

At Polperro Primary Academy, our intent for Maths education is to foster a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and develop confident, creative, and resilient mathematicians. We aim to provide a curriculum that not only meets the requirements of the National Curriculum but also goes beyond, ensuring all pupils achieve their full potential and become lifelong learners in Mathematics. 


We implement a mastery approach to teaching Maths, ensuring all children have a solid and deep understanding of each mathematical concept before moving on. We use high-quality, carefully chosen resources that support the teaching of mathematical fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving from EYFS through to Year 6.  

Our curriculum is specifically designed to ensure progression and depth of understanding across the year groups, building on prior knowledge and skills. It includes carefully sequenced learning objectives taken from the White Rose small steps, enabling pupils to make connections between different areas of Maths. We promote the use of concrete manipulatives, pictorial representations, and abstract thinking to help children visualise and understand mathematical concepts. 

White Rose also provides schemes for mixed year group classes. This supports our teachers to provide Quality First Teaching and meet the needs of every pupil. Pre and Post assessments at the end of each unit of work offers children the opportunity to revisit their previous mistakes. They can review their work with a learning buddy or an adult, enabling them to identify errors and gain a deeper understanding of the underlying concepts. This process of reflection and correction not only reinforces their learning but also instils a sense of responsibility for their own progress.

We understand the need for children to be able to fluently recall key numerical strategies and to apply these in order to calculate a range of arithmetic problems. In response to this, Polperro undertake monthly Arithmetic assessments, giving the children a developing ownership to mark, track and assess their progress. Pupils will see their progression each month and will be able to identify specific areas for development. This fosters a child’s independence in learning and a self-determination to succeed. 

Here at Polperro Primary, we also complete a whole-school times table session weekly, known to the pupils as 99 Club. As the children progress through their mathematics education, the benefits of mastering times tables become increasingly evident. Mastering times tables serves as a solid foundation upon which they can build their mathematical knowledge. It empowers them to quickly recall facts, giving them a head start in tackling various mathematical challenges. Additional opportunities to independently revise focus times tables are provided through the use of TT Rockstars and Mathletics. Year 4 have increased opportunities during school in preparation for their Multiplication Tables Check.

In support of the need for developing arithmetic fluency, KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) are also a key part of our maths programme at Polperro, fostering the importance of times table and division recognition. KIRFs  are designed to provide pupils with the opportunities to focus on a specific ‘I CAN’ each half term. This builds from Nursery through to Y6 to provide children with fundamental recall skills of basic number and arithmetic facts, enabling them to draw on the fluent and accurate knowledge needed to solve more complex and demanding problems and calculations. 

Our highly skilled teachers have a deep understanding of Maths and are continuously developing their subject knowledge and pedagogy. They deliver well-structured lessons that are engaging, challenge all learners, and provide opportunities for pupils to actively participate in their own learning. Teachers use effective questioning techniques to promote reasoning and mathematical thinking amongst pupils. 

We recognise that every child is unique and has different starting points. Our Maths provision is tailored to meet individual needs through carefully planned scaffolding and adaptation. We provide appropriate support and challenges, ensuring all pupils are sufficiently stretched, and develop their mathematical abilities to the fullest extent. 

Our learning environments are thoughtfully organised to promote mathematical thinking and allow for collaborative work. Working Walls including problem-solving strategies, misconceptions, key vocabulary and their journey towards achieving mastery. We make use of technology where appropriate, such as interactive whiteboards, tablets, and educational software, to enhance learning experiences.


Our Maths provision helps pupils develop confidence and resilience in problem-solving, reasoning, and mathematical communication. They approach challenges with enthusiasm, showing perseverance when faced with complex problem-solving tasks. Pupils are empowered to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them, fostering a growth mindset in Mathematics.

With the fidelity to White Rose and our consistent approach, we have seen significant improvements in both attainment and progress across most year groups. Pupils are beginning to show a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and are starting to apply their skills in a range of contexts confidently.

The effective use of vocabulary in Mathematics is paramount in fostering a rich and robust learning environment. We recognise that mathematical literacy is not solely about numbers and equations; it is equally reliant on well–developed mathematical language. The precision and clarity of mathematical language allows our children to articulate their thought, solve complex problems, and communicate their reasoning effectively. By nurturing a strong vocabulary foundation, we empower our students to unlock the doors to mathematical fluency, enabling them to grapple with abstract concepts with confidence. The emphasis that we have placed on vocabulary equips our learners with the tools to decode mathematical problems, enhancing their problem–solving abilities and fostering deeper understanding of the subject.

Our maths provision inspires a love for mathematics in our pupils. They are enthusiastic learners who actively participate in lessons, enjoy exploring mathematical concepts and develop a curiosity for discovering patterns and relationships. They are motivated to independently explore mathematical ideas beyond the classroom, leading to a lifelong interest in Maths.



Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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