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Landaviddy   Friday 12th July 2024

Posted 12/07/2024
by Alice Wilkie

What was Farming in Cornwall like in the Past?

What a whirlwind of a week Landaviddy class have had! 

To continue our enquiry question 'What's On Our Doorstep?' during our Wider Curriculum lesson this week, we discovered what Farming was like in Cornwall in the past but examining photographic evidence. We compared photographs and began to develop our oracy skills through discussion.

In Art, we sketched repeated patterns we observed around us and then cut out a motif to be used as a stamp for a repeated, rotated print. We learnt about how our muscles contract and relax in Science. Can you recall what the muscles in your arms are called? What happens to them when you bend your arm?

We also got in the pool this week on a sunny Thursday afternoon, despite the rain for most of the week! We worked on our breath work and enjoyed playing water tag.

In Maths, Year 2 have been exploring telling the time to o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. Year 3 have been measuring in m, cm and mm.

English *BREAKING NEWS* - We received a letter from 'Peter Pluto' this week, detailing that aliens are planning to destroy Cornwall's natural environment, to make way for the galaxy's first ever milky-way supermarket! We couldn't believe it! So next week, we will be planning and writing persuasive letters to try and change their minds!

Congratulations to Emma and Flora for being chosen as Landaviddy's People of the Week. And a big well done to Reuben for his 55 club and Anya for her 66 club!

Reminder - On Monday 15th July is a mufti day, where we will be asking for donations of an item matching your child's house team colour to create hampers for raffles prizes. Children can wear their own clothes and this could include wearing their house colour. 

We hope you have a super weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week!

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Bowden


Penhallow   Penhallow 12.7.2024

Posted 12/07/2024
by Karen Taylor

We have enjoyed another fun-filled week of learning in Penhallow this week. 

We completed our weaving topic in art where we made woven Rainbow Fish. The children worked together brilliantly and the classroom looks AMAZING!

On Thursday, we managed to make the most of a break in the weather and enjoy a lovely swim in the pool where we practiced submerging as much as we felt comfortable. The children enjoyed being fireworks and singing heads, shoulders, knees and toes!

In Maths, we have started our topic on measurement, looking at money firstly, before we move onto our final topic of time this week. All children have done brilliantly in their end of year consolidation work. Well done to our 'People of the Week' this week who have showed brilliant examples of our school values. Well done, Evie G, Ada and Rosie. 

I have attached copies of this term's KIRFs, these are Key Instant Recall Facts that the children should be able to recall instantly. They will help the children in their maths journey. 

We look forward to our trip to the National Marine Aquarium on Tuesday. If you haven't returned your child's permission slip, please do this on Monday. Payment is set up on Parentpay. The children are very excited for both the coach journey and Aquarium visit (I am too)!

We have a MUFTI day on Monday where the children are invited to wear non uniform and if possible, wear something to represent your house colour. In exchange they should bring something in to be included in a raffle for our Summer Fair next week. This should be something that is the colour of their house. There are examples in last weeks Head's emails. (e.g. I am in Willow so I will bring something in Yellow for the raffle). I have attached a list if you are unsure what house/colour your child is in. 

We hope you enjoy a lovely weekend! 

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss C and Mrs Hodge. 



Posted 12/07/2024
by Emily Randle

Up, up and away...

This week has just flown by. As part of our enquiry into Crime and Punishment, Chaipel have been learning about the 'inmates' of Bodmin Jail in the run up to our school trip. They enjoyed learning about the crimes that were committed and have been discussing whether the punishment did in fact fit the crime. In many cases, not.

On Thursday, we had an amazing school trip to the jail. The trip leader couldn't believe how much we knew and it was so exciting to actually stand in the jail that the people we had researched actually stayed in. We tried out some 'hard labour' and agreed that it was not something that we ever wanted to do!

As a special surprise, we then detoured - on the way back to school - to Bodmin Airfield where a biplane was waiting for Miss Randle to take to the skies and flutter the WW1 poetry we had written earlier this year. It was a chance in a lifetime and we were proud to be the class that was there to witness this!

Our Transition morning, on Friday, went very well and it was lovely to meet Chaipel's new recruits. 

The guys have been super busy preparing for their Leaver's Assembly next week. We look forward to seeing all of you on Wednesday for a tearful farewell and celebration of their time at Polperro Primary. There is a 'pool and pizza' party afterwards, though, so I'm sure that the Y6s will soon recover!

