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Landaviddy   Friday 7th March 2025

Posted 07/03/2025
by Alice Wilkie

Can You Always See Things Grow?

What a week! This week we launched our enquiry for this half term, 'Can you always see things grow?' by setting up an investigation to grow beans in a bag. We plan to keep a weekly bean diary to document the changes our beans undergo over the next 5 weeks. In PE, we have been loving our Striking and Fielding unit with Mrs Phillips! 

On Thursday, we celebrated World Book Day across the school by dressing up as a book character of our choosing. We had a lovely time designing bookmarks, sketching Dr Seuss and Nathan Bryon book characters and reading stories. Year 3 joined Talland and Chaipel to participate in a Live BBC lesson on the day and Year 2 spent time with Penhallow sharing stories. We had a fabulous day! 

In English, we read the story of Jack and the Baked Beanstalk by Colin Stimpson. We made comparisons between this version and the original story, and have written some fantastic descriptions using our senses. We also began to plan our stories for our imaginary world stories, inspired by Jack and the Beanstalk.

This week in Maths, Year 2 have been refining their ability to multiply, using arrays to support our understanding of multiplication. Year 3 have continued working hard on length and perimeter, converting between measures. 

I have attached this half terms KIRFS, Knowledge Web and Homework Grid. Of course, let me know if you have any questions. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday. 

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton



Posted 07/03/2025
by Emily Randle

Another week has flown by and Chaipel have been very busy.

We have been writing a setting description to set the mood for our Anne Boleyn diary writing next week. We have used a range of figurative devices as well as some colloquial language fit for a Queen! We also wrote up our cinquains which we will transfer to a poetry book for all to read.

In Maths, Y5s have been looking into equivalent fractions and decimals and the Y6s have been tackling percentages! We also did an arithmetic assessment and everyone has significantly improved their scores - WELL DONE CHAIPEL!

It was World Book Day on Thursday and we really made the most of it. We took part in a live lesson at 11am and a nationwide 60 second read. In the afternoon, we looked at the characters from a reknown author and one that was not as well-known as they should be. We all agreed that Nizrana Farook has made many children's stories that we are dying to read!

In PE, Chaipel have been brushing up their skills at Rounders, learning the language needed and practising their fielding techniques. In DT, we have investigated materials which make our clothing, together with the stitches, joins and the washing and drying instructions on the labels. In History, we have been looking into the social hierarchy and how 'God's will' determined your status in life. Next week, we will investigate the housing and diet differences between classes.

Sean will be begin our Wednesday afternoon Art from next week so we are very excited regarding what we will produce. 

CONGRATULATIONS to our People of the Week - Harrison, Martha and Phoebe - for demonstratiing our school values.

That's all from me so have a lovely weekend!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Mrs Hodge and Miss Colton.


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 7.3.25

Posted 07/03/2025
by Ben Heasman-Langley


We hope you have all had a brilliant week! We've had lots of fun here, especially with a special guest from Bodmin airfield coming in to talk to us about how it has the largest wild flower field in the UK, which is amazing for insects and bees. World book day was tremendous fun. The children looked absolute fabulous in their costumes! It was lovely for me to get to chat to so many parents and guardians about how great their children are... thank you so much for coming in for a chat!

Year 5 have just finished fractions and are now moving on to decimals and percentages.
Year 4 have been focusing on converting improper fractions into mixed number fractions.

We have jumped straight into diary entries and Talland have had fun by turning themselves into everyday classroom objects and writing a diary entry about their day. E.g. The day in the life of a bit of blue-tac. They will move this on to creating a diary entry about one of the soldiers from Harold Godwinson's army and how they felt whilst marching to face William, Duke of Normandy, and his huge army for one of the most famous British battles of all time... The Battle of Hastings. 1066 was the year and this was the year of the 3 Kings. The beginning of the Norman reign!

Children have been learning all about the battle of Hastings and the year of the 3 Kings. It's has been really interesting so far and we've only just scratched the surface!

