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Head's Blog   22:11:24

Posted 23/11/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Cross-Country Success Well done again to our intrepid cross-country running team who did the school proud, running a difficult course at Lanhydrock last Friday. They showed amazing team spirit, cheering each other on and in many cases beating their personal best times.

New - Yellow Head Bump Wristbands If your child comes home wearing a yellow wristband, this is to inform you that they have banged their head at school. It replaces the yellow head bump letter which we issued previously. You will also receive a record of what happened on a tear out form from our accident book.

Christmas Gift Room fundraiser Next Friday, 29th November We are holding a Christmas-themed Mufti day on Friday 29th November. In exchange for wearing Christmas MUFTI, we are asking that your child brings in any new or unused items such as chocolates, toiletries, socks, notebooks or items you’d be happy to receive as a gift. (No alcohol or DVD’s please). Then, on Monday 16th December, during school time, Santa’s workshop will be open for children to choose a special gift or two. Each gift will cost £2 (max 2 gifts per child). The elves will then help to wrap the gifts, which will be brought home at the end of the day to go under your tree.

Just to clarify, next Friday 29th November when pupils wear Christmas MUFTI in exchange for bringing in any items for the gift shop, this is full MUFTI. On 13th December, our Christmas Jumper Day for Save the Children, children should wear uniform with a Christmas jumper instead of their school jumper.

Polperro Christmas Lights and Lantern Procession On Saturday 30th November, the Christmas lights switch on, there will be a lantern procession. Willow lanterns, made by children from Polperro School, will be available for children to carry. Each lantern has been made by groups of the children working together and the materials for the lanterns have kindly been paid for by the Christmas Light Committee. If your child carries a lantern, please ensure that the cane is returned to school so that we can reuse them next year. The children (with parents) should congregate at the Chapel at 4.15pm to collect a lantern, ready to leave promptly at 4.30pm. Please note that although staff from school will be present at the procession, children will remain the responsibility of their parents at all times.

Polperro Christmas Tree Festival The Christmas Tree Festival in the Chapel will open at 9am on Saturday 30th November to coincide with the Christmas light switch on and it will be open during the evening that day as well. A huge thank you to Mrs Peters and Mrs Hood for making decorations with the children to hang on a tree which they are kindly providing on behalf of the school.

Christmas Wreath Making Workshop Please see attached a poster for a Christmas Wreath Making Workshop on Wednesday 11th December at 6:30pm in the Village Hall. This is kindly being hosted by Megan Fletcher on behalf of FOPS (Friends of Polperro School) with all profits going to School.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs Hillman


Landaviddy   Friday 22nd November 2024

Posted 23/11/2024
by Alice Wilkie

Another week has passed for Landaviddy class, and what a busy one it was!

During our Wider Curriculum lessons this week, we learnt about the chronology of Ancient Egypt by plotting key events on a timeline in History. We also explored what early life was like in Ancient Egypt, which we found fascinating! Can you recall the name of the river that runs through Egypt? Why might the Ancient Egyptians have used Egyptian jars, boats or ploughs for? In Computing, we looked at algorithms and discovered which commands we had to use to make our dinosaur move. PE this week focused on developing our ability to control a ball whilst dribbling with our feet, which was very challenging but lots of fun!

In Maths, Year 2 have been continuing to develop their addition and subtraction skills, exploring different methods we can use to add and subtract numbers. Year 3 finished off their addition and subtraction unit, and have started work on multiplication and division. So far, we have looked at making equal groups to multiply, which was helpful revision from last year.

In English, we have been busy planning our Egyptian versions of Little Red Riding Hood by adapting the setting and villains of our stories, with some children innovating further. We thought carefully about how we would describe our new setting and villain by producing a mind-map and labelled diagram. Next week, we will write our new stories and edit and improve our writing for our final neat copies. 

Congratulations to Lowen J, Rosie and Nevaeh for being Landaviddy's People of the Week. And a big well done for those who achieved their 99 club this week! 

Reminder: We have our trip to The Royal Cornwall Museum and Truro Cathedral on Tuesday 26th November. If you haven't done so already, please ensure you bring your permission slip back for the cathedral by Monday 25th November. 

We hope you have a restful weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday!

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton


Penhallow   Week ending Friday 22nd November

Posted 22/11/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone!

It’s been a very busy week in Penhallow.

