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Killigarth Nursery   20/12/24

Posted 17/12/2024
by Julie Peat

Merry Christmas 

We have had a busy week of finishing up all of the Christmas craft that we have been carrying out. Our Christmas door competition ended on Monday and we thank everyone for taking part, the doors all looked great.Mrs Hillman chose a winner, so well done to Eliza for her glittery Christmas door entry.
On Wednesday the children enjoyed Christmas dinner, we were feeling very festive with the Christmas music playing and the food was delicious!
Today (Friday) we have had our Christmas party. The children have enjoyed party games and a party lunch.

We look forward to the holidays now and we would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and we can't wait to see everyone in the new year.

The nursery team


Penhallow   Week Ending Friday 13th December

Posted 15/12/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Hello Everyone!

We hope you enjoyed our Christmas performance of 'It's a baby!' this week. We gave three performances this week, and (although perhaps a little tired by the time we reached the final performance), we acted and sang our hearts out. Well done to all of Penhallow, particularly to those who stepped into a new role due to their friend being absent. Thank you also to parents, who helped with the learning of lines at home. 

In our Maths learning this week, Year 1 have been busy using a number line to 20. We have ordered and placed numbers on a number line, and have been using our problem solving skills to estimate which numbers could be hiding in different positions. 
Reception have been using their skills in continuous provision, to create and name different shapes. There have been plenty of maths involved in our Christmas continuous provision activities, and we have been impressed at how some children have been able to explain their own learning.

In design technology, Year 1 have been sewing Christmas stockings as a Christmas decoration. We will decorate these next week, so that they will be ready to hang on your Christmas tree.

In computing, we have all been using our skills of coding, either to program a beebot, or to create our own character on the scratch junior app.

This week, we have also put the finishing touches to our Andy Warhol inspired printing creations during our art lesson. Well done everyone!

Reminders for this week:
Monday 16th December is the Christmas Gift Room. Gifts will be £2 each (max 2 gifts per child). Be sure to bring in your money if you would like to purchase any gifts for Christmas.

Friday 20th December 
will be our class Christmas party. You can wear Christmas MUFTI or party clothes (warm enough to play outside at breaktimes) and you are welcome to bring in some party food to share with the class.

Friday 20th December is a 1:30 finish.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From the Penhallow Team


Landaviddy   Friday 13th December 2024

Posted 13/12/2024
by Alice Wilkie

We are The Fleece Force!

Landaviddy class did a fantastic job performing our play, The Fleece Force! We are so proud of you all for working so hard during rehearsals and doing your absolute best. Well done everyone! Thank you parents/carers for all the support you gave the children in the lead up to the performances.

In History, we have continued to explore Ancient Egypt, delving into what Egyptians believed about the afterlife by describing the mummification process. We had lots of fun re-enacting this!

In Geography, we created a fact file about the country Egypt which was fascinating! Can you recall what language they speak in Egypt? Or the total population of the country?

Design & Technology involved practising sewing. This was a challenge and we need our growth mindsets. However, we persevered and many of us managed to stitch. We completed designs for our own Egyptian collars, which we are hopeful to construct next week.

During PE today, we continued to develop our ball skills when throwing and catching a tennis ball. We found that to catch the ball successfully, we needs to watch and track the ball as it moves through the air, as well as have our hands ready in a cupping position. 

Congratulations to Brody, Lowen H and Reuben for being chosen as Landaviddy's People of the Week! And a big well done to those who achieved their 99 club badges - Evie, Benjamin, George and Frankie.

Polite Reminders
Monday 16th December is the Christmas Gift Room. Gifts will be £2 each (max 2 gifts per child). Be sure to bring in your money if you would like to purchase any gifts for Christmas.

Friday 20th December
will be our class Christmas party. You can wear Christmas MUFTI or party clothes (warm enough to play outside at breaktimes) and you are welcome to bring in some party food to share with the class.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday for our final week of school before Christmas!

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton


Head's Blog   Merry Christmas

Posted 13/12/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Christmas in a primary school really is a special time. Last week it was great to see so many of you enjoying the children’s Christmas plays. Landaviddy’s Fleece Force performances were so enjoyable with super singing and acting. Very well done also to Penhallow who delivered two wonderful performances of It’s A Baby, remembering their lines and the songs brilliantly, and also to Talland and Chaipel Classes whose brilliant What Christmas Means to Me made everyone laugh out loud. Look out for photos from the performances on the class blogs.