That's all from me, have a lovely weekend.

Miss Randle and Mrs Clary 


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 12.7..24

Posted 12/07/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley


How is this final term almost over?  Time is flying!

I think it's fair to say everyone had a lovely transition morning today and we've had another VERY busy week!

Year 4 have just finished their unit on position and movement and will begin time next week.
 Year 5 have completed their unit on volume and are preparing to start their final unit of negative numbers... Yay!

Talland have edited and improved their poems about the Paris Olympic Games and I can't wait to see them written up in top copy - the children's use of rhythm and rhyme is fabulous.

We've had fun in art by creating space themed creatures using a method called, 'painting by scissors' and they have used wax crayons to create a colourful pattern - this pattern has now been painted black, ready to scratch some creative patterns into, which are based on their space creatures.   

Year 5 have had interesting lessons today based on the human anatomy and self esteem - be prepared to hear all about it!

Year 4 have been using the eight points of a compass to solve problems on a map and then have created their own treasure maps - really fun!

Well done to Skye for being noticed as our enthusiastic child of the week and great work from Frankie and Chilali for earning their next 99 club badge!

That's about it from Talland class this week. We hope you have a brilliant weekend and (if you're watching) enjoy the final... COME ON ENGLAND!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.


Penhallow   Penhallow 5.7.2024

Posted 07/07/2024
by Karen Taylor

July already!

How have we got to July already? We still have so much to squeeze in to our last few weeks in Penhallow. 

This week was a busy one and started with our fantastic Beach Day. The children behaved brilliantly and we had a wonderful time.

The week continued with natural weaving looms on Tuesday, where the children ventured out into the garden. We are writing recounts in English and in maths we begin our topic on money in Year 1. We enjoyed a very energetic PE lesson on Wednesday where we learned the difference between a hop, a jump and a leap! 

Well done to all children for having a try at 99-club this week. The Reception children had their first attempt and wowee! it shows me how amazing they all are.. well done to Hugh, Casey, Martha, Ada and Evie for getting their 11-club badge. Well done also to our 'People of the Week' this week who are recognised for showing amazing examples of our School Values. Well done Ada, Casey, Theo and Jemima.

The children should have come home with 2 letters on Friday, the first, regarding our Pirate Day on Monday the 8th, where children are invited to dress like a pirate. We will be exploring all things piratey and don't worry if you don't have any pirate wear, we will accessorise throughout the day. The second letter is regarding our trip to the aquarium and we really hope all children can make the trip on Tuesday the 16th of July! We are very excited! We will have an interactive tour of the aquarium as well as take part in craft activities throughout the day. I have attached both letters to this blog if you require another copy, alternatively, just ask!

I have also attached a copy of this half-term's knowledge web so that you can take a look at the amazing things Penhallow will be learning throughout Summer 2.

We hope you enjoy a lovely weekend!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss C and Mrs Hodge.


Landaviddy   Friday 5th July 2024

Posted 05/07/2024
by Alice Wilkie

Do People with Longer Femurs Jump Further?

What a great week we have had! 

As part of our enquiry 'What's On Our Doorstep?' we enjoyed exploring topography maps in Geography, locating different elevations across the UK. In Science, we conducted an experiment to find out whether people with long femurs jump the furthest. We had a mixture of results, but most of use agreed that longer femurs did mean further jumps! In Computing, we learnt more about how PowerPoint works and had a tinker within the app. Hopefully, we will be able to develop our word processing skills next week, by typing up our English stories.

In Art, we have continued to discover what we can do with printing. We used a range of found objects to print with, such as potatoes, buttons and cotton reels, and began to create rotated patterns. Music this week was fantastic! Mrs Butlin worked with the class on a story, where we used the keyboards to provide sound effects for key parts of the story. Everyone did a brilliant job at locating the sounds and playing this in time with the key parts of the story. 

In English this week, we have been working tirelessly on our own Polperro legends. We have written these using our own mythical creatures and enjoyed describing their secret lairs. Next week, we will finish off our legends and begin some non-fiction writing. 