We have been sequencing the story of Cinderella, labelling pictures and writing character descriptions of the ugly sisters. Year 1 are becoming experts in using interesting adjectives in their writing, while Reception are becoming much more confident at using their phonics to write their own words. Well done everyone!

In Year 1 maths, we have enjoyed plenty of practical work this week, which has helped us to reinforce our knowledge of our termly target: To recall number bonds to 10. We have used blocks, games, counters, bead strings, iPads. You name it, we have used it, to increase our fluency in adding these numbers. 

In computing, we have used our knowledge of Andy Warhol’s style of art, to create a set of repeated images using different paint programs on iPads. The children were extremely pleased with their results, which were vibrant, colourful and creative.

Thank you so much to all those who have brought in their themed show and tell this week. The children were excellent at listening to each other and asking questions.
Next week, please can the children bring in a gadget/mystery object from the past. If it’s not possible to bring in the actual object, a photograph will be fine. It would be great if the children could use their thinking skills to try to work out what the objects are. Show and tell is on Friday afternoons. 

Please keep practicing your reading at home everyone. When you have read your reading book 3 times, you can choose your next book. Every week, you can also choose a new library book when your previous book is returned. You also have your paper Twinkl phonics book to read at home which will help you with the phonics that you learn each week. We are all so proud of how much your reading is improving. Keep up the good work!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

From The Penhallow Team. 


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 22.11.24

Posted 22/11/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley


We hope everyone has had a lovely week this week - Talland certainly have!

Both year groups have come to the end of their first unit of Multiplication and Division and are starting the next unit of Multiplication and Division next week.

Talland class have put their handwriting to good use and have written up their top copies of their adventure stories... they're looking and sounding GREAT!

We have looked at time lines and artefacts from Ancient Greece. We've spoken about BCE (Before Christ Era) and CE (Current Era). We then thought about what would archeologists find first on a dig: an item from the the BCE or the CE?

Talland used a range of mark making tools (different leads of pencil, oil pastels and charcoal) to draw, colour and shade a still life image. They look fantastic!

Well done to Everly for being noticed for being an amazing member of Talland class this week. Also, congratulations to Everly (again), Callum and Skye for passing their next stage of the 99 club.

That's all from Talland this week. We hope you have a brilliant weekend and can't wait to see you on Monday.

Signing off,

Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.


Killigarth Nursery   22/11/24

Posted 19/11/2024
by Julie Peat

This week we have been exploring shape and number and beginning to answer our new question "How do i use maths in nursery?"
The children have been busy on the tuft tray identifying numbers and filling cups with the correct amount of pom poms to match. They have been making stick shapes and identifying amounts and quantity and have used paint to trace shapes.
The children have been learning different numbers and trying to identify them from sight as well as making a collage number picture.

At story time we have enjoyed the story of"Simon sock" who longs to be a part of a matching pair.

In phonics we have been repeating patterns of sound, talking about, exploring and identifying words that all start with the same sound and we have explored voice sounds, making different sounds and seeing how our mouths move to make these sounds.

Have a great weekend

The nursery team


Landaviddy   Friday 15th November 2024

Posted 15/11/2024
by Alice Wilkie

We launched our Enquiry this week, 'Who were the Ancient Egyptians?' and we were lucky enough to be able to explore some ancient Egyptian artefacts. We came up with lots of questions and can't wait to discover more next week! 

Christmas play preparations have begun this week for 'The Fleece Force'- so watch this space!

In Maths, Year 2 have continued working on subtracting two 2-digit numbers by using concrete objects and pictorials to support their understanding. Year 3 have been exploring estimation, which has been a challenge, but everyone has persevered and shown excellent growth mindsets. 

In English, we have focused on developing our descriptive writing this week by using thesaurus' to find synonyms and antonyms; helping us to up-level our vocabulary. We have also looked at the simple present and past tenses, as well as exploring the progressive past (Y2/Y3) and present perfect tenses (Y3) too! Can you remember how a verb may change depending on the tense used? Next week, we will be planning and writing our own version of the traditional tale, Little Red Riding Hood. 

Congratulations to Esme, Harley and Charlie-Ray for being Landaviddy's People of the Week! And a big well done to all the children who achieved their 99 club badges this week. 

Please find Autumn Term 2 Knowledge Web, Homework Grid and KIRFS attached below. Of course should you have any questions, please do let me know. 

We hope you have a fabulous weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday!

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton


Penhallow   Week Ending Friday 15th November

Posted 15/11/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone!