This week, the children have all enjoyed a busy week rounding off their enquiries as well as enjoying Reverend Richard’s Christmas assembly on Monday, Christmas Art Day on Tuesday, Christmas Lunch on Wednesday and parties today. Our choir visited Atlantis Care Home yesterday and sang Christmas songs and carols beautifully.

FOPS Fundraising We are delighted that our Christmas Fayre raised over £600 which included the sale of snowmen, kindly donated by The Lookout café in Looe. The Wreath making workshop raised over £270 and our Christmas Gift Shop raised £280. A huge thank you to FOPS and everyone who helped to organise these events. We will keep you posted about more fundraising events and how we plan to spend the income to help the children in our school.

RSPCA and Cancer Research Campaign The School Council is delighted to have raised a generous £117 at the Christmas performances from your donations to their chosen charities: Cancer Research and the RSPCA. We also raised £62 for Save the Children on our Christmas Jumper Day.

Online Safety
• Keeping your Child Safe Online.  Attached to this blog is a leaflet which contains many important links to help you keep your child safe online, particularly at this time of year. The leaflet contains important safety points to consider at this time of year if your child is likely to receive a SMART device (TV, Speaker—Alexa, Google); new mobile phone (Android/iPhone); games console; tablet PC or laptop for Christmas.
• Swiped – Channel 4 Many of you will have watched the Emma and Matt Willis programme ‘Swiped’ which is about a school that has banned smartphones. It’s definitely worth a watch to find out more about the impact that smart phones can have on children.

Family Worker Drop-Ins, Thursday 6th February, 9-11 am The Early Help Hub will be holding Family Worker Drop-In Sessions in our school from 9-11 am on 6th February 2025. If you would like to be able to talk in confidence, just pop along, they will be here to help and support you. They will be happy to discuss and advise on issues concerning your family for example, how to better understand your child’s needs & behaviours; positive parenting and how to keep your child safe; how to better understand the importance of routines for your family. To book a 30-minute slot, contact the school on or call on 01503 272249.

Parenting Workshops January Please find attached leaflets about free parenting courses run by Cornwall Council, Together for Families.

Dates The new term starts on Tuesday 7th January. Half term will be from Monday 17th February – Friday 21st February with an INSET Day on Friday 14th February. The last day of the Spring term is Friday 4th April and the Summer Term starts on Tuesday 22nd April.

A huge thank you for all of your support so far this academic year – the children have worked incredibly hard and all deserve a wonderful Christmas break.

Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas

Anthea Hillman and all of the staff at Polperro Primary Academy



Posted 13/12/2024
by Emily Randle

We have had another busy week in Chaipel Class. 

Our Circulatory System explanation texts are now complete and everybody has done a fabulous job. I will be reading them over the weekend and can't wait! Verity and Max B worked with a couple of Year 3 children on their best copy writing, showing them how to present their work as a double-page spread. The results are amazing and the children can't wait to come back and work with the Y6s again.

Fractions: comparing, ordering and converting - you name it, we have done it this week! 

We have been investigating the ageing process and gestation stages of human life in Science. Most of the afternoons have been spent practising for our play which we performed, three times, on Thursday. Everyone was absolutely amazing and the parents and carers said it was the best they had ever seen!

CONGRATULATIONS to our People of the Week, Verity and Max S for showing our School Values and being super role models for their peers.

Christmas Art Day is on Tuesday, Christmas lunch on Wednesday and our Christmas party on Friday morning! 

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Mrs Hodge and Miss Colton.


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 13.12.24

Posted 13/12/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley


What an incredible week! The Christmas performance was incredible and our trip to Eden today was fantastic. Talland class represented themselves and the school brilliantly and we all had so much fun! We might have a few budding ice skaters in our ranks now!

That's about all the talking I'm going to do... I think you would prefer a photo off load...

Like I said... it was an amazing day and we all had lots of fun!

We hope you have a great weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop, Miss. Colton and Mrs. Hodge.


Killigarth Nursery   13/12/24

Posted 11/12/2024
by Julie Peat

Christmas is well under way here in nursery. The children have been super busy creating lots of lovely artwork and some lovely things to take home with them. They have been busy cutting, sticking and wrapping "presents" on the tuft tray ready to put under our Christmas tree and have been doing a super job of writing and forming recognisable letters to create name snowman.