Both Year 2 and 3 have had a whistle stop tour of money this week. Year 2 have been recognising coins, making amounts and comparing money, whilst Year 3 have been converting coins, adding and subtracting money. Next week, we will finish off this unit, with Year 2 exploring Time and Year 3 consolidating their knowledge on Length and Perimeter. 

Congratulations to Zac and Harley for being Landaviddy's People of the Week! 

Polite Reminder - Please can you ensure you child brings in their colour banded reading book into school each day. Thank you.

We hope you have a restful weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week.

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Bowden


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 5.7.24

Posted 05/07/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley


Talland have been busy directing their own trailers this week for the opening of the Paris Olympic Games 2024. They have been incredibly creative and I'm looking forward to getting some motivational music in the back ground to get everyone pumped for this amazing spectacle!

Year 4 have been using coordinates to plot points on grids and create different polygons by the information given to them.
Year 5 have been looking at volume and using multi links to help them solve these problems. They have built certain shapes - this has helped them to find either the approximate or estimate the volume in centimeters cubed.  

This has been linked to the trailer the children have created. They have been finding ways to describe certain landmarks, be an animal, perform the event and transform into an athlete. Children have had to hone into their senses and then as if that wasn't tricky enough - we thought it best to include rhythm and rhyme too! 

Talland got into their super hero gear and practiced life saving skills in the pool. We looked at different ways to float, 'the help position', what to do if you get caught in a rip and even made our own rips by having lots of fun and creating whirl pools. It all went swimmingly!

A huge well done to Tabbi for being noticed as our enthusiastic child of the week - her ability to help those around her is truly fantastic - well done!

That's all from Talland - we hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.


Head's Blog   5th July 2024

Posted 05/07/2024
by Anthea Hillman

On Monday Rev Richard came in for an assembly about friendship to start what has been a different week this week with year 6 out at their transition days on Tuesday and then away at their residential at the Ultimate Adventure Centre in Devon. It has been quiet without them, however the children made up for this yesterday in their weekly music lesson with Mrs Butlin where they enjoyed using the keyboards!

Summer Reading Challenge Please find attached 2 posters. One advertises the Summer Reading Challenge and where to sign up and the other, Looe Library’s Summer Reading Challenge Festival during the Summer Holiday.

FOPS Summer Fete (Friday 19th July at 2pm) MUFTI day 15th July Reminder that Monday 15th July will be a MUFTI day where we will be asking for donations of an item matching your child’s house team colour to create hampers for raffles prizes. Children can wear their own clothes and this could include wearing their house colour. 

Clubs Next week will be the last week of clubs for this school year.

If you are looking ahead to buying uniform, please remember that we have a good supply of nearly new uniform in school which is available for a donation (£1 minimum) to the school. Please ask at reception.

Transition Next Friday will be transition morning for all of our pupils when they will enjoy time in their new class (details to be sent out on Monday).

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Hillman



Head's Blog   Day 2: SUP, High Ropes and Climbing

Posted 05/07/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Well done year 6 for overcoming your fears on the high ropes and climbing wall.


Head's Blog   Day 2 of the Ultimate Adventure

Posted 04/07/2024
by Anthea Hillman

After an enjoyable breakfast, Year six have tried their hand at archery and mountain boarding and done really well at both.


Head's Blog   Dinner, Campfire and Nightline

Posted 04/07/2024
by Anthea Hillman


Head's Blog   Camp Craft Y6

Posted 03/07/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Year 6 have loved the den building as part of their Camp Craft activity.

Dinner next, then Night Line.


Head's Blog   Year 6 - The Ultimate Adventure Begins

Posted 03/07/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Year 6 left earlier this morning and arrived safely and happily at the Ultimate Adventure Centre. They are now enjoying their lunch and looking forward to Camp Craft.

Watch this space for more news later.


Head's Blog   28 June 2024

Posted 03/07/2024
by Anthea Hillman

It was great to see so many of you at sports day on Tuesday – thank you for coming. We were very proud of the way the children joined in, competed and supported each other and of the leaders who ran the morning so well. 

Sports Day House Points We added up the house points from the sports day races and awarded others to pupils for exceptional effort, enthusiasm and determination (well done to Jack G, Bayley, Leo, Casey, Hamish, Rosie G, Callum, Thomas, Kai and Dom). The final scores were Chestnut 49; Ash 77; Oak 92 and Willow 102. Congratulations Willow.