We have looked at the lifecycle of a human and how our bodies change as we grow older. We spoke about what part of a humans lifecycle would you like to be stuck at (baby, toddler, teenager, adult or a senior). What part of the lifecycle would you prefer to be stuck at?

We had a great time during rounders where Talland were learning a variety of throwing and catching techniques and thinking about when you might use an under arm throw apposed to a shoulder throw.

A huge well done to Chilali for being noticed for her creativity this week. Her diary entry was so imaginative. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it! And a massive well done to our 99 club achievers: Tristan and Archie! 

That's all from us. We hope you have a fantastic weekend and can't wait to see you on Monday!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.


Penhallow   Week ending Friday 7th March

Posted 06/03/2025
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone!

Penhallow have had a very eventful week.

Tuesday was shrove Tuesday/pancake day, so we learnt about the origins of pancake day. We then made our own pancakes and enjoyed eating them with a selection of toppings. Year 1 wrote instructions for how to make pancakes, while Reception sequenced pictures of how they were made. In the afternoon, as you can see from the picture, we enjoyed some pancake races, which then turned into designing our own obstacle race/pancake races.

World Book Day on Thursday was was a lot of fun. We spent some time with Landaviddy choosing books and reading together. We also learnt about 2 different authors; David McKee and Neil Gaiman. Both authors have written stories about animals. We read the story of Elmer, by David McKee, and talked about how sometimes we try to be like everybody else, instead of being happy with our differences. In the story, Elmer tries to camouflage himself. We finished the day with some time in the school garden, where we tried to camouflage objects, so that our friends couldn't find them. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

From the Penhallow Team


Killigarth Nursery   7/2/25

Posted 06/03/2025
by Julie Peat

This week at nursery we have been continuing to explore farms and where our food comes from.
The children have been busy creating collage carrots and handprint corn on the cob. We have been talking about different foods that can be grown and about what foods the children enjoy to eat.

At storytime we have been reading books such as "Farmer duck" and "Vegetable glue" and in phonics the children have been playing "I spy" where they have had to identify different animals from their initial sound. They have also been using their bodies to create different movements of animals and making and matching sounds as well as beginning to match rhyming words together.

It has been a busy week:
On Tuesday we had pancake day. The children had pancakes with different fruit toppings for snack and we played pancake races outside.
On Wednesday we celebrated ST Piran's day. The children made flags to take home and there was the option for pasties for school dinner.
On Thursday it was World Book Day. The children came in dressed up as their favourite book character. They all looked amazing and we had a great day of sharing our favourite stories and making footprint book marks.

We have introduced "Travis the T-Rex" to the children this week. Travis will be taking it in turns to go home with the children and is looking forward to many exciting adventures. Children are encouraged to draw a picture in the book and any pictures can be emailed to Julie.

Have a great weekend, see you on Monday

The Nursery Team



Penhallow   Week Ending Friday 28th February

Posted 02/03/2025
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone!

We have really enjoyed our first week of our enquiry question; 'Can I travel by dinosaur?' 

In English we have learnt the story 'Gigantosaurus' by Jonny Duddle. We have been using adjectives to describe dinosaurs, using different verbs to explain how dinosaurs move, and using actions to retell the story as a group.

During our maths lessons, Reception have been learning about capacity, while Year 1 have been finding out more about place value. We have been using tens frames, bead strings and tens and ones to represent different 2 digit numbers.

Year 1 have been finding out about the countries and Capital cities in the UK, during their Geography lessons. This week, we focussed on London. Some children were keen to tell us all about trips to London that they have been on. We found out about some famous London landmarks and then located them on a map.

Reception have created a wonderful land for dinosaurs to explore, and they were inspired to add more details and to act out stories in this land, after reading 'Tom and the Dinosaurs' during our daily story time at the end of every day.

I look forward to seeing you next week at our Parent/Teacher meetings.

