We have enjoyed some nice weather this week and have spent lots of time outside, especially in the sand and water trays.

At story time, we have been reading the story of "The runaway pea". The children have also planted their own peas and we will watch as they grow here in nursery beofre they take them home.

In maths this week, we have been naming and ordering numbers. The children have been identifying smaller numbers up to 5 and bigger numbers up to 10 and beyond for some.

In phonics this week, we have looked at "shopping" and the children have enjoyed playing games such as Robot Rick's shopping trip where they had to blend sounds into short words. We have talked about and identified sounds in our nursery environment both indoors and out and have been identifying inital sounds in words.

Have a lovely weekend

Julie and Sarah



It was grerat to be back to nursery this week and to see everyone. We welcomed our returning children and welcomed our new children and families to nursery for their settling in visits.
This week, we are exploring planting and growing and answering our enquiry question "What makes things grow?"
The children have enjoyed playing in the garden centre role play where they have been acting out the role of shop keeper and have been watering the flowers and selling seeds.
They have been exploring the tuft tray with interest, filling and pouring with the tubes and tubs and mixing colours with the paint blocks.
The children have started to plant seeds, which we will watch to see how they grow and see if we can make them as tall as a beanstalk.

At story time, we have been enjoying the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and have made a beanstalk in our book area.
In phonics, the children have been breaking down short words into sounds, making up silly rhyming words and talking about the sounds that different musical instruments make.

In maths, we are learning to name, order and write numbers from 1-5.

Have a great weekend and see you all next week.

Julie and Sarah



 Easter is here! The children have been busy finishing their Easter craft and especially enjoyed making chocolate nests to go in their bunny baskets. They painted and made handprints as rabbit ears on hats.

The children have been busy matching numbered eggs on the maths table and have been following a sequence of colour patterns with eggs.
in phonics we have been naming things we might see at the seaside. The children have been clapping syllables in words and played seaside bingo!

The Easter break is now upon us. We hope you all have a wonderful, fun filled two weeks and we look forward to seeing everyone when we return to nursery on Monday 15th April.

Julie and Sarah


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