Football Success After a busy sports day and swimming lessons in the afternoon, our football team traveled to Burraton School in Saltash where they played their best match of the season. They worked together as a team, attacking and defending as one. Player of the match was Jack C who was also Captain. Final score Polperro 4 - Burraton 1.

Bridge School Games To round off a very successful sporting week, we heard yesterday that we came 2nd overall in the Bridge School Games out of 15 schools. Well done Polperro, another great effort!

Squashbox Theatre Company Today we had a visit from the Squashbox Theatre Company who performed their hilarious and informative ‘The Sea Show’. The visit was kindly funded by the Polperro Arts Foundation.

Garden Update Everything is growing really well in the greenhouse thanks to hard work by our volunteers Mr and Mrs Peters and Gardening Club children with Miss Randle and Mrs Taylor. Our tomatoes were served as part of our school lunch today. You are invited to look round the garden during our school fete (see below).

FOPS Summer Fete – Friday 19th July at 2pm FOPS are busily organising this year’s Summer Fete. Monday 15th July will be a MUFTI day where we will be asking for donations of an item matching your child’s house team colour to create hampers for raffles prizes. Children can wear their own clothes and this could include wearing their house colour. Please see attached posters for suggestions of what to send in for your child’s colour on the day.

TIME 2 MOVE Bookings are now online for Summer activities. Please see further details attached. This is a very busy half term with more exciting events coming up including Penhallow’s Beach Trip on Monday and the year 6 residential trip to the Ultimate Adventure Centre in North Devon next week. These and other important dates are on our events diary on this website.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Hillman



Posted 01/07/2024
by Karen Taylor

Penhallow Beach Trip!

I wanted to pop up a few photos to show you how much fun we had on our beach trip today! I will pop up a few more pictures later in the week. The children were all AMAZING!
I'm sure they will all sleep very well after our adventurous day. Well done Penhallow on a FABULOUS day!


Landaviddy   Friday 28th June 2024

Posted 29/06/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Landaviddy have been very enthusiastic this week! We got into the swimming pool on Monday, which was fantastic! On Tuesday, we celebrated Sport's Day with the whole school. Everyone showed brilliant sportsmanship and determination in each of their races. Well done everyone for an excellent morning!

In Science this week, we planned an investigation to find out whether people with longer legs jump further. What do you think? As Geographers this week, we used a map to follow a route around the boundaries of the school. We had a fabulous time marking where we were going and using our maps to spot the features around us. We then sketched our own maps of the school and used a key of symbols. We also started a new unit in Art, where we will be looking at Printing. We began by using crayons to rub against different textures we could find outside. Next week, we will use these to create some repeated patterns. 

In Maths, we have been finishing off our work on Statistics. Year 2 had a go at applying their knowledge of block diagrams and pictograms, by drawing their own from data they collected on their classmates favourite fruits. Year 3 have been looking at the ways we can interpret data and explored two-way tables. 

In English, we have been busy designing our own mythical creatures, ready for a Polperro Legend, which we will be writing next week! We also created story maps by adapting 'The Cobbler and the Dragon' with our own ideas. 

Congratulations to Reuben and Jamie for being chosen as Landaviddy's People of the Week! And a big well done to Zac for achieving his 88 club this week! 

We hope you enjoy a lovely weekend! 

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Bowden



Posted 29/06/2024
by Emily Randle

Chaipel have had a lovely week this week, kickstarted by our Sports Day. We all demonstrated our school values, taking part not just for personal gain but for our House Teams. Well done to Willow who were our overall winners but each and everybody helped to gain points for their team!

Our crime-based narratives are in full swing and we are currently at the 'investigation' stage, where the detectives or sleuths (depending on which era the narrative is set in) are gathering their evidence! We hope to complete them on Monday. 


We have been learning about Area and Perimeter this week whilst some Y6s have been learning about Finance in the 'adult world'. A really important area and although they are finding it challenging, are thoroughly enjoying it!

We have been experimenting with thermal insulation, this week, testing out various materials which couldact as a sleeve for keeping a cup of coffee hot. Silver foil-backed bubble wrap seemed to do the trick!

Chaipel have been exploring Olympic pictograms throughout the years and have selected a sporting event, drawn its progression and then designed their own. They are currently creating a prototype out of pipe cleaners and tin foil, which they will then move onto creating a 3D sculpture out of clay. 