Another busy week for Penhallow this week, which has ended with a lovely, colourful day of donating to children in need. Thank you so much for all your donations.

Penhallow have been experts at demonstrating our school value of being curious this week, by asking lots of questions about 'What was it like before we were born?' We found out all about Florence Nightingale, and we were able to use a timeline to sequence some significant events in her life. 

Our English learning has been based around the Julia Donaldson story of Zog. Year 1 have written an exciting story/voice over for a section of the film. Reception have been busy labelling characters from the story. The story also inspired us to develop our knowledge of science, by using different methods to free dragons from being trapped in ice.

Thank you to Sienna, for your amazing show and tell this week. Next week, please can the children bring in a toy or a picture of a toy from the past. Show and tell will be on Friday afternoons. 

On the blog this week, I have included our knowledge web for this half term. I hope it is useful for you to see all the lovely learning that takes place in Penhallow.

Have a lovely weekend!

From the Penhallow team.


Head's Blog   15th November 2024

Posted 15/11/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Thank you for sending your children in for a cosy day today in PJs or spots or bright colours. We raised £168 for Children in Need.

For anti-bullying week we have had discussions in assembly and in class about what bullying means to us and how ‘Choosing Respect’ over being a bully is the best choice we can make. We shared our antibullying policy which is on this website under the policies tab.

Well done to our Book Fair bookmark design competition winners Kai, Lowen, Chilali and Harry and thank you for supporting our book fair so generously. We are looking forward to having much needed extra money to spend on books as a result.

Fundraising for Charities and School We recognise that with the cost of living crisis it is currently a challenging time for many families and we are aware that we are asking for several different donations this half term. Please only donate where you are able.

Christmas events We are entering a very busy time of year and here are the dates of upcoming events for your diary. Further details will follow.
• Christmas Gift MUFTI - Friday 29th November (see details below under Christmas Gift Room)
• Polperro Lights Switch On – Saturday 30th November. The children have are making lanterns in school, kindly funded by the Polperro Christmas Lights Committee, for the Lantern Parade from the Village Hall (more details to follow).

• Christmas Fair - Friday 6th December FOPS are currently busy organizing our Christmas Fair which will be on Friday 6th December starting at 2.00 pm. We would be grateful for raffle prizes and good condition toys and books to sell.

• Christmas Performances (in the school hall)
Penhallow Class Nativity Play - Tuesday 10th December at 11am and 2.00 pm.
Landaviddy Class Christmas Play - Wednesday 11th December at 2.00 pm and 6.00 pm.
Talland Class and Chaipel Class Christmas Play (joint performance) - Thursday 12th December at 2.00 pm and 6.00 pm.

• Christmas Jumper Day We are holding our Christmas Jumper Day in aid of the charity ‘Save The Children’ on Friday 13th December. This is one day after National Christmas Jumper Day so that the children can all enjoy their wearing their jumpers after the Christmas performances are over. We ask for a £1.00 donation for this non-uniform day. We will provide opportunities for children to add some sparkle to a plain jumper if they do not already have a Christmas top to wear.

• Christmas Gift Room On Monday 16th December during school time in the morning, Santa’s workshop will be open for children to choose a special gift or two. Each gift will cost £2 (max 2 gifts per child). The elves will then help to wrap the gifts, which will be brought home at the end of the day to go under your tree. To make the magic happen, we kindly ask for donations by holding a Christmas-themed Mufti day on Friday 29th November. In exchange for wearing Christmas MUFTI, we ask that your child brings in any new or unused items. These can include chocolates, toiletries, socks, notebooks or items you’d be happy to receive. (No alcohol or DVDs please).

• Christmas Lunch Wednesday 18th December The Christmas lunch will be held on Wednesday 18th December this year. If your child would like a Christmas dinner, please ensure you have booked their meal by Friday 6th December as this tends to be very popular with the children. Please book their meals on Parentpay, even if you do not need to pay for their lunches. If you have any problems, do not hesitate to contact Mrs Turnbull on

FOPS Quiz – new date, February 28th Please note that in light of the West Looe roadworks and their impact on local travel, we are postponing the FOPS Quiz until Friday February 28th.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Hillman



Posted 15/11/2024
by Emily Randle

Another week has flown by in Chaipel and we have been investigating our Circulatory System further. We can now explain how the process works and are learning the SpaG needed in order to write our explanations in English. Have have conquered subordinate clauses/conjunctions and are getting to grips with cause and effect. Next week, we will investigate the formal language we need as well as the use rhetorical questions to draw in our readers.

