Class Blog for Penhallow

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Penhallow 12.7.2024 

We have enjoyed another fun-filled week of learning in Penhallow this week. 

We completed our weaving topic in art where we made woven Rainbow Fish. The children worked together brilliantly and the classroom looks AMAZING!

On Thursday, we managed to make the most of a break in the weather and enjoy a lovely swim in the pool where we practiced submerging as much as we felt comfortable. The children enjoyed being fireworks and singing heads, shoulders, knees and toes!

In Maths, we have started our topic on measurement, looking at money firstly, before we move onto our final topic of time this week. All children have done brilliantly in their end of year consolidation work. Well done to our 'People of the Week' this week who have showed brilliant examples of our school values. Well done, Evie G, Ada and Rosie. 

I have attached copies of this term's KIRFs, these are Key Instant Recall Facts that the children should be able to recall instantly. They will help the children in their maths journey. 

We look forward to our trip to the National Marine Aquarium on Tuesday. If you haven't returned your child's permission slip, please do this on Monday. Payment is set up on Parentpay. The children are very excited for both the coach journey and Aquarium visit (I am too)!

We have a MUFTI day on Monday where the children are invited to wear non uniform and if possible, wear something to represent your house colour. In exchange they should bring something in to be included in a raffle for our Summer Fair next week. This should be something that is the colour of their house. There are examples in last weeks Head's emails. (e.g. I am in Willow so I will bring something in Yellow for the raffle). I have attached a list if you are unsure what house/colour your child is in. 

We hope you enjoy a lovely weekend! 

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss C and Mrs Hodge. 

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Penhallow 5.7.2024 

July already!

How have we got to July already? We still have so much to squeeze in to our last few weeks in Penhallow. 

This week was a busy one and started with our fantastic Beach Day. The children behaved brilliantly and we had a wonderful time.

The week continued with natural weaving looms on Tuesday, where the children ventured out into the garden. We are writing recounts in English and in maths we begin our topic on money in Year 1. We enjoyed a very energetic PE lesson on Wednesday where we learned the difference between a hop, a jump and a leap! 

Well done to all children for having a try at 99-club this week. The Reception children had their first attempt and wowee! it shows me how amazing they all are.. well done to Hugh, Casey, Martha, Ada and Evie for getting their 11-club badge. Well done also to our 'People of the Week' this week who are recognised for showing amazing examples of our School Values. Well done Ada, Casey, Theo and Jemima.

The children should have come home with 2 letters on Friday, the first, regarding our Pirate Day on Monday the 8th, where children are invited to dress like a pirate. We will be exploring all things piratey and don't worry if you don't have any pirate wear, we will accessorise throughout the day. The second letter is regarding our trip to the aquarium and we really hope all children can make the trip on Tuesday the 16th of July! We are very excited! We will have an interactive tour of the aquarium as well as take part in craft activities throughout the day. I have attached both letters to this blog if you require another copy, alternatively, just ask!

I have also attached a copy of this half-term's knowledge web so that you can take a look at the amazing things Penhallow will be learning throughout Summer 2.

We hope you enjoy a lovely weekend!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss C and Mrs Hodge.

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Penhallow Beach Trip!

I wanted to pop up a few photos to show you how much fun we had on our beach trip today! I will pop up a few more pictures later in the week. The children were all AMAZING!
I'm sure they will all sleep very well after our adventurous day. Well done Penhallow on a FABULOUS day!


Penhallow 28.6.2024 

We have enjoyed a wonderful time in Penhallow this week with so many fun things to talk about!

We had a FANTASTIC sports day on Tuesday and really hope you enjoyed it too! All of the children ran their races with enthusiasm and it was brilliant to see them all having so much fun, especially in our fun obstacle race. I think there may be lots of space hopper fun for many years to come!

On Tuesday afternoon we were tired after sports day but still managed an amazing art lesson. We learned all about weaving and we weaved our own under the water scene using paper, learning the new terms; warp and weft. The children wowed us with their amazing pieces!

In English, we are now writing up our final commotion in the ocean poems and the children have done a fantastic job thinking of rhyming pairs to add to their poem.

In maths, the Year 1s are doing brilliantly exploring numbers  and place value to 100. Reception are enjoying consolidating practical maths and this week we have been exploring mapping.

We enjoyed a great swimming lesson on Wednesday where we learned how to submerge our faces in the water confidently.

We were very lucky to have a visit from the Squash Box theatre company today who put on a brilliant show to entertain the school. This finished off our fun-filled week brilliantly and we can't wait to start another on Monday when we will venture out for the day to Talland Beach. Please remember that the children will need to come to school in appropriate clothing for the beach and wear sensible shoes for the walk down and up.
The children will also need cash if they would like an ice cream. (£1/£1.50with a flake). Please also remember to pack a drink, packed lunch (unless previously ordered) and sun cream. We really hope it will be a superb day of outdoor learning for the children and we can't wait!

Well done to the children that achieved a badge in 99 club this week:
11 Club: Max and Felix,
22 Club: Tommy and Ida,
33 Club: Sonny.

