Posted 07/03/2024
by Julie Peat
This week in nursery, we have continued to explore spring. The children have been busy exploring what happens in spring and have enjoyed playing in the spring themed tuft tray using tools to dig in soil with and putting plants and flowers into pots.
They have used vegetables to create flower pictures in paint and created beautiful spring wreaths using different materials.
At story time, we have looked at different books relating to spring including "On the farm" where the children named the baby animals they saw.
In phonics, we have been using our voices to copy animal sounds, hearing initial sounds in words and trying to match words together that rhyme with each other.
In maths the children have been countng and sorting number puppies into groups and been finding objects to represent numbers.
On Friday it was Comic Relief and the children came dressed in their red clothes to celebrate this. They got creative and made some red noses and we went on a hunt for lots of objects that are the colour red.
Next week, we start to look at Easter and are very excited to start lots of activities related to this.
Have a great weekend
Julie and Sarah
Posted 06/03/2024
by Julie Peat
Its been a busy week at nursery. On Tuesday we celebrated St Piran's Day. The children enjoyed a cream tea at morning snack (jam first!!) and they painted flags to take home.
We are exploring spring and answering our enquiry question of "What happens in spring?". The children have made tissue paper plate flowers and have made musical flower shakers which we have played whilst singing lots of songs. The children have done some still life painting, observisng a vase of daffodils and then painting their own interpretation of what they saw. They all did a great job!
In phonics we have been naming and describing sounds in our environment, hearing and identifing initial sounds in words and trying to keep in time with a simple beat.
In maths, we have been finding objects to represent the number 3 and the children have been practicing their counting :)
On Thursday, the children dressed up for World Book Day. They all looked great dressed up as their spoon character or in their pyjamas. We enjoyed reading and sharing the books that were brought in from home.
Have a lovely weekend
Julie and Sarah
Posted 02/03/2024
by Karen Taylor
It has been another fun-filled week of learning in Penhallow. The weather being the main discussion point as we continue our search for signs of spring!
In maths, we have been exploring doubles and had lots of fun with dice, ladybirds, butterflies and double treasure hunts! We have found out that near doubles can help us with our addition and subtraction facts within 20.
In PSHE, we continued to learn about the importance of staying healthy! We put together a healthy and an unhealthy plate, learning about the important food groups.
In PE, we have enjoyed 2 really fun sessions, learning all about fitness and why it is important and game skills like rolling, kicking, throwing and aiming.
Science this week has been fun, where we dissected a daffodil, learning all about the structure of a plant, the children 'wowed' us with wanting to know more, recognising pollen, the stigma, the trumpet of the daffodil as well as the basic plant structure. Next week we will be starting to grow our own seeds.
We really enjoyed a jam tart snack break on Friday to celebrate the Reception class finishing their level 3 phonics!
Well done to Finn, Kai and Brody for achieving their 22 badges in 99 club this week!
Also a big well done to our 'People of the Week' Martha, Sonny and Darragh for showing super examples of our school values.
Next week is a 'biggie' as we celebrate St Piran's Day and World Book Day!
Attached to the blog this week is this half term's Knowledge Web, outlining all that we will be learning in this half-term, up until Easter!
We hope you all enjoy a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday for another great week of learning!
Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss C and Miss Hodge.
P.S. Remember spoons must be bought into school to be in the World Book Day competition by MONDAY!
Posted 01/03/2024
by Alice Gibbings
Another week has gone by, and we have continued to explore 'How Can the Force be With You?'. In Science, we have been exploring how materials are suitable for different purposes and describing their properties. In Geography, we learnt about the layers of soil and layers of the earth. In Computing, we made our flipbooks and look forward to planning for our own volcano animations. We had a brilliant music lesson with Mrs Butlin too, as always! On Monday, we had an excellent PE lesson with Mrs Phillips, focussing on Team Building, which required lots of clear communication.
In Maths, Year 2 have continued working hard on Position and Direction, describing movement and turns and creating shape patterns using turns. Year 3 have been multiplying 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and making links between multiplication and division. Next week, we will be focussing on dividing 2-digit numbers.
In English, we have continued learning about Traction Man, exploring the use of onomatopoeia and have started planning for writing our own adventure stories! We can't wait to start writing these next week.
Congratulations to Amber for being Landaviddy's Person of the Week.
Please find below this half terms KIRFS for you to practise and Homework Grid relating to our enquiry.
We hope you have a good weekend and look forward to seeing you next week.
Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Mr H
Posted 01/03/2024
by Emily Randle
Another fun-packed week has flown by!
The weather held out on Tuesday for the Y6s to do their sponsored walk for Marie Curie as part of their PSHE. They walked the equivalent of the 5 mile coastal walk from Polperro to Looe around our Active Mile Track. They did amazingly well and we will send off the sponsorship money to Marie Curie next week! The Y5s are also planning a sponsored event. More info to follow...