In Maths, Y6s have finally mastered long division and the Y5s have been tackling multiples of 10/100/1000 as well as multiplying and dividing by 10/100/1000.

Wider Curriculum
In other areas, we have used symbolism to express ourselves in Art, learnt where our food comes from (farm to fork) in DT and further developed our skills in basketball and fitness for PE. For RE, we have been revisiting the trimurti and the meaning behind the spiritual power of Brahman to a Hindu.
We wore odd socks on Monday to celebrate our differences and have been acknowledging our role as friends and classmates as part of Anti Bullying week.

Congratulations to our People of the Week, Noah and Joel, who said to us, "Thank you for teaching me long division!", for being superb role models and demonstrating our school values.

Planet Protectors
Some of Chaipel pupils have joined a lunchtime club designed to make our school 'cleaner and greener'. They have called themselves the Planet Protectors. Watch this space to see the impact they have on our school in the coming weeks...

Next week, Chaipel and Talland will be making the lanterns for the Polperro Lights Switch-on, on the 30th down in the village. It is always a fun afternoon and gives everybody a chance to come together to create something special for the community to enjoy.

I have attached the KIRFs for this half term, the homework grid and our Knowledge Web to show you what we are learning.

That's all from me, so enjoy the weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Mrs Hodge and Miss Colton.


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 15.11.24

Posted 15/11/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley


Hello and goodbye Autumn Term two, week two! Blink and you miss it!

There's been loads going on this week: Anti bullying week, check; book fair, check; Mufti, check; cross country, check; loads of learning, check!

Both year groups are coming to the end of their first unit of Multiplication and Division.

Talland have completed their own adventure story. Next week, they will be assessing their writing success and then moving on to our next piece of writing (PERSUASION). Just in time for those letters to Santa.

The children are experimenting with sound this term and today went on a sound hunt to find out which materials vibrate to produce sound waves.

Talland were excited to find out our new Enquiry Question: What did the Greeks do for us? We've dived straight into researching the Greek Gods and Goddesses - SO MUCH FUN! This turned out to be similar with our RE question, where we looked into Hindu deities. 

The class trip was also revealed - DRUM ROLL PLEASE - we are heading to The Eden Project where we will be known as the 'Greek Edenauts' and we must defend our village (the Mediterranean  Biome) against those menacingly ferocious Spartans. And as it's Christmas, we have also managed to get a spot of Ice Skating in there too... YAY! 

The date of the trip: Friday 13th December... more details to come shortly...

WELL DONE to Chilali, Grace and Lily for being noticed as our children of the week. Also, CONGRADULATIONS to Grace for passing her 44 club and Jamie for passing his 88 club.

Polite notice: 
Could all children please make sure they are coming to school with their complete PE kit including safe and suitable footwear. Thank you.

That's all from Talland this week. We hope you all have a spectacular weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.


Killigarth Nursery   15/11/24

Posted 15/11/2024
by Julie Peat

This was our last week of exploring colour and answering our enquiry question of " How does colour make us feel?"
The children have been busy sorting colours on the funky fingers table into the different coloured colour monster cups and sorting coloured objects on the tuft tray.
We enjoyed going onto the field this week and into the school garden where we went on a colour hunt, looking for different coloured items to match our list. The children did well and enjoyed looking at all of the different colours on the leaves.
Today (Friday) it has been Children in Need. The children looked great, dressed in their pyjamas, spots and bright coloured clothes and thank you for your kind donations. We enjoyed cooking and made blueberry muffins, the children coloured in Pudsey pictures and we made pudsey ear headbands.

This week at story time we have enjoyed  continuing to read "The colour monster" story and we have also explored the books "Elmer's colours" and "When i'm feeling happy", giving the children lots of opportunities to discuss their own feelings.

In phonics this week, we have been using our mouths and our voices to create different sounds, using everyday objects such as pots and pans to create different sounds and we have enjoyed games of "I spy" to help recognise the initial sounds in different words.

In maths we have been continuing to recognise and order numbers and the children have been experimenting with their own symbols and marks to represent numbers.