On Friday, the whole school were treated to a visit by the incredible SquashBox. He really entertained us and we all had an amazing time!

Residential for Y6s next week so if there are any last minute questions, then either find me on the gate at 3:15 or give the secretary a ring.

Homework Grid and Knowledge Web
I have attached the homework grid for this half term, linking to the them of Crime and Punishment as well as the Knowledge Web. Enjoy!

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle and Mrs Clary


Penhallow   Penhallow 28.6.2024

Posted 28/06/2024
by Karen Taylor

We have enjoyed a wonderful time in Penhallow this week with so many fun things to talk about!

We had a FANTASTIC sports day on Tuesday and really hope you enjoyed it too! All of the children ran their races with enthusiasm and it was brilliant to see them all having so much fun, especially in our fun obstacle race. I think there may be lots of space hopper fun for many years to come!

On Tuesday afternoon we were tired after sports day but still managed an amazing art lesson. We learned all about weaving and we weaved our own under the water scene using paper, learning the new terms; warp and weft. The children wowed us with their amazing pieces!

In English, we are now writing up our final commotion in the ocean poems and the children have done a fantastic job thinking of rhyming pairs to add to their poem.

In maths, the Year 1s are doing brilliantly exploring numbers  and place value to 100. Reception are enjoying consolidating practical maths and this week we have been exploring mapping.

We enjoyed a great swimming lesson on Wednesday where we learned how to submerge our faces in the water confidently.

We were very lucky to have a visit from the Squash Box theatre company today who put on a brilliant show to entertain the school. This finished off our fun-filled week brilliantly and we can't wait to start another on Monday when we will venture out for the day to Talland Beach. Please remember that the children will need to come to school in appropriate clothing for the beach and wear sensible shoes for the walk down and up.
The children will also need cash if they would like an ice cream. (£1/£1.50with a flake). Please also remember to pack a drink, packed lunch (unless previously ordered) and sun cream. We really hope it will be a superb day of outdoor learning for the children and we can't wait!

Well done to the children that achieved a badge in 99 club this week:
11 Club: Max and Felix,
22 Club: Tommy and Ida,
33 Club: Sonny.

People of the Week in Penhallow this week were Hugh and Sonny. Well done for showing great examples of our School Values.

Enjoy a lovely weekend!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss C and Mrs Hodge.


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 28.6.24

Posted 28/06/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley


This week has flown by in  hurry. 

We've had a wonderful afternoon as the children were lucky enough to get a performance from Squash Box where we learnt all about the sea. The children loved it. It was fun, informative and LOUD!

Year 4 have been learning all about different shapes and their properties. Why not quiz them on their knowledge of shapes...
Year 5 have been converting measurements - I think it's time for them to get outside and measure some different areas of the school.

We have been immersing ourselves with science fiction writing. The children have been using lots of different writing techniques to create a scene with lots of description.

We have begun to look at the earth, the sun and the moon. We found out why the earth is spherical. Well done Aristotle - what a clever scientist and philosopher he was. Why not ask your child the three significant facts he discovered to help prove his theory...

We are looking a printing this term. We began by creating a mood board on PowerPoint to brainstorm influential artists that can inspire us to create something amazing!

Well done to Nuala for passing her 88 club this week, and great work to Leo and Hamish for being spotted as our enthusiastic children of the week!

That's all from Talland. We hope you have a brilliant weekend.!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.  


Killigarth Nursery   5/7/24

Posted 26/06/2024
by Julie Peat

This week at nursery we have been exploring under the sea and answering our enquiry qurstion "Who lives under the sea?"
The cildren have enjoyed exploring the beach/under water tuft tray and have named and added different sea creatures to this. They have discussed going on holiday and we made passports for this.
At story time we have enjoyed exploring the story of "Rainbow fish" and turned our book area into an underwater area with the rainbow fish that the children helped to decorate. We have also been enjoying "Commotion in the ocean".

In phonics we have been exploring pirates and mermaids and have been matching objects with the same initial sounds. The children have been exploring the different sounds that their bodies make and have been exploring the sounds instruments make and comparing the noises that each makes.

In maths we have been finding objects up to 5, counting to 5 and beyond and practicing our mark making to represent these numbers.

We will continue exploring under the sea next week.

Have a lovely weekend

Julie and Sarah


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