Class Blog for Penhallow

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Week ending Friday 7th February  

Hello Everyone,

We have enjoyed a variety of learning tasks which have helped to improve our wellbeing in Penhallow. After watching a clip from the film ‘Inside Out’ we were able to name and describe different feelings and emotions. We  read the story ‘The Colour Monster’ and created feelings jars using colours which helped to describe different feelings. We also learnt a song, linked to these ideas. The children’s vocabulary has really improved throughout these activities. 

We have all been really proud of our reception children recently, who are beginning to write their own words and captions, using their recently acquired phonic knowledge. We even caught some children writing for fun during choosing time. Well done reception!

Year 1 have been working very hard in maths this week, adding and subtracting numbers to 20. They have been using number lines and drawing on their knowledge of number facts to represent their knowledge in different ways. We have written fact families using addition and subtraction and used bar models and part while models to record number sentences.

During our Geography lesson this week, we went outside to observe different forms of clouds. We located different areas of the UK on a map, and learnt about seasons and weather patterns in the UK.

We all had a lovely end to our week, with a day of birdwatching, yoga, and outdoor learning. All of this, combined with a fascinating visit from a Hindu lady, who brought in a huge selection of artefacts which helped us to understand her religion and beliefs, has made sure that we have had a very varied and interesting week.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

From the Penhallow team.


Week ending Friday 31st January 

Hello Everyone,

We have enjoyed working with clay this week in Penhallow, as part of our learning about the artist and sculptor Andy Goldsworthy. We chose objects to make imprints into clay, and then used them to make patterns on finger pots that we had made. We are looking forward to finding out how they have dried next week, so that we can paint them.

During our English lessons we continued to use the text; ‘Field Trip to the Moon’ by John Hare to inspire our writing. Year 1 have written some superb recounts, all about their trip to the Moon, while Reception have been busy writing labels, captions and even some onomatopoeia words, after watching a clip of a rocket taking off. They thought of some fantastic vocabulary and used their knowledge of phonics to write their own words.

We have been enjoying our new rocket role play area, and have been busy writing space log books, painting different planets and preparing for journeys into space. We have also used different construction materials to make additions and inventions for the rocket. 

It is now the Chinese New Year, so this week, we have also learnt about the story of the great race, as well as finding out about some of the traditions involved in Chinese New Year. Reception have managed to write a list of some of the animals that were involved in the race.

Have a lovely weekend! 

From the Penhallow team.


Week ending Friday 24th January 

Hello Everyone,

We have been learning the story; ‘Field Trip to the Moon’ by John Hare, this week during our English lessons. We therefore went on a pretend trip to the moon in a space ship. Wearing our space suits and helmets, we travelled through space together, and when we landed, we explored the moon, recording our findings and observations about what we could see, feel, smell and hear. Next week, we will be writing a recount about what happened. 

In maths, we have been playing games and solving problems around the concept of doubles and near doubles. We have been practicing recalling doubles facts and then using them to find near doubles. We have used a range of ways to represent our understanding visually, and enjoyed drawing number lines and hunting for doubles in the outside area. 

During RE this week, we learnt about stories that have meanings to Christians, Jewish people and Muslims. This week we thought about the story of Jesus calming the storm. We discussed the concept of faith, and made a zig zag book to retell the story.

We continued our learning about the sculptor Andy Goldsworthy this week, during our art lessons. We collected our own natural materials outside, and used pictures and video clips of the artist’s work, to help us to create our own sculptures in a similar style. Our creations were both unique and impressive. Well done everyone!

In Penhallow, we already enjoy reading in a range of different ways. We listen to stories read out loud every day. We read individually, in groups and using ebooks. We enjoy choosing our own books from the library, and many of us choose to read during choosing time in quiet places in the classroom, such as our reading tent. In order to encourage our love of reading even further, we are also sending home each week, a book to read with some hot chocolate, some cookies and a teddy. A different person will take this home every week, so please enjoy your special reading time, whenever you happen to be given these goodies.

Have a lovely weekend!

From the Penhallow team.


Week Ending Friday 10th January 

Happy New Year!