People of the Week in Penhallow this week were Hugh and Sonny. Well done for showing great examples of our School Values.

Enjoy a lovely weekend!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss C and Mrs Hodge.


Penhallow 21st June 2024. 

We have so much fun in Penhallow and this week was no exception! 

We loved being a part of the School's Festival Day and loved performing our Jellyfish Song to the crowds of Polperro! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! I was so proud of all of the children, particularly the children that chose to speak into the microphone with one of our Commotion in the Ocean facts!

We have enjoyed a very active week this week, taking part in the Olympic themed Bridge Games! The children have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in lots of different sporting activities! We have also been practising for Sports Day next week which we are very excited about!

In maths, we are continuing our learning of numbers up to 100 and reception are now consolidating all of their learning from a very busy Reception year!

In English, we are continuing our work on the book, What's the Commotion in the Ocean?

We look forward to seeing you at Sports Day on Tuesday. Please ensure your child has their full PE kit in school everyday. Sports Day starts at 10am. Please also ensure your child has a hat, drink and sun cream as it is looking like summer may finally be here!

Well done to our People of the Week this week! Mrs Hillman picked all of the children for their amazing efforts at the Festival this year. My 'Person' was Lowen for showing great examples of our school values, particularly enthusiasm! Ada and Felix were also picked for being enthusiastic in their learning! Well done!

Well done also to Lowen and Brody for achieving their next badges in 99 club this week! 

Remember to keep up with your daily reading, some children are 'flying' up through the reading bands with their extra practice, well done. There are extra opportunities for this and some interactive learning games on TwinklGO! I have sent an email this week with the updated codes (final ones for this year as these will last into the holidays).

Enjoy a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss Cullingford and Miss Hodge.


Penhallow 14.6.2024 

It has been a wonderful week in Penhallow this week where we have continued to delve a bit deeper into our new enquiry; What is the Commotion in the Ocean.

Year 1s have done a super job in their Phonics Screening Checks this week and it is wonderful to hear and see their progress in their reading.

In English, we continue to look at rhyming words to write our own verse for the Commotion in the Ocean story.

In maths, reception have been investigating more into patterns and year 1s are now exploring numbers to 100.

We managed to squeeze in a swim this week and the children all had fun moving around the pool and looking a little more into floating. We also enjoyed an athletics lesson, where we tested our pace and realised that we would get very tired if we tried to run our fastest when running for longer periods of time. 

In Geography, we investigated where we lived and discovered the difference between a town, city or village. 

We began our new PSHE topic of 'Changing Me' and the children enjoyed learning about our body parts and lifecycles.

Well done to Iylah who received her 55 badge in 99 club this week! Keep practicing your KIRFs to ensure that your maths facts are embedded and recalled quickly; this will help you to succeed in 99 club! 

Well done to our 'People of the Week' this week for showing our school values. This term we focus on being enthusiastic in our learning. Dexter and Darragh were picked for showing super enthusiasm in their learning and I picked all of the Year 1s for being amazing in their Phonics Screening Checks!

We are looking forward to performing to you at the Polperro Festival on Tuesday and we have been busy learning our songs so we can 'wow' the crowds at the school day on the Big Green. We look forward to seeing you there!

This week is also a big week for sport at school, the Bridge School Games take place where children will be taking part in a variety of French themed activities. Please ensure PE kit is in all week and swimming kit will be needed if the weather is kind to us!

I have just updated the twinklGO! activities and extra reading opportunities so please pop on to have a go if you have any spare time over the weekend. This is all aimed at your child's relevant learning.

Enjoy a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday for another great week!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss Cullingford and Miss Hodge.


Penhallow 7.6.2024 

Welcome back to Summer Term!

This week, although a little shorter, has been full of fun and some wonderful learning. 

We introduced our new enquiry; What is the Commotion in the Ocean? On Monday, we discussed, what we already know and what we want to learn about in this exciting topic. We had some great questions from the children! They would like to find the following and much, much more: 
Are all fish herbivores, carnivores or omnivores?
How do fish communicate with each other? 
Why is the sea blue?
Where is the star fishes face?
Does it hurt if you get pinched by a crab? (We hope to not find this out on our class beach trip to Talland Beach which is scheduled for the 1st of July!)

The children have already 'dived' into the enquiry by exploring our new English text; 'Commotion in the Ocean.' We are looking at the amazing vocabulary used, why this book is so much fun and what makes a good rhyme.

In maths, we have been exploring repeating patterns and their rules in Reception. Year 1 have been investigating position and direction and now know how to recognise their right and left.

We were very lucky to have a visit from Sheila on Wednesday from Sheila's School of Dance. The children (and staff) loved joining in with a high energy dance lesson.

Well done to Pehallow's People of the Week this week, Molly, Rosie, Sonny and Kai were all picked for showing 'Excellent' school values.

We return to school on Monday after a lovely 3 day weekend! Just a reminder that this week will see the Year 1s take part in their statutory Phonics Screening Check. Please try to take part in as much practice as possible with your child this weekend. This could be reading together, practising sounds, having a go on some of the TwinklGO! games (alien words is a good one to try out) or completing the worksheets that have gone home in book bags.