At story time, we have enjoyed the books "Hurry Santa!" and "Through the North Pole snow".
In phonics we have tried to recreate sounds that we have heard with instruments and have been naming them. The children have been learning more about rhyming words and have been thinking of words that rhyme with pen, cat and dog.

In maths we have been exploring and building with shapes and the children have been completing inset puzzles.

Today (Friday) we have all been wearing our Christmas jumpers. Thank you for your kind donations for Save the Children.
This afternoon we had our nursery nativity. Thank you to everyone that came. The children all did such a great job and we were so proud of them.
We look forward to next week where we will enjoy Christmas dinner on Wednesday and our nursery party on Friday 12-1.15pm.

Just a reminder that Friday is our last day before the holidays and we finish at 1.30pm.

See you next week
The Nursery Team


Landaviddy   Friday 6th December 2024

Posted 08/12/2024
by Alice Wilkie

We have been eagerly practising our Christmas play this week! We can't wait to share this with you! The children have been working so hard, learning their lines and rehearsing songs. 

In Maths, Year 2 have started a new unit on Shape, looking at recognising 2-D and 3-D shapes, as well as counting the sides of 2-D shapes. Year 3 have continued work on Multiplication and Division, by multiplying and dividing by 3. 

In History, we have been looking at what the ancient Egyptians use to believe and researched different Gods and Goddesses. In Computing, we continued exploring algorithms by using Google, Quick Draw and using Lego block models to inspire writing of our own algorithms. 

We have our Christmas Play performances of The Fleece Force on Wednesday 11th December at 2pm and 6pm. Please can you ensure you bring in your costume/props by Monday 9th December at the latest. Any questions, please do let Mrs Wilkie know.

Congratulations to Finn and Emma for being chosen as Landaviddy's People of the Week! And a big well done to all those who achieved their 99 club badges! 

We hope you enjoy a relaxing weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday!

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton



Posted 07/12/2024
by Emily Randle

What a fun-filled, action-packed week we have had in Chaipel. Many of our Y6s have been doing their Level 2 Bike Ability and have braved some challenging weather to learn about road safety/awareness when riding. They all did extremely well and enjoyed themselves thoroughly.

Our Christmas play is in full swing and we are now script free! Thursday is our big performance day, one at 2pm and then a final perfomance at 6pm.

We are writing up our explanation text, following on from editing and improving our draft version. We have chosen to produce a double-page spread and it is looking really good so far. I look forward, very much, to reading them.

Fractions, fractions and more fractions. We have been finding equivalents, simplifying and plotting and interpretting number lines this week.

Practising our play has taken priority, this week, but we have been learing about how to keep healthy (in Science) as part of our investigation into the Circulatory System.

Our Y5s and Y6s worked really hard to produce and run the Christmas games at the fayre. We raised a lot of well-needed money for the school and had a lot of fun along the way. Thank you, parents and carers, for allowing them to help out and supporting the school.

That's all from me, so have a lovely weekend, albeit a windy one, and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Mrs Hodge and Miss Colton. 



Head's Blog   6:12:24

Posted 07/12/2024
by Anthea Hillman

The school is looking and feeling very Christmassy at the moment thanks to the generous donation of a beautiful Christmas tree by React Scaffolding Ltd. The tree, which is in the school hall, has been decorated beautifully by our Breakfast Club pupils.

Performances We are looking forward to seeing you at the Christmas performances next week; the children have been very busy rehearsing. If your child is in the Landaviddy Class play or the Talland and Chaipel Class play, they will be required to come back for the evening performance at 5:30pm in order to be ready for 6pm. All performance times and dates are in the Events Diary on this website. 

Clubs Reminder that for the final 2 weeks of term (9th Dec – 20th Dec) there will be no clubs except for afterschool wraparound club and Breakfast Club which will continue as usual. Clubs will restart in January and we will send a letter out after the Christmas break about which ones will be running.

Book Fair – New Books for School Thanks to your generous support of our recent book fair, we now have £190 to spend on books for the school.

Poppy Appeal Year 6 raised £117.65 for the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal this year; thank you for your donations.

Local Events Attached to this blog is information for events that are happening in the local area over the next few weeks.

Diary Dates
Reminder that our Christmas Jumper day is next Friday, one day after National Christmas Jumper Day so that the children can all enjoy wearing their jumpers after the Christmas performances are over. We ask for a £1.00 donation for Save the Children. Children should wear their Christmas jumper instead of their usual school jumper. The last day of term is on Friday 20th December and school will finish at 1:30pm. Monday 6th January is an INSET day, therefore the first day of the Spring term for the children is Tuesday, 7th January.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Hillman


Penhallow   Week ending Friday 6th December

Posted 06/12/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone,

It’s looking very Christmassy in Penhallow this week.