This week, we welcome Mrs Lister to Penhallow class. She will be working with us every Friday. She also teaches at Trenode school and has experience at teaching all Primary age groups, and brings with her lots of experience and enthusiasm. Please feel free to come in and meet her, or to ask any questions that you might have. 

This week, we have launched our new enquiry question: ‘Why aren’t space ship’s made of jelly?’ The focus of the topic, is based around different materials and their properties. 

This week, we explored the story of The Three Little Pigs during our English lessons. We learnt the story and practiced reciting our own version of the story with actions. We also sequenced the story with pictures, and built models of the pig’s houses in our construction area. We practiced our phonics writing skills by drawing plans, writing lists and labelling our models. 

In art, Year 1 began to learn about the sculptor Andy Goldsworthy. We watched videos about how he creates his work, and found out about the natural materials and techniques that he uses. We sketched the shapes that his sculptures make, so that next week, we can create our own designs and sculptures outside, using natural materials. Reception enjoyed making collages of the three pig’s houses, mixing colours to paint pig masks, and using junk modelling to build models of the houses. 

Have a lovely weekend!

From the Penhallow team

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Week Ending Friday 20th December 

Hello Everyone!

There has been plenty of fun and festive activity in Penhallow this week.

Our Christmas Art Day took place on Tuesday, where we worked with our school house groups to make Christmas cards, crowns for our Christmas dinner, Christmas decorations and bags. We have also made some of our own decorations and cards in Penhallow this week, during our art and design technology lessons.

During our Christmas party on Friday, we enjoyed playing some old fashioned party games such as musical statues, musical chairs and pin the nose on Rudolph. Thank you so much for the party food that was supplied. Great fun was had by all.

As well as all the festive fun this week, we have also been busy writing some amazing stories, based on the story of 'The Snowman' by Raymond Briggs. Reception have enjoyed sequencing the story, and retelling the events, while Year 1 have really shown off their learning this term, by including some fantastic vocabulary and sentences in writing their own version on the stories. Well done everybody!

We hope you all have a lovely Christmas.  We will see you on Tuesday 7th January.

From The Penhallow Team.

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Week Ending Friday 13th December 

Hello Everyone!

We hope you enjoyed our Christmas performance of 'It's a baby!' this week. We gave three performances this week, and (although perhaps a little tired by the time we reached the final performance), we acted and sang our hearts out. Well done to all of Penhallow, particularly to those who stepped into a new role due to their friend being absent. Thank you also to parents, who helped with the learning of lines at home. 

In our Maths learning this week, Year 1 have been busy using a number line to 20. We have ordered and placed numbers on a number line, and have been using our problem solving skills to estimate which numbers could be hiding in different positions. 
Reception have been using their skills in continuous provision, to create and name different shapes. There have been plenty of maths involved in our Christmas continuous provision activities, and we have been impressed at how some children have been able to explain their own learning.

In design technology, Year 1 have been sewing Christmas stockings as a Christmas decoration. We will decorate these next week, so that they will be ready to hang on your Christmas tree.

In computing, we have all been using our skills of coding, either to program a beebot, or to create our own character on the scratch junior app.

This week, we have also put the finishing touches to our Andy Warhol inspired printing creations during our art lesson. Well done everyone!

Reminders for this week:
Monday 16th December is the Christmas Gift Room. Gifts will be £2 each (max 2 gifts per child). Be sure to bring in your money if you would like to purchase any gifts for Christmas.

Friday 20th December 
will be our class Christmas party. You can wear Christmas MUFTI or party clothes (warm enough to play outside at breaktimes) and you are welcome to bring in some party food to share with the class.

Friday 20th December is a 1:30 finish.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From the Penhallow Team


Week ending Friday 6th December 

Hello Everyone,

It’s looking very Christmassy in Penhallow this week.

We have been enjoying our Christmas role play area, where we have been learning about shape, size, and length, by wrapping presents, and we have been practicing our writing, by making Christmas cards. 

We have been learning about the nativity story by practicing our Christmas play. Every day, we have found out about the role of a different character in the Christmas story, by gradually building our Christmas nativity set. We tried to imagine how Mary and the shepherds might have felt, when they saw an angel. 

