Class Blog for Talland

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Talland's Class Blog 12.7..24 


How is this final term almost over?  Time is flying!

I think it's fair to say everyone had a lovely transition morning today and we've had another VERY busy week!

Year 4 have just finished their unit on position and movement and will begin time next week.
 Year 5 have completed their unit on volume and are preparing to start their final unit of negative numbers... Yay!

Talland have edited and improved their poems about the Paris Olympic Games and I can't wait to see them written up in top copy - the children's use of rhythm and rhyme is fabulous.

We've had fun in art by creating space themed creatures using a method called, 'painting by scissors' and they have used wax crayons to create a colourful pattern - this pattern has now been painted black, ready to scratch some creative patterns into, which are based on their space creatures.   

Year 5 have had interesting lessons today based on the human anatomy and self esteem - be prepared to hear all about it!

Year 4 have been using the eight points of a compass to solve problems on a map and then have created their own treasure maps - really fun!

Well done to Skye for being noticed as our enthusiastic child of the week and great work from Frankie and Chilali for earning their next 99 club badge!

That's about it from Talland class this week. We hope you have a brilliant weekend and (if you're watching) enjoy the final... COME ON ENGLAND!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.


Talland's Class Blog 5.7.24 


Talland have been busy directing their own trailers this week for the opening of the Paris Olympic Games 2024. They have been incredibly creative and I'm looking forward to getting some motivational music in the back ground to get everyone pumped for this amazing spectacle!

Year 4 have been using coordinates to plot points on grids and create different polygons by the information given to them.
Year 5 have been looking at volume and using multi links to help them solve these problems. They have built certain shapes - this has helped them to find either the approximate or estimate the volume in centimeters cubed.  

This has been linked to the trailer the children have created. They have been finding ways to describe certain landmarks, be an animal, perform the event and transform into an athlete. Children have had to hone into their senses and then as if that wasn't tricky enough - we thought it best to include rhythm and rhyme too! 

Talland got into their super hero gear and practiced life saving skills in the pool. We looked at different ways to float, 'the help position', what to do if you get caught in a rip and even made our own rips by having lots of fun and creating whirl pools. It all went swimmingly!

A huge well done to Tabbi for being noticed as our enthusiastic child of the week - her ability to help those around her is truly fantastic - well done!

That's all from Talland - we hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.


Talland's Class Blog 28.6.24 


This week has flown by in  hurry. 

We've had a wonderful afternoon as the children were lucky enough to get a performance from Squash Box where we learnt all about the sea. The children loved it. It was fun, informative and LOUD!

Year 4 have been learning all about different shapes and their properties. Why not quiz them on their knowledge of shapes...
Year 5 have been converting measurements - I think it's time for them to get outside and measure some different areas of the school.

We have been immersing ourselves with science fiction writing. The children have been using lots of different writing techniques to create a scene with lots of description.

We have begun to look at the earth, the sun and the moon. We found out why the earth is spherical. Well done Aristotle - what a clever scientist and philosopher he was. Why not ask your child the three significant facts he discovered to help prove his theory...

We are looking a printing this term. We began by creating a mood board on PowerPoint to brainstorm influential artists that can inspire us to create something amazing!

Well done to Nuala for passing her 88 club this week, and great work to Leo and Hamish for being spotted as our enthusiastic children of the week!

That's all from Talland. We hope you have a brilliant weekend.!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.  


Talland's Class Blog 21.6.24 

Talland's Blog 21.6.24

WOW! What an awesome week it's been!

I think it's fair to say that the Polperro Festival was a raging success! As I'm sure you were - I was so proud of all the children! They performed fantastically. I was blown away! Thank you so much for helping your children to learn their lines and organising costumes. They looked brilliant!

We've also had Polperro Olympics Day AND The Bridge School Games this week! So much going on and I think the children have had a thoroughly good time. Hopefully they'll sleep well this weekend for you - I know I will!