Have a lovely weekend!

From the Penhallow Team


Head's Blog   28th February 2025

Posted 02/03/2025
by Anthea Hillman

  • This half term has already got off to a good start with our new enquiries launched as follows:
Penhallow Class: Can I Travel by Dinosaur? Landaviddy Class: Can you Always See Things Grow? Talland Class: How did England Change After the Norman Conquest?
Chaipel Class: What was Life Like in Tudor England?
As usual, information about the children’s learning will be on the class blogs.

World Book Day, Thursday 6th March
• There is still time to send in entries for our World Book Day Extreme Reading Competition.   Please email your child’s entry ( or bring in a photo by Monday 3rd March.  We are really looking forward to seeing who in school has such a passion for reading that they have to do it anywhere and everywhere! Staff will be entering too and there will be a prize (for children) for the winning pictures. See below for example photographs.
• Book Sale - On World Book Day, there will be a range of second-hand children’s books for sale at break time for just 20p each. Any profit will go towards buying new books for class libraries. Please send you child in with cash on the day if they would like to buy a book.
• Dress as your Favourite Book Character - On World Book Day your child can come to school dressed as a favourite character from any book.

Orwell Project Dr Alison Smith, Temperate Rainforest Project Manager, Cornwall Wildlife Trust came to speak to Talland and Chaipel Classes this week about the Temperate Rainforest she is managing just 10 minutes away from school. The children learned about the rare species of which can be found there, such as the Floury Dog Lichen (see photo) and how the Cornwall Wildlife Trust will be managing the rainforest over the next 50 years. Poet, Sally Crabtree came in the following day to write poems with the children using the language they had learned. These two workshops are part of the science, art and writing project we are running with the Orwell Society, which we will be sharing with parents/carers and Orwell Society members later this year at their annual conference which will be held in Polperro.

Fantastic Footballers Congratulations again to our wonderful football team who played against St Germans on Tuesday and won 4-3. The team played very well and really deserved their win.

Cross Country Success Congratulations to Flora and Jamie who have been selected to take part at the Cornwall School Games county schools primary cross-country final on 25th March.

Parent Consultations Reminder that parent consultations are taking place next week. Thank you everyone for signing up.

Clubs Clubs will continue on the week commencing 10th March. If your child is already signed up, they should continue to come. Please contact the office if your child would like to attend and they are not already signed up.
Monday: After School Football Club (Mr Langley) for years 3, 4,5 and 6
Tuesday: Lunchtime ECO Club (Miss Randle) for years 3 to 6, some places by invitation; After school Alternative Sports Club (Mrs Hillman) for years 3-6
Wednesday: Lunchtime Mindfulness and Art Club (Mrs Wilkie) for years 2 to 6
Thursday: Lunchtime Music and Singing Club (Mrs Fitzsimmons) for years R, 1 and 2
Friday: After School Running Club (Miss Bowden and Mrs Turnbull) for years 3-6. This club is open to anyone who likes running however it will not run when the Cross-Country League races are on – next races 7th March and 21st March. Pupils do not have to race in these events.

SATS club for Year 6 These drop-in sessions will run on Tuesday mornings from 8am (Miss Randle); Wednesday Lunchtimes (Mrs Hillman) from 12:30; and Thursdays afterschool (Miss Randle) until 4:15pm.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Hillman


Landaviddy   Friday 28th February 2025

Posted 28/02/2025
by Alice Wilkie

Welcome back Landaviddy class! We have had a great start to the second half of the Spring Term! 

We have been concluding our previous enquiry 'What is Light?' by conducting a bee hunt in the school garden, as part of our Geography fieldwork. During PSHE this week, Year 2 collaborated to design and create their 'dream bird' and Year 3 worked together to design a garden for someone who faced a challenge. The results were fantastic, and of course very colourful! 