We have been finishing off our enquiry into WW2 this week by compiling an assessment of their learning through PowerPoint. The work is amazing and really showcases what they have learnt about the war. Our new enquiry is, "How Does North America Compare to Europe?" We will be exploring the human and physical geography of North America and then comparing an American region with our own.
Decimals have been the focus for Y5/Y6 this week and we will be moving onto Fractions/Decimals/Percentages next week.
As part of our enquiry, we are learning about the late Neo-Expressionist, Jean-Michel Basquiat. The children have been looking at a range of his art, selecting ones that they like and explaining why they have chosen it. We are building up to creating our own Basquiat-inspired piece of artwork in the coming weeks.
I have attached this half term's homework grid and KIRFs.
SATs Club
SATs club begins next week for Y6s.
There will be three sessions per week and a copy of the days and times have gone home with your child in their SATs folders.
Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.
Posted 01/03/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley
Lots of fun has been had this week!
The year 4's have come to the end of their Multiplication and Division unit - next week - FRACTIONS! YAY!
The year 5's have been learning about decimals. Ask them about tenths and hundredths. Cab they dazzle you with their knowledge?
We've found out that the news paper report we read last week might have been a tad bias and Mr. Bumble isn't as kind hearted as we were first lead to believe. It turns out, Oliver Twist didn't get fed much and all of the orphans wanted more gruel as they were so incredibly hungry. Talland have been interviewing key witnesses about what actually happened when Oliver asked, "Please sir, can I have some more?".
Design and Technology:
The children have been given their design brief: A toy company, who produce dolls-houses, want to produce a dolls house that replicates a Victorian house. The toys already on the market are very expensive and the toy company want the children's designs to help them reach a younger market.
We've begun by researching the Great Exhibition of 1851 - ask your child some fun facts about this exhibition. Here's one fun fact: The Kohinoor diamond is the diamond that sits on King Charles' crown.
A huge well done to Harley and Aria for being our mathematician's of the week, Sienna and Isaac for being our reader's of the week and Freddie and Nuala for being our writer's of the week. Also, congratulations to Imogen for being our person of the week!
Good luck to our runner's today - we hope you have a great time and run your socks off (not literally)!
Please find attached this terms KIRFs and Homework Grid.
We hope you have an amazing weekend!
Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.
Posted 01/03/2024
by Julie Peat
This week the children have continued to explore farms and where our food comes from and have enjoyed a farm themed tuft tray with real vegetables and cereal!
They have finished our farm animal related craft, creating muddy pigs using their fingers in the paint and handprint chickens.
At story time, we have enjoyed the story "Moo, moo, mooing" and have turned our book corner into the cow from the story.
In Maths, we have continued to find objects that represent the number 3. Some of the children have been using toys such as the train track to create these numbers.
Next week we will be exploring all things related to spring.
World Book Day is next Thursday and the children in on this day are invited to come in wearing their pyjamas and to bring a teddy and their favourite story.
Have a great weekend
Julie and Sarah
Posted 25/02/2024
by Anthea Hillman
This half term has already got off to a good start
with years 5 and 6 years having a virtual meeting with some French children who attend
primary School in Ors in Northern France. The children sang a song together about what
makes them happy - the same things such as football and pets! They then asked each other
questions. Y5 and Y6 found out that the French children start school at 8:30 and stay till
4pm but are only in school for 4 days a week. They don't wear uniform, have a one-and-ahalf-hour lunch break and 4 courses for lunch, and learn English every day.
Our new enquiries have been launched:
Chaipel: How does North America compare to Europe?
Talland: How have our lives been changed by the Victorians?
Landaviddy: How can the force be with you?
Penhallow: What happens in Spring?
World Book Day
It has been great to hear that many of the children have already turned their wooden spoon
into their favourite book character for our World Book Day competition. We have spare
spoons in school if needed.
School Council has asked that on World Book Day (7th March) children come dressed as their
spoon (ie their favourite character) or in PJs with a teddy and their favourite book.
Looe Mini Miler Looe Mini Miler, a fun run, takes place at 10am
(Registration 9am-9.40am) on Sunday 25th February. The race which is organised by the
Looe Pioneers is suitable for children aged 4 and above. Details are on the attached flyer,
please note there are no entries on the day.
Menu Change 5th March
To celebrate St Piran’s day on Tuesday 5th March there will be a special menu, please see
menu attached and log in to Parentpay to make your child’s selection by Monday 26th
Parent Consultations
Parent consultations will be held week of 18th March either in person or on TEAMS. We will
email you next week with information regarding times and dates when your child’s teacher
will be available and how to book an appointment.
WeAreMusic (WAM)
Pupils from year 3 to year 6 are welcome to attend the WAM music ensemble, led by Mrs
Butlin at Looe Community Academy (Music Department) on Tuesdays 4:15-5pm. The first
four sessions are free then it is £3 per week. Please contact Mrs Butlin direct on if your child is interested.
Have a good weekend.
Mrs Hillman
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