Have a great weekend
The nursery team



Posted 10/11/2024
by Emily Randle

It's the first week back and already Chaipel class have been busy. Our new enquiry is HOW DOES MY BODY WORK? and we will be learning about how important our heart is and its role in our Circulatory System. We will then write an explanation text about the process, writing range range of complex sentences using subordinate clauses to show cause and effect. Thank you to Harry and Elsie who have already created detailed diagrams of the system to help in our learning.

In Maths, Y5s have been learning about prime, square and cube numbers - which they were amazing at -  before moving onto multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000 next week.

In Art, we are going to be making our voice heard by learning a range of techniques such as symbolic imagery, chiaroscuro, street art and tonal drawings. We have already been exploring how the Maya expressed themselves through art and everyone has done an amazing job so far! 

We have completed our best copy write-up for our timeslip to Pompeii narrative; I look forward to reading them all. In PE, Chaipel are developing their skills in Fitness and Basketball and we will be learning how to program Micro:bits in ICT, starting next week.

All in all, a very successful first week back. Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Miss Hodge and Miss Colton.


Landaviddy   Friday 8th November 2024

Posted 08/11/2024
by Alice Wilkie

Our first week back has zoomed by! In celebration of Black History month, we shared our chosen person with the whole school, Ibtihaj Muhammad, who wrote the book 'The Proudest Blue' and was the first Muslim-American woman to wear a hijab while competing at the Olympics. How amazing! 

In Maths, we have picked up where we left off before half term, focussing on addition and subtraction. Year 2 have been exchanging 1s for a 10 when adding two 2-digit numbers. Year 3 have continued with column subtraction and carrying across place value columns when borrowing. 

We started a new unit in English this week, where we have been looking at Pie Corbett's version of Little Red Riding Hood. We made some excellent predictions and came up with lots of questions based on illustrations. Then, we started working on learning the story map, assigning actions. Today we used drama to explore different settings and recorded vocabulary to describe what we imagined we experienced.

Congratulations to Sonny, Amelia and Benjamin for being chosen as Landaviddy's People of the Week! And a big well done to those who achieved their 99 club this week!

If you haven't done so already, be sure to hand in your permission slip for our trip to the Royal Cornwall Museum on Tuesday 26th November

We hope you have a super weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday. 

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton


Penhallow   Week Ending Friday 8th November

Posted 08/11/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone!

It was lovely to meet everyone this week at our parents evening appointments. It really helps us to help your children when we share information together.

This week Penhallow have been busy thinking about their topic; 'What was it like before we were born?' We talked about the different favourite toys that the children currently have, and then we went way back in Ancient History to explore some of the toys that Mrs Fitzsimmons had as a child.

Thank you to those children who brought a show and tell object or picture in today. These children talked about their toys extremely well, and there were some interesting questions that were asked. Next Friday, please can the children bring in an object, picture or send an email of a picture that was taken before the children were born, of a family member. It could be a parent or Grandparent as a child. Instead, it could be related to Remembrance Day. A relative that was perhaps alive during the first or Second World war.

In art this week, we have all been learning about the artist Andy Warhol. We looked at the ways in which his art work makes use of bright colours, and we created our own piece of artwork in the style of Andy Warhol.

Well done to the whole of Penhallow, who sang a song, complete with percussion instruments, to the whole school. As a part of last month's Black History month, we learnt about the life of Floella Benjamin, who has been influential in children's TV,  and books. We presented our facts and sang a calypso song from Trinidad. Well done everyone!

We hope you have a lovely weekend, and keep safe if you visit any firework displays.

From the Penhallow Team


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 8.11.24

Posted 08/11/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley


What a great first week of Autumn Term 2! Absolute magnificent to see so many smiley and happy children back in Talland Class!

This week we have focused lots on Black History Month and we studied an incredible lady, who goes by the name of Maya Angelou. You might of heard of her. She was an incredible poet and writer, a civil rights activist and she was involved with many of the arts (acting, dancing, film making ect...) An extraordinary person really.

Talland did an amazing assembly about her and I was blown away when they read out and performed the poem 'Still I Rise'. It's got me looking forward to the Christmas production, which isn't too far off. AUDITIONS COMING SOON!

Year 4 have been looking at the 3, 6 and 9 times tables.
Year 5 have been finding out about multiples and factors. 
Why not quiz your children to find out what they have learnt...

Talland Class have immersed ourselves into drama this week and as mentioned above, showed off their fantastic efforts during our Black History assembly.