We have been enjoying our Christmas role play area, where we have been learning about shape, size, and length, by wrapping presents, and we have been practicing our writing, by making Christmas cards. 

We have been learning about the nativity story by practicing our Christmas play. Every day, we have found out about the role of a different character in the Christmas story, by gradually building our Christmas nativity set. We tried to imagine how Mary and the shepherds might have felt, when they saw an angel. 

In art this week, we have been printing with different objects, and have been recreating artwork in the style of Andy Warhol. Next week, we will be making improvements and adding different colours to our prints. 

In English this week, we have been exploring non-fiction texts about castles and have been using adjectives to describe different kinds of castles. 

During our maths lessons, we have been learning about place value to 20, and have enjoyed using the story; ‘One is a snail, ten is a crab’ in order to investigate making 20 in different ways.

In science, we have continued our learning about different animals including humans. We used different fact files to find out which animals are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

We are looking forward to performing our Christmas nativity next Tuesday, and look forward to seeing you at one of our performances.

Have a lovely weekend!

From the Penhallow team.


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 6.12.24

Posted 06/12/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley


An acting packed  week (da dum...cha) in Talland this week as the children have been honing in on their performance skills. The Christmas Play is all starting to come together now!

Year 4 have been multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100.
Year 5 have been multiplying a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number. 

We have been using persuasive techniques to help exaggerate our writing. Ask your child what a 'superlative adjective' is... can they remember?

Design and Technology:
Children have designed and built their chassis for their Greek toy (a chariot). I'm looking forward to seeing how these turn out. They could be a great Christmas gift for someone!

We've dived into the ear and explored the different parts and functions of it.  

Well done to Heidi for being celebrated for her fantastic efforts this week and a huge thank you to everyone who has been helping their child to learn their lines. It's starting to sound great now!

Short and sweet this week... so that's all from us. We hope you have an amazing weekend.

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.

P.S Year 5 will continue to learn their statutory words.


Killigarth Nursery   6/12/24

Posted 06/12/2024
by Julie Peat

This week we have gone all Christmassy! The tree is up and the sparkles are out!
The children had a great time decorating our nursey tree, making it all very pretty to go in our role play area. In the tuft tray, we have been decorating Christmas trees with lots of different materials which will go on our Christmas display.
In cooking on Thursday this week, the children helped to make mince pies that they could take home and share. They scooped, rolled and identified the shape they were using.

Our book corner this week is Santa themed and we are enjoying the story "Father Christmas needs a wee" and "Alien's love Panta Claus"
In phonics this week, we have been using musical instruments to create different sounds such as stomping giant footsteps. We have been identifying words that start with a "P" or a "B" sound and listening to sounds in our indoor and outdoor environment.

In maths, we are exploring shapes and how we can contruct and make arrangements with them. The children have been naming numbers that they see and ordering numbers on the math table.

Just a couple of reminders that next Friday is Christmas Jumper Day and also our nursery nativity at 2.45pm.

Have a good weekend

The nursery team.


Penhallow   Week Ending Friday 29th November

Posted 29/11/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone!

It has been a lovely week of learning in Penhallow.

Reception have been very creative in their play this week and have built numerous castles using different materials. We went outside on the hill in nursery, used sand in the outside play area, and also perfected other designs using different construction materials in the classroom.

We have all been busy learning songs for our Christmas play. The singing sounds amazing! A few of the children have lines to practice, so thank you if you have been practicing at home. The fun starts next week, when we begin to practice the whole play, complete with acting.

There were some really interesting show and tell items this week, that got us thinking. Thank you so much for your pictures and artefacts. Next week, the theme is; a book from the past. If you would prefer, a picture of a book would be fine. Particularly if you would rather not send in a special book. Show and tell is on a Friday afternoon.

We enjoyed a lovely whole school lantern making experience on Monday. It was lovely to see the older children helping Penhallow, and supporting them so well. Thank you Chaipel, Talland and Landaviddy. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us on Saturday for the lantern parade.

Have a lovely weekend!

From the Penhallow team.