In PE, we have started Striking and Fielding and Gymnastics which has already proven to be lots of fun! Today in Gymnastics, we explored a range of different shapes using our body. We concluded our enquiry question by completing a Kahoot quiz, which is always popular and recording down everything we have learnt last half term. Well done everyone! Next week, we will be launching our new enquiry 'Can you always see things grow!'. 

In Maths, Year 2 have worked hard completing multiplication sentences and making arrays. I was impressed with the confidence shown by everyone! Year 3 have been learning about all this measurement - comparing lengths in metres (m), centimetres (cm) and millimetres (mm). 

In English, we have been learning the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, with the intention of eventually writing our own imaginary world narratives. So far, we have been using actions to support our recall of the story and participated in a hot seating task, where we asked and answered questions as if we were the Giant or Jack from the story. We have created story mountains to record the key events of the story and learnt how to punctuate contractions.

Congratulations to Amelia for being chosen as Landaviddy's Person of the Week! And a big well done to Finn for achieving this 44 club badge! 

We hope you have a superb weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday! 

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 28.2.25

Posted 28/02/2025
by Ben Heasman-Langley

Talland's Blog 28.2.25

Happy Spring 2 everyone! We hope you had a fabulous break and are feeling fresh for the new term!

It has been a great start back and it has been lovely seeing everybody! Talland are full of energy and have already had an action packed week!

Year 5 have been looking at multiplying fractions by a whole number and calculating the fraction of a quantity. Why not try them out on this brain teaser... What is 1/4 of 20? If they know the answer to that, ask them what 3/4 of 20 is...
Year 4 have just began their fraction unit and have been recognising what a whole is when looking at a fraction. 

Everyone has now completed a fantastic top copy of the life cycle of a turtle. They will be very excited to show them off to you next week, I'm sure! We were also extremely fortunate to have a poem specialist and author come in where  the children were highly creative and even got to eat their own poems...YUM!

The children completed the screen print art this week. They have turned out brilliantly! Lots of mess equals lots of fun (apparently)!

This term Talland will be working on rounders and gymnastics. They've shown off their roly-poly's and some children made excellent coaches!

That's all from us this week. We hope you have a fantastic weekend and can't wait to see you on Monday!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton. 



Posted 28/02/2025
by Emily Randle

It has been a very busy week in Chaipel, this week.

We had poet and childrens book author Sally Crabtree in to teach us how to compose and write cinquains (a five-line stanza) along the theme of nature. We began by selecting words to create a short piece of poetry, popped them onto a biscuit and then literally ATE OUR WORDS! We had a lovely afternoon and Sally was great.

We have been learning about the demise of Anne Boleyn in English, taking notes about her life and learning some typical Tudor phrases. We will then use these to write a series of diary entries - through the eyes of the then Queen Anne - leading up to her execution on May 19th 1536.

In Maths, Y6s have been learning all they need to know about working with decimals whilst the Y5s have been finding a fraction of  an amount and multiplying and dividing fractions with integers.

We have launched our exciting enquiry into Tudor England, where we will be comparing the lives of the poor and rich as well as their places in society. We will be learning a range of sewing techniques in DT, building up to creating a Tudor coin purse as well as researching the history of computers in Computing, finishing by creating an audio advert for a computer of the future!

Congratulations to Dominic and to Freddie and Ava for gaining their BRONZE in 99 Club as well as Isaac and Elsie for being our People of the Week, demonstrating our school values and being excellent role models.

I sent a letter home to ask if the children could bring in an item of clothing from home - on Monday, please - so that we can investigate the material, stitching and how various parts are sewn together.

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Mrs Hodge and Miss Colton.


Killigarth Nursery   28/2/25

Posted 28/02/2025
by Julie Peat

This week we have been exploring the farm and animals that live on the farm. We have been exploring our new enquiry question "What animals would you find on a farm?"
The children have been creating cow handprints, paper plate chicks and shredded paper sheep.
We have enjoyed singing "Old Macdonald had a farm" and creating lots of different animal sounds.
The children have been building with the farm, creating enclosures for the animals and have been making animal footprints in the tuft tray.