This term we are throwing ourselves into fitness, where we are looking at the key elements (strength, speed, agility, stamina, balance and coordination). We are also getting our Michael Jordan sneakers and on shooting some hoops (basketball). We will see how Talland are at working as a team, finding space, learning the rules and invading an opponents territory. 

Talland will find out on Monday what our learning focus will be for this half term. I can't wait to tell them. There are lots of fun and exciting lessons planned including a trip... stay tuned to find out what they are learning and where we are going!

That's all from us this week. We hope you have a spectacular weekend.

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton. 


Head's Blog   Update 8:11:24

Posted 08/11/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Welcome to the second half of the Autumn term. For those of you affected by the roadworks in West Looe, thank you for making the necessary arrangements to bring your children in during the disruption. Thank you all for attending this week’s parent/carer consultations. It is great to have such supportive parents and carers who are keen to work with us to achieve the best for pupils in our school.

On Wednesday we held a Black History Month Assembly where each class shared what they had learned about successful black authors. We learned about Floella Benjamin, actress, singer, presenter, author and politician (Penhallow Class); Ibtihaj Muhammed, entrepreneur, author, activist, and Olympic medalist in fencing (Landaviddy Class); Maya Angelou, an American memoirist, poet, and civil rights activist (Talland Class) and Malorie Blackman, a British writer who held the position of Children's Laureate from 2013 to 2015 (Chaipel Class). In the UK, Black History Month is celebrated every October. It gives everyone the opportunity to share, celebrate and understand the impact of black heritage and culture.

We have a lot planned for this half term already. Please see below and our events diary on this website for details.

FOPS A huge thank you to FOPS for organising and running the Spooky Discos before Half term. We raised over £260 which will go towards subsidising trips for all classes across the school year.

FOPS Quiz – change of date Please note that in light of the West Looe roadworks and their impact on local travel, we are postponing the FOPS Quiz until February. Watch this space for a new date.

Book Fair, NEXT WEEK
– help us buy more books for school. We will be holding a Scholastic book fair the week commencing 11th November after school from 3:15pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The fair will held be in Chaipel Class. A percentage of the profits will go to school funds and enable us to buy more books for school. If you would like to buy any books from the fair, you will be able to pay in cash or online if you have your phone with you. You can pay for books online while you are at the Book Fair by scanning a QR code on your phone to easily access the Scholastic parent pay website.

Anti-Bullying Week 2024, 11th-15th November Anti-Bullying Week 2024 will be taking place from Monday 11th-Friday 15th November and has the theme Choose Respect. The week will kick off with Odd Socks Day on Monday 11th November, where adults and children wear odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique. Odd Socks are all about fun and laughter, but more importantly they deliver a message of individuality, acceptance and tolerance. We will be joining in with Odd Socks Day. All the children need to do is wear odd socks on Monday 11th please.

Children in Need, MUFTI Day Friday 15th November We have asked the School Council what they would like to wear for our Children in Need MUFTI fundraiser day on Friday 15th November. Please send your child in wearing spotty clothes, pyjamas or anything colourful on the day. A donation of £2 or more to Children in Need will be collected in class. We also have a supply of “Pudsey Ears”. These cost £2.50 with all profits going to Children in Need.

Poppies and Remembrance Reminder that we will be having a Remembrance assembly next week with Rev Richard. Year 6 volunteers are selling poppies at playtimes. If your child would like to buy a poppy to raise funds for the British Legion, please send your child in with cash. A minimum donation of 50p per poppy would be welcome and other items are available to buy.

Clubs Reminder that clubs will restart NEXT WEEK as follows:
Monday: After School Football Club (Mr Langley) for years 3, 4,5 and 6
Tuesday: Lunchtime ECO Club (Miss Randle) for years 3 to 6, some places by invitation
Wednesday: Lunchtime Mindfulness and Art Club (Mrs Wilkie) for years 2 to 6
Thursday: Lunchtime Music and Singing Club (Mrs Fitzsimmons) for years R, 1 and 2
Friday: After School Running Club (Miss Bowden and Mrs Turnbull) for years 3-6. This club is open to anyone who likes running however it will not run when the Cross-Country League races are on – next race 15th November. Pupils do not have to race in these events.

Please inform us by email or phone call, which clubs you wish your child to attend by midday on Monday 11th November. Please sign up again, even if your child attended last half term.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Hillman


Killigarth Nursery   8/11/24

Posted 08/11/2024
by Julie Peat

Welcome back

It has been lovely to see everyone back after the half term and to welcome some new faces to nursery. This week we have been exploring colour and answering our enquiry question "How does colour make us feel?". The children have been using different coloured paint to create firework pictures and have been discussing bonfire night and all of the colours that they create.
On Friday, the children decorate poppy biscuits and made poppies using apples to mark remembrance.