Landaviddy   Friday 29th November 2024

Posted 29/11/2024
by Alice Wilkie

Thank you to everyone for coming in Christmas Mufti  and with gifts for the Christmas Gift Shop in a few weeks time. We were lucky to have some elves with us today too (Photo pending)!

This week, Landaviddy class went on a class trip to The Royal Cornwall Museum and Truro Museum. We had the most amazing time learning about the mummification process, exploring the Egyptian section of the museum and digging for clues to match to Egyptian artefacts. In the afternoon, we went to Truro Cathedral, which was fantastic! We were mesmerised by how big it was! See the photos below from the day!

Throughout the rest of the week, in English we have been working hard on our Egyptian traditional tales, inspired by Little Red Riding Hood. In Maths, Year 2 have finished their unit on addition and subtraction and will be starting work on Shape. Year 3 have continued Multiplication and Division this week, recapping multiples of 2, 5 and 10. 

Congratulations to Alfie and Lowen H for being chosen as Landaviddy's People of the Week. And a big well done to all the children who achieved their 99 club this week!

We have been working hard on our Christmas play this week. Please help support your child at home, by practising their lines. We will be continuing play practise next week. A letter has also gone home today about costumes for the play. I have attached this below for your information. We are asking for any costumes to be brought in a named bag by Friday 6th December

Please keep practising the songs at home. I have also attached the song lyrics for the songs we have covered so far.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday. 

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton


Head's Blog   29:11:24

Posted 29/11/2024
by Anthea Hillman

It has been a fun end to the week with our Christmas MUFTI day - thank you for sending in so many gifts for the Christmas Gift Shop which will take place on Monday 16th December.

Lantern Procession Tomorrow The children have made some beautiful lanterns between them for the procession tomorrow. Children and parents/carers should congregate at the Chapel at 4.15pm ready to leave promptly at 4.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there. If your child carries a lantern, please ensure that they bring the cane back to school on Monday so that it can be reused next year.

Christmas Fayre Friday 6th December 2pm
The Christmas Fayre will be held next Friday, 6th December, and we are looking to accept any teddy tombola donations, raffle prizes as well as good condition toys and books to sell. Please feel free to send these into school with your child. We would also greatly appreciate any cakes/baking donations which we will then be able to sell at our Refreshment Stall. A list of ingredients must be provided for homemade cakes please. If these could be brought into school on or before Friday 6th December, they will be gratefully received.

Clubs Next week clubs will run as usual apart from running club on Friday which is cancelled because of the Christmas Fayre. For the final 2 weeks of term (9 Dec – 20 Dec) there will be no clubs except for afterschool wraparound club and Breakfast Club which will continue as usual. Clubs will restart in January and we will send a letter out after the Christmas break about which ones will be running.

Uniform Reminder If you are replacing your child’s footwear over the Christmas break, please can we remind you that you should send your child in wearing shoes which are black and flat, not boots. Please see for uniform requirements. We have collected several sweatshirts this half term which are not named. These will be in the library after school on Monday for you to collect if your child has mislaid one.

Christmas Lunch- Wednesday 18th December The Christmas lunch will be held on Wednesday 18th December this year. Please see the separate attachment for the menu. If your child would like a Christmas dinner, please ensure you have booked their meal by Friday 6th December as this tends to be very popular with the children. Please book their meals on Parentpay, even if you do not need to pay for their lunches. If you have any problems, do not hesitate to contact Mrs Turnbull on

Have a lovely weekend.




Posted 29/11/2024
by Emily Randle


Another week has gone by and so much has happened.

We are fully into our rehearsals for the Christmas play - it's going to be epic! Everyone has their lines and are getting into their roles, with the stage going up next week.

We are writing up our draft version of The Circulatory System explanation text and I'm rather impressed. Everyone is applying the grammar they have being learning and it makes for quite a read. Next week, we will be editing and improving and then producing our best copies.

We are in full swing with our Fractions, already beginning to feel confident with equivalences and simplifiying. 

In Art, we have been learning about the Italian technique, Chiaroscuro: the art of 3D light and dark. We have produced some work to be proud of! In DT we have been adapting a recipe to our own tastes and we have been writing about what we have learnt about the Romans, following on from our school trip!

Our trip to Truro was a huge success! We toured around the cathedral, saw the mineral exhibition at the museum before our workshop on ancient Rome. Our challenge was to create an oil lamp and the finished products were, "The most imaginative that the lady had ever seen." Can you spot the BFG?