In phonics we have been naming and describing sounds that we have heard in our indoor and outdoor environment, copying sequences of body sounds and exploring instruments and the noises they make.

In maths we have been finding objects that represent numbers and matching them together. The children have been practicing number writing.

Have a lovely weekend
The nursery team. 


Penhallow   Week ending Friday 14th February

Posted 23/02/2025
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone!

We have enjoyed a great final week of learning based around our enquiry question; ‘Why aren’t Space Ships made of jelly?’

In science, we have enjoyed investigating and sorting magnetic and non-magnetic materials. 

We have been developing our speaking and listening skills in our space rocket role play area, after listening to conversations held by astronauts and technicians at NASA. Using our weekly ‘I see, I think, I wonder’ activity, we have also discussed the surface of the moon.

In maths this week, reception have been comparing weight and mass, while Year 1 have been busy refining their place value skills,  by representing numbers in different ways. 

Our art topic finished with some amazing outside sculptures using different natural materials. We used the knowledge, ideas and techniques of Andy Goldsworthy that we have built up throughout this half term. The results were both amazing and unique. The children thoroughly enjoyed their time in the school garden, collaborating with each other to collect, sort and present the natural materials that they found. Well done everybody. It was lovely to see such brilliant collaboration and creativity. 

We hope you have a lovely half term.

From The Penhallow Team.


Landaviddy   Friday 14th February 2025

Posted 14/02/2025
by Alice Wilkie

Happy Half Term! Landaviddy class have had a lot of fun this week. In Geography, we have been exploring why bees are important and designed our own school bee garden! On Tuesday, as part of Safer Internet Day, Year 3 joined Talland and Chaipel to participate in a live event hosted by the BBC, which they enjoyed. As a class, we also considered the personal information we share online and how we can protect ourselves. 

In English, we have been writing up our final copies of our explanation texts about how bees make honey. We even had a go at typing up our texts and creating PowerPoints in Computing. In Maths, Year 3 have completed their unit on Multiplication and Division B and will start their new unit after half term on Length and Perimeter. Year 2 have finished Money and started looking at equal groups when multiplying. 

Congratulations to Sonny and George for being chosen as Landaviddy's People of the Week! 

Remember to continue reading, practising your KIRFS/ times tables and spellings over half term. If you find you have some spare time, you could complete some of the activities from the homework grid for Spring 1 (this can be found further down on the blog). One of the suggested activities was to create a light jar - shout out to Oliver who created a beautiful light jar for his homework! Well done! 

We hope you enjoy a lovely half term break and come back refreshed, ready for an exciting second half to the spring term! We look forward to seeing you all back on Monday 24th February! 

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton



Posted 14/02/2025
by Emily Randle

We have had a lovely and very informative last week of this half term.

For Safer Internet Day, we tuned into a live lesson, courtesy of the BBC. We learned a great deal and have improved our understanding of how to stay safe online.

We have completed our free-verse poetry and have been able to edit, improve, write up our best copy and assess our writing. We will be sharing our poetry with Talland Class when we return to school after the half term break. Nuala, someone new to free verse poetry, has truely written a piece of poetry to be proud of!

Year 5 have been learning how to multiply and divide a range of fractions by integers this week. Y6s have been practising their SATS skills and our results are very promising. Keep on revising Y6s!

We have been combining our knowledge of how bridges are constructed and have designed and begun to create our own prototypes. We will continue this when we return to school and then test out our bridges to see if our designs are fit for purpose. In PE, we have been developing our net and ball skills in Tennis and in Science, we have investigated animals and their habitats around the world. 

We were very priviledged to have a lady from the National Trust in on Thursday to talk to us about conservation in our area. We will be working closely with them next half term and have been invited to take part in a tree planting program which we are all excited about.

That's all from me so have a lovely half term break and see you all soon!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Mrs Hodge and Miss Colton.