At storytime, the children have enjoyed looking at "The colour monster". They have been talkinig about how they feel and which colours make them happy, sad, scared or angry.

In phonics,  we have used musical instruments to create sounds. They have explored them to see if they make different sounds or if they sound similar. The children have performed different actions to songs they have heard and been exploring the initial sounds in words.

In maths, we are naming and ordering number to three and beyond, we have been exploring numbers on the maths table and practicing counting using different objects.

On Monday it is the start of Anti- bullying week. Children are invited to wear their odd socks to nursery.

Have a lovely weekend

The nursery team


Penhallow   Week Ending Friday 25th October

Posted 27/10/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone!

The children have been busy investigating all kinds of pumpkins this week. In English we have been reading the story 'Pumpkin Soup' by Helen Cooper. We began by exploring a range of different pumpkins and used adjectives to describe them. The story inspired the children to make pretend pumpkin soup during play. They added all sorts of weird and wonderful ingredients. Reception enjoyed drawing and painting the pumpkins, while Year 1 wrote a list of ingredients for how to make pumpkin soup. We are really proud of the instruction writing that Year 1 have produced this week.

Today we took advantage of the weather and spent some time in the school garden, hanging up some home made bird feeders. We also enjoyed an art lesson, where we re-created some concentric circles, in the style of the artist 'Kandinsky

After half term, our enquiry question will be 'What was it like before I was born?' Every Friday, we will have a themed show and tell, where the children can bring in and talk about something from home. On the first Friday after half term, please can the children bring in an object or a picture from before they were born. 

Have a lovely half term break.

From the Penhallow team.


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 25.10.24

Posted 25/10/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley



What a fabulous Autumn term 1 it's been. It's been so lovely getting to know Talland as a class and I have to say - what an exceptional group of children we have! They've all worked so hard, helped each other to learn along the way and have had a load of fun doing so! I'm so proud of each and every one of them - keep up the great work Talland!

Maths: Children have worked their way through PLACE VALUE, ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION and the year 5s even learnt VOLUME!

Writing: We've made fantastic instructions for travelling through the digestive system and have been writing an adventure narrative based on saving the Micro Monster, who was kidnapped by Acidro (the evil gastric acid beast), whilst following our instructions to travel through the digestive system. What a cheeky little acid monster Acidro is!

Art: Talland created an amazing mixed media collage by making a mood board of school based objects, choosing which collage they preferred, experimenting (over  a course of lessons) how to tint, shade and create different textures with paint and produce fantastic final piece.

Science: WE delved into the digestive system, looked at teeth and food chains. This was so much fun!

Geography: Talland looked at erosion, defenses for erosion and the impact erosion has on communities that live near the coast. We also explored different physical features of coasts - some children took some amazing photos of these different features with their parents - a huge WELL DONE there!

Well, that was a brief break down of just some of the learning that took place over the last 7 weeks. I have had a great time and I hope your children have too!

That's all from Talland - we hope you have a magnificent half term and look forward to seeing you all soon!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.



Posted 25/10/2024
by Emily Randle

What a lovely last week of the first half term we have had! 

We have completed and edited our Back to Pompeii timeslip story and are in the process of writing up our best copy as part of our handwriting lessons. Everyone has worked extremely hard and have produced writing with language which creates mood, atmosphere and tension. I look forward to reading them!

Y6s have been learing a range of strategies to solve division problems (including short division and factor division) whilst the Y5s have been learning about multiples and factors. They all have a focus times table which they will need to practise their fluency and recall of.

Wider Curriculum
We wrapped up our enquiry into Ancient Rome and its influence on Britain by having a Roman Day on Thursday. We had such fun baking honey biscuits, engaging in gladiator battles, eating typical Roman foods for that era and making shields and jewellery. We completed our day by testing out our aquaducts and we invited Penhallow class to watch our 'destruction of Pompeii', re-enacting the fateful events of 24th August AD79.

Chaipel staff have thoroughly enjoyed our first half term of the year and we wish you all a lovely break. 

Thanks for your support and see you all back at school on Monday 4th October.

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Mrs Hodge and Miss Colton.


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