Enjoy a lovely weekend!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss Cullingford and Ms Hodge.




Happy Half Term Break!

I hope you've enjoyed a wonderful inset day today! 

We enjoyed a fantastic last week to finish our first half of the summer term. 

The children have been working so hard in all of their learning this week and we are super proud of the amazing efforts they make everyday!

In maths, Reception have been exploring sharing and grouping. We finished the week off with some fabulous practical maths games exploring odd/even and doubling to 12. Year 1s have been working super hard in their fractions work and they can now recognise a half and a quarter of an object, shape or quantity.

English has been really fun this week where we continued to explore the story, What the Ladybird Heard. The children have really enjoyed re-enacting the story getting into the characters of Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len and using amazing vocabulary to describe the Ladybird.

We enjoyed the NSPCC assembly in our classroom on Tuesday where we learned all about Buddy and what he considered was not ok. 

We hit the pool for our first swimming lesson of the year and although a little chilly still, we very much enjoyed it!

Well done to our people of the week this week, Felix, Esme and Evie G. They all showed examples of being excellent in their learning this week.

We hope you enjoy a wonderful Whitsun break and look forward to seeing you back in on the 3rd of June. This is the class photos day so please ensure your child is in their full school uniform.

Our PE days are on Wednesday and Friday, please ensure your child has their kit in on these days (and swimming kits for the summer term).

Finally, please try and take any chance you can to enjoy some reading together over the holidays, head onto TwinklGO! for some more learning opportunities. Year 1s will be taking part in their phonics screening checks on the week commencing 10th June so any reading will help with this. Information was sent home in book bags on Friday.

Fingers crossed for some holiday sunshine! Take care and I can't wait to hear all about your adventures on Monday 3rd.

Mrs Taylor.

Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss Cullingford, Miss Hodge.


Penhallow 17.5.2024 

It was another fun week in Penhallow this week where in Geography we explored what a messy map was and considered what the classroom and school looked like from a Bird's Eye View. We enjoyed working in groups to make our own.

In maths Reception have been exploring sharing and grouping. Year 1s are enjoying their fractions topic by looking at what is meant by half and quarter.

PE has encouraged us to improve our ball control skills whilst dribbling and our inside PE sessions have been all about balancing, breathing and travelling in different ways. We have really enjoyed our Yoga sessions this term.

We have continued investigating bugs for our enquiry question, Is it a Bug's Life? We have all now learnt new facts about our chosen minibeasts and written up our fact files.
We are enjoying our new text, What the Ladybird Heard and will be continuing exciting activities all about this text in our English next week.

Well done to Penhallow's People of the Week this week! Martha and Casey were chosen for showing excellent examples of our school values this week. 

Well done also to Dexter, Finn, Theo and Evie G for achieving their next badges in 99 club this week.

As always, please try to keep up with your amazing efforts in your reading and pop onto twinklGO! for any extra activities, especially in preparation for the Phonics Screening Check that is coming up for the Year 1s in June.

Remember our PE days are on Wednesday and Friday, it is important that children have their PE kit in school to ensure they can join in with the activities. The weather is looking good for this week so perhaps we'll have our first dip in the pool for 2024! Please make sure labelled swimming kits (with hats) are in school too.

We hope that you enjoy a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday for our shorter week before the half term Whitsun holiday.

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss Cullingford and Miss Hodge.


Penhallow 10th May 2024. 

It has been a beautiful sunny week and we took every opportunity we could to take our learning outside in Penhallow this week!

In Maths, Reception are investigating shapes and exploring their properties. Year 1 have now completed their multiplication and division unit where we have been learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We finished the unit considering how we can count more easily by grouping and sharing into equal groups. There are opportunities to practise this learning on TwinlGO! Learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s is an important first step in multiplication, so any practice at home will help the children to succeed throughout their learning journey! (In 99 club too).

In English, we are preparing to write our final version of our fact file about minibeasts! We have learned so many amazing things about Ladybirds, Earthworms and Caterpillars! We move onto a lovely story next week where the children will explore writing speech and adding speech to a well known story about ladybirds!

PE has been super fun where we continue to learn all sorts of ball skills an Year 1s have learned the important role of a fielder and how to stop the ball and get it back quickly. We have also enjoyed getting into lots of different Yoga poses! The Reception children have learned about different rolls in Gymnastics.

We enjoyed a minibeast hunt on Tuesday where we discovered lots of different minibeasts. We learned that minibeasts are invertebrates and we now know that we can classify an insect by the number of legs it has, the children were surprised to learn that a spider is not an insect as it has more than six legs.

Well done to our 'People of the Week' this week who have shown excellent examples of our school values. Tommy, Lowen and Amelia. Well done!

Enjoy a lovely weekend and try to take any opportunity you can to enjoy one of your books, remember there are now three to pick from in your book bag! We thoroughly enjoyed a story under the den cover on Friday, I wonder where if you could find a favourite spot to read your favourite story. 

See you on Monday for another fantastic week!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Mrs Cullingford and Miss Hodge.


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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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