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 14.2.25

Posted 14/02/2025
by Ben Heasman-Langley

Talland Class Blog 14.2.25

Happy half term everyone! 

Photo dump of fun at the zoo incoming...

We hope you enjoy them. Have  a lovely break and we can't wait to see you all for Spring 2!



Head's Blog   13th February 2025

Posted 14/02/2025
by Anthea Hillman

This half term has flown by. We have crammed a lot into six weeks including work around children’s internet safety this week.

Talland Class had an amazing trip to Paignton Zoo yesterday where they saw all the different animals in all of their different ecosystems and habitats. They enjoyed a workshop in front of the lions where they got to hear them roar and learned lots of fun facts. See the class blog for photos and more information.

Alice Bywater, National Trust Ranger, came to speak to Talland and Chaipel Classes this afternoon about the National Trust’s conservation work in our local area. The children listened really well and asked some excellent questions. They will be using what they have learned as part of the science, art and writing project we are running with the Orwell Society, which we will be sharing with Orwell Society members later this year at their annual conference which will be held in Polperro.

Cross Country There were more personal best results at the Fursdon Farm race on Friday. As usual the team ran brilliantly in spite of the freezing conditions.

Fantastic Footballers Congratulations to our football team who played incredibly well again on Tuesday and won 9-2 against Antony School.

Parent/carer consultations – diary date Consultations will be held the week of 3rd March either in person or on TEAMS. Appointments will be available as follows:
Penhallow Class: Monday 3rd March 1-4:00 pm; Wednesday 5th March 3:30 – 5:30pm
Landaviddy Class: Monday 3rd March 1-4:00 pm; Tuesday 4th March 3:30-4:30pm; Wednesday 5th March 3:30 – 5:30pm
Talland Class: Wednesday 5th March 3:30 – 5:30pm; Thursday 6th March 1pm-4:30pm
Chaipel Class: Tuesday 4th March 1pm-4:30pm; Wednesday 5th March 3:30 – 5:30pm
We will email you immediately after half term with information regarding how to book an appointment.

World Book Day Competition This year World Book Day is on Thursday 6th March. Information about this year’s Extreme Reading competition and school World Book Day activities can be found in a separate letter (sent yesterday and attached).

Friends of Polperro School (FOPS) Quiz Please see attached flyer for details of the FOPS  Quiz which we are holding on Friday 28th February to raise funds for the school. We hope to see you there. Tickets are on sale at the main gate or the office.

Half Term Activities (details of all activities are on flyers attached)
• Football Pro-20 are running some Football Courses in the area during the February half term period.
• Hugs Foundation Activity Day Bodmin The Hugs Foundation supports families when a parent/ carer has a terminal illness and they are running some fully funded equine and forest school activities available as an activity day at the hugs foundation during half term week. They ask a £5 booking fee for this as numbers are limited, but can waive this for families who need us too.
• Looe Mini Miler The Looe Mini Miler fun run takes place at 10am on Sunday 2nd March. The race, which is organised by the Looe Pioneers, is suitable for children aged 4 and above. No entries on the day.
• National Trust Tree Planting in Fowey The National Trust is creating a new woodland at Coombe Farm in Fowey on Wednesday 19th February and is inviting families to come and plant trees there with the aim of extending and joining up existing areas of woodland.

Friday is an INSET day and then it is the half term break. We look forward very much to seeing everyone back in school on Monday 24th February.

Have a wonderful half term break.

Mrs Hillman


Killigarth Nursery   14/2/25

Posted 11/02/2025
by Julie Peat



Penhallow   Week ending Friday 7th February

Posted 07/02/2025
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone,

We have enjoyed a variety of learning tasks which have helped to improve our wellbeing in Penhallow. After watching a clip from the film ‘Inside Out’ we were able to name and describe different feelings and emotions. We  read the story ‘The Colour Monster’ and created feelings jars using colours which helped to describe different feelings. We also learnt a song, linked to these ideas. The children’s vocabulary has really improved throughout these activities. 