Congratulations to our 99 Clubbers Elsie (88) and Hamish (Bronze) as well as our People of the Week, Elsie, Verity and Joel for displaying our School Values.

Remember the Christmas Fayre is on next Friday from 2pm and the Polperro Light Switch On is tomorrow (4:15pm at the Chapel). 
Hope to see everyone there!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Miss Hodge and Miss Colton.


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 29.11.24

Posted 29/11/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley


We hope you're all getting excited for the Polperro Lanterns Parade tomorrow... I know we are! The children have worked tremendously hard and created lots of fabulous lanterns! It was incredibly lovely to watch how the older children helped the younger children decorate them. Such an amazing bunch of personalities we have here at Polperro!

Year 5 have been working their way through multiplying 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. We've been learning how to organise the calculation and discussing why the place holder is important and necessary. Eg. 3 2 4
                                                                                                                x    2 3

Year 4 have been looking at factors and discovering which factor pairs make a product. EG... 3 x 4 = 12 (3 and 4 are our factor pairs and 12 is the product).
Talland have been looking at the differences as similarities between the Athenians and the Spartans as they prepare to write their persuasive letter urging their people to fight in the great Peloponnesian War.

We had lots of fun experimenting with sound with the use of a drum, a beater and some corn... amongst other instruments. Talland now know that sound is created by vibration and sound does not travel in a straight line.

What Christmas Means To Me:
Talland and Chaipel have been getting to grips with our Christmas Production. I've enjoyed sitting in my directors chair and shouting CUT, whilst both classes have done a fine job at learning their lines... KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK EVERYONE!

Well done to the year 5 Playground Leaders who have been organising and helping children with activities during Lunch times. Great job Archie and Thomas for bringing in some fantastic artefacts and homework, creating an abundance of curiosity amongst our class. And of course, congratulations to our superstar 99 clubbers for passing their 99 club this week: Flora, Arnie, Leo, Skye, Tabbi and Archie.   

That's all from Talland this week. We hope you have a fantastic weekend and see you tomorrow for the Polperro Lantern Parade.

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.

P.S Year 5 will continuing looking at last weeks spellings.


Killigarth Nursery   29/11/24

Posted 28/11/2024
by Julie Peat

We have finished exploring how we use maths in nursery this week. The children have been busy creating number caterpillars and writing numbers and making marks that represent their numbers. On the funky fingers table we have been sorting colours and shapes into the correct bags.
The children have been busy exploring the playdough and have used the rolling pins and cutters to create different shapes.
In cooking this week, the children practiced spreading and cutting skills when making sandwiches to take home.

At story time, we have enjoyed number books including “Ten in the bed” and “Five minutes peace”.

In phonics we have listened to the story of “The Enormous Turnip” and then  identified and made different sounds heard from it. We have sorted initial sounds into groups and have been identifying rhyming words.

Have a great weekend 
The nursery team.



Posted 24/11/2024
by Emily Randle

Another week has flown by and we have been extremely creative in Chaipel Class. Phase One of the Polperro Christmas Switch-On lantern making is now complete. Landaviddy and Penhallow will be decorating them next week, ready for the light switch-on next weekend. We were also visited by a couple of FOPS members who helped us to make decorations for the chapel's Chirstmas display in the village. 

We have been learning how to use cause and effect, subordinate clauses and rhetorical questions as main features for our explanation text writing, which we will begin on Monday.

Y6s have been investigating the use of BODMAS to solve number sentences involving multiple operations whilst Y5s are revisiting equivalent fractions before moving on to ordering, comparing and simplifying. Y6s will also be moving onto Fractions next week.

Our lovely new pens have arrived and Chaipel wasted no time in testing them out - especially the fountain pens! Handwriting and presentation is so important so hopefully these new pens will inspire us to take even more pride in our work then we already do! 

In Science, we have been learning about the Digestive System and its role in providing the blood with the water and nutrients it needs within our Circulatory System. Our skills in Fitness and Basketball are improving greatly and we finally completed our symbolic artwork, which Miss Randle has combined together to make one awesome piece of artwork. Next week, we will be looking into Chiaroscuro - the art of contrasting between light and dark, creating the effect of 3D. 
Tuesday is our school trip to Truro museum/cathedral. Remember to wear school uniform and bring a snack, water bottle and lunch!

Congratulations to our People of the Week - Lily and Ava - for demonstrating our Bridge School Values and being super role models.

Enjoy your weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Mrs Hodge and Miss Colton.


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We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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