Next week we have Sports Day on Tuesday 25th June so please make sure your child has all their PE kit and are ready and raring to go. I'm also looking forward to the parent race so make sure you have your sports gear on too!

 A huge well done to Tabbi and Nuala for earning their badge in 99 club and to Lily also, who has been noticed for being particularly enthusiastic this week! 

That's all from us in Talland class. We hope you have an amazing weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.


Talland's Class Blog 14.6.24 


SUMMER 2 has kicked off and there's been loads going on already! 

I'm extremely pleased to say we have our final collage art pieces! They look fantastic! I can't wait for them to take them home for you to see!

Year 4 have been measuring their way through length and perimeter. They have their post assessment next week... Eeeee!
Year 5 have been diving into position and movement. Why not ask them all about translation?

Drama based - we have been rehearsing our production for Polperro Festival happening THIS TUESDAY! Hopefully you can make it. Talland have been working so hard. It really is looking fabulous!

We've had a lot of fun using Excel this week. Children have been firstly, 'tinkering' on it to see what kind of madness they can create. Then, we have put our data from a science experiment into a spreadsheet and converted that data into a chart. The children have loved it and the finished results are excellent!

The Bridge School Games kick off next week. Could all children please make sure they have their PE kits in school ALL week. This is all about the up coming Olympic Games, Paris 2024. Date for your Diary: 26th July 2024 is when the Olympic Games start - I for one, CAN'T WAIT!  

For Polperro Festival, children have been asked to try and bring in some clothing which resembles Victorian School Children. Ideally plane white, black, brown or grey. Please, please, please DO NOT feel you need to buy anything for their outfit!
Boys: A plain shirt and trousers. Waist coat, top hat and braces if you have them - not a problem if not. 
Girls: A long plane dress or a plane shirt/blouse and long skirt. Or what ever you can find. There is no pressure what so ever!

A massive well done to the year 4's this week, who have completed their times tables checks. Every last one of them should be tremendously proud of themselves and a huge thank you to the year 5's for being so respectful to the year 4's throughout this week.

Finally, well done to Harrison and Tabbi for being nominated as writers of the week. Well done to Harley and Joey for being nominated as mathematicians of the week. Well done to Ashton and Thomas for being nominated as readers of the week.

That's all from us. We hope you have an incredible weekend.

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.


Talland's Class Blog 24.05.24 


Throw back to my favourite day this half term (MORWELLHAM QUAY)! Why not ask your child what their favourite memory of Summer 1 has been...

It's been a very busy week in Talland:

- Decimals in Maths for both year groups - CHECK!

- Persuasive letter in English written for the council asking for recycling bins and recycling service - CHECK!

- Art collage - CHECK!

- Swimming pool open and ready for business - CHECK!


I'd like to thank all the parents of Talland for your hard work and help this term. We couldn't have gone on our amazing trip without you! We couldn't have got our wonderful art pieces completed without you! AND, the children of Talland wouldn't be so amazing without you! So thank you, thank you AND thank you some more for being fabulous!

Huge congratulations to Aria this week for being chosen as child of the week. Also, well done to Harley and Nuala for earning their new badges on 99 club!

Parents, I have one final task for you over the holidays (if the time presents itself). Please, please, please practice, quiz and practice some more - your child's times table facts all the way to 12 x 12.  

That's all from us in Talland. We hope you have the most amazing break and we can't wait to see you for our FINAL half term (WOW, this year has flown by)! 

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.


Talland's Class Blog 17.5.24 


A busy week for Talland!

A huge thank you to all of Talland for being so respectful to the Year 6's during SATS week. Their behaviour was fantastic! Also, well done to the Year 6's - great effort with all of the tests this week! A nice relaxing weekend is definitely needed!

Year 4's have just finished their unit on decimals - they will have their end of unit assessment on Monday.
Year 5's are working their way through decimals still. They've been looking at adding and subtracting decimals. Onto decimal sequences next week.