We have all been really proud of our reception children recently, who are beginning to write their own words and captions, using their recently acquired phonic knowledge. We even caught some children writing for fun during choosing time. Well done reception!

Year 1 have been working very hard in maths this week, adding and subtracting numbers to 20. They have been using number lines and drawing on their knowledge of number facts to represent their knowledge in different ways. We have written fact families using addition and subtraction and used bar models and part while models to record number sentences.

During our Geography lesson this week, we went outside to observe different forms of clouds. We located different areas of the UK on a map, and learnt about seasons and weather patterns in the UK.

We all had a lovely end to our week, with a day of birdwatching, yoga, and outdoor learning. All of this, combined with a fascinating visit from a Hindu lady, who brought in a huge selection of artefacts which helped us to understand her religion and beliefs, has made sure that we have had a very varied and interesting week.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

From the Penhallow team.


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 7.2.25

Posted 07/02/2025
by Ben Heasman-Langley


We hope you've all had a tremendous week... we've had an absolute hoot! We've had children representing the school and competing in football matches, dodgeball tournaments and cross country competitions! Every child has done themselves and the school proud so a HUGE well done to these children! Not to mention, we've had the wonderful Tini in to speak about Hinduism to the children, which was incredibly insightful and so lovely to develop our learning about this culture and religion. After this, and to top it all off, we've had a lovely time today thinking about our well being. We began by finding some quantitative data for geography by conducting The Great Birdwatch where we found different types of birds that use our ecosystem. Then, the children took part in lots of fun activities like art, fire making, yoga and dancing. All in all, it's been a brilliant week!

CONGRATULATIONS to Heidi for earning her next badge in 99 club and WELL DONE to Tristan for being noticed this week for trying really hard with his learning and sharing a project with us that he has begun at home. The art he is producing is great and his story telling is highly engaging. Talland are excited to hear the next part!

That's all from us this week. We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.

P.S. There will be no year 5 spellings this week as they are ahead of the game... YAY! They will have some fun with the year 5 and 6 statutory word list.



Head's Blog   7th February 2025

Posted 07/02/2025
by Anthea Hillman

This week we were fortunate to welcome to school Muhunthiny (Tinni) Sivasothy, a remarkable Hindu woman with an incredible passion for sharing her culture, beliefs, and values with others. During a special whole school assembly, she spoke about the key elements of Hinduism: about its rich history, its colourful festivals, and the deep spiritual traditions that are part of daily life for millions of Hindus around the world. Following the assembly, years 4-6 took part in a workshop designed to give students a deeper understanding of Hinduism. Tinni emailed to say that she had thoroughly enjoyed visiting the school saying ‘all the students focused well, were enthusiastic to learn about Hinduism, were well behaved, and respectful.’ We were delighted to see how the children reflected on what they had learned, asking thoughtful questions and sharing their thoughts on the experience.

Children’s Mental Health Week
Wellbeing Morning
As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, today, staff and children had a wonderful morning outside taking part in the Big Schools’ Birdwatch; toasting marshmallows around the fire in the school garden; practicing yoga and mindfulness and enjoying art activities involving nature. The children have asked that we have a wellbeing session every term which we intend to organize.

In addition to learning about mental health in class, on Tuesday, Rev Richard spoke about mental health in an assembly and how it is important to know yourself and recognise that there are things about yourself that may be different, but these things are an important part of who you are.

Football Success Congratulations to our football team who won 3-1 against Bishop Cornish School on Monday. Coach Langley said they played amazingly as a team, passing really well to each other.

Dodgeball Tournament Our year 3/year 4 team played very well yesterday at Callywith College against other Bridge schools, narrowly missing the final. Well done to all involved.

Upcoming dates
Reminder that Friday 14th February is an INSET day and half term is 17-21 February.

Have a lovely weekend.  

Mrs Hillman


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