In art this week, we have been printing with different objects, and have been recreating artwork in the style of Andy Warhol. Next week, we will be making improvements and adding different colours to our prints. 

In English this week, we have been exploring non-fiction texts about castles and have been using adjectives to describe different kinds of castles. 

During our maths lessons, we have been learning about place value to 20, and have enjoyed using the story; ‘One is a snail, ten is a crab’ in order to investigate making 20 in different ways.

In science, we have continued our learning about different animals including humans. We used different fact files to find out which animals are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

We are looking forward to performing our Christmas nativity next Tuesday, and look forward to seeing you at one of our performances.

Have a lovely weekend!

From the Penhallow team.


Week Ending Friday 29th November 

Hello Everyone!

It has been a lovely week of learning in Penhallow.

Reception have been very creative in their play this week and have built numerous castles using different materials. We went outside on the hill in nursery, used sand in the outside play area, and also perfected other designs using different construction materials in the classroom.

We have all been busy learning songs for our Christmas play. The singing sounds amazing! A few of the children have lines to practice, so thank you if you have been practicing at home. The fun starts next week, when we begin to practice the whole play, complete with acting.

There were some really interesting show and tell items this week, that got us thinking. Thank you so much for your pictures and artefacts. Next week, the theme is; a book from the past. If you would prefer, a picture of a book would be fine. Particularly if you would rather not send in a special book. Show and tell is on a Friday afternoon.

We enjoyed a lovely whole school lantern making experience on Monday. It was lovely to see the older children helping Penhallow, and supporting them so well. Thank you Chaipel, Talland and Landaviddy. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us on Saturday for the lantern parade.

Have a lovely weekend!

From the Penhallow team.

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Week ending Friday 22nd November 

Hello Everyone!

It’s been a very busy week in Penhallow.

We have been sequencing the story of Cinderella, labelling pictures and writing character descriptions of the ugly sisters. Year 1 are becoming experts in using interesting adjectives in their writing, while Reception are becoming much more confident at using their phonics to write their own words. Well done everyone!

In Year 1 maths, we have enjoyed plenty of practical work this week, which has helped us to reinforce our knowledge of our termly target: To recall number bonds to 10. We have used blocks, games, counters, bead strings, iPads. You name it, we have used it, to increase our fluency in adding these numbers. 

In computing, we have used our knowledge of Andy Warhol’s style of art, to create a set of repeated images using different paint programs on iPads. The children were extremely pleased with their results, which were vibrant, colourful and creative.

Thank you so much to all those who have brought in their themed show and tell this week. The children were excellent at listening to each other and asking questions.
Next week, please can the children bring in a gadget/mystery object from the past. If it’s not possible to bring in the actual object, a photograph will be fine. It would be great if the children could use their thinking skills to try to work out what the objects are. Show and tell is on Friday afternoons. 

Please keep practicing your reading at home everyone. When you have read your reading book 3 times, you can choose your next book. Every week, you can also choose a new library book when your previous book is returned. You also have your paper Twinkl phonics book to read at home which will help you with the phonics that you learn each week. We are all so proud of how much your reading is improving. Keep up the good work!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

From The Penhallow Team. 


Week Ending Friday 15th November 

Hello Everyone!

Another busy week for Penhallow this week, which has ended with a lovely, colourful day of donating to children in need. Thank you so much for all your donations.

Penhallow have been experts at demonstrating our school value of being curious this week, by asking lots of questions about 'What was it like before we were born?' We found out all about Florence Nightingale, and we were able to use a timeline to sequence some significant events in her life. 

Our English learning has been based around the Julia Donaldson story of Zog. Year 1 have written an exciting story/voice over for a section of the film. Reception have been busy labelling characters from the story. The story also inspired us to develop our knowledge of science, by using different methods to free dragons from being trapped in ice.

Thank you to Sienna, for your amazing show and tell this week. Next week, please can the children bring in a toy or a picture of a toy from the past. Show and tell will be on Friday afternoons. 

On the blog this week, I have included our knowledge web for this half term. I hope it is useful for you to see all the lovely learning that takes place in Penhallow.

Have a lovely weekend!

From the Penhallow team.

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