Talland have been working hard at finding features of a persuasive text. Now we know what persuasive writing entails (apologies for some really persuasive birthday wish list letters coming your way), we will be planning and writing a letter to Cornwall Council - We want recycling bins!

We've had the atlases out and have been discovering where different countries are in North and South America! It looks like such an amazing place to visit! Fun fact: Did you know that there are different time zones in America because it is SO BIG!

Talland have just finished their mood board for the final art piece they will be creating next week. I'm really excited to see the final product. Thank you to everyone who has sent some photos in - they're great!

That's it from us. We hope you have a fantastic weekend.

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge. 


Talland's Class Blog 10.5.24 

Talland's Blog 10.5.24

What an amazing week! We'll let the pictures do the talking...

Jumping back in time to Victorian School. "Children should be seen, not heard!"

Don't make a noise - you'll get into trouble!

Into the mines we go...

"Who turned out the lights?"

Say cheese...

How the rich and poor lived...

"Please Mr. Langley, no more photos!"

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop, Mrs. Hodge and Miss Colton.


Talland's Class Blog 3.5.24 


What a gruesomely fun week we have had!

We finished our instruction writing about how to make a gruesome smoothie this week. They were disgusting yet fantastic to read. We finished the week by going to the garden TO follow our instructions. What wonderfully sickening creations your children made… YUM!

Year 4 finished their first decimals unit and are moving to their second unit next week. They have got really effective at dividing 1- and 2-digit numbers by 10 and 100.
Year 5 have also finished their unit on shape and are ready to move onto decimals next week. They have become experts at finding angles!

Has been great fun as ever! Orienting games have enhanced and badminton has moved onto backhands. We’ve continued to look at positional awareness and aiming the shuttlecock into space.

We have looked at many different ways of making collage effective. We’ve been experimenting with layering and practicing different ways of cutting, tearing and manipulating the resources.

Talland investigated which material was the best insulator. We used bubble wrap, cellophane and tin foil. Why not ask your child what we did during our experiment…

Well done to Tabbi for being chosen as pupil of the week – her involvement during class discussions have been excellent this week. Also congratulations to all of our readers, writers and mathematicians of the week: Mathematicians:
Isaac and Sienna

Henry and Harrison

Leo and Freddie

That’s it from Talland. We hope you have a fantastic 3 day weekend - YAY!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.


Talland's Class Blog 26.4.24 

Talland's Class Blog 26.4.24

Week two came and went in the blink of an eye!

There's been an abundance of sport, jelly making, science investigations, instruction writing and much more...

Year 4 have been finding out about how to write fractions and decimals and hundredths. Some children have been thinking about how that can link to percentages too.
Year 5 have continued to measure angles and perimeter in shapes. They're very handy with a protractor now!

We have finished writing our instructions about 'How to make Jelly'. We have followed the instructions and made our own jelly. The children are now planning how to make instructions for a 'Gruesome Smoothie'. I'm looking forward to getting outside and finding our ingredients next week!

Talland have explored a range of activities to play in an outdoor environment and we've been practicing how to return the shuttlecock in badminton. Some children challenged themselves to catch their opponent out and return the shuttlecock to a space on the court where the partner wasn't to help them win a point.

We have looked at and experimented on jelly - how does it change its state of matter? Why not ask your child how the jelly changes when heated and then cooled...
We also began thinking about our experiment for next week - What is the best material to wrap a cup in to keep drinks warmer for longer? The material and the ice cubes are already waiting...

This topic is linking nicely to Science this term. After we have our results for the experiment, Talland will be creating an excel spread sheet to gather data. We will then transfer the data to a graph, which will show help to show our results in a pictorial manner.

A huge well done to Nuala this week for being noticed for excellent behaviour and trying her best in lessons. 

Exciting News:
School trip information coming Monday... I'm personally looking forward to the 10th May. I think all of Talland will be once we find out where we are going!

That's it from Talland this week. We hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge. 


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