Class Blog for Chaipel

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We have had a busy week in Chaipel Class! In English, we have been draft writing, editing and improving and writing up our evacuee letters in best. The quality of the work produced is absolutely incredible and everyone has really immersed themselves in life as a WW2 evacuee. 

In Maths, we have been tackling converting a range of units of measure, including reading and interpreting timetables, and are confident in this area now - even Rosie May is smiling!

Our enquiry has taken us to learning about Morse Code, trialling our circuits in Science to send messages WW2-style! We have been learning about music linked to the 1940s and have been using instruments to re-create some old favourites. In PE, Chaipel are learning about passes in Netball and we are learning how to create dance motifs (with a WW2 theme) in Dance.

I just want to say a big 'Thank You' to the parents for taking time out to see Mrs Hillman and myself regarding the SATs home/school revision agenda. Books will be sent home with the children on Monday to get revising on.

School Trip
Our trip to Bodmin Keep is coming up quickly. Can you please ensure that you return your slip as soon as possible so that I can finalise numbers with the organisers.

That's all from us so have a lovely weeked!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.



It's been another busy week in Chaipel and we are well into our enquiry,  exploring how World War II affected different people in British society. This week, we have been learning about the Home Front and how civilians played just as much of a part in our victory over the Axis as the Bristish troops themselves. Next week, we will be learning about rationing and how the women and farming community supported the Home Front efforts. We are getting very accomplished at creating circuits in Science and are going to be setting up investigations next week, based on a range of set criteria, which we will write up, analyse and evaluate afterwards. 

We are currently writing up the draft copy of our evacuee letters. The level of vocabulary and range of sentence structures Chaipel are producing will make for a fine read! Everyone is putting their best efforts in and showing a real determination to produce their best work to date! Once we have completed this, we will move onto learning about the Battle of Dunkirk and some of the Allied troops evacuation back to 'Blighty'. This will result in us producing a piece of written work, linked to the Fowey Young Writers and Artists competition theme of BEACHES. Children will have an opportunity to submit their work should they choose to.

We have been working together to tackle Converting Units! We have been in and out of the Learning Pit all week - as you can imagine - but we are persevering and learning is DEFINITELY moving in the right direction! Converting units of time, reading timetables and solving problems involving unit conversion is where our learning is going next week.

School Trip
I have arranged a trip to Bodmin Keep - Cornwall's Army Museum on Wednesday 7th February. It's going to be a fun-packed day where the children will be involved in a tour of the museum, Home Front workshops, military team building and a whole lot more! Letters will go out with more detail in the coming days...

Our WW2 Dance and Music lessons are in full swing and will be learning a range of music and musical steps from the 1940s which we will apply during our WW2 day at the end of this enquiry. 

Thanks, once again, for your continued support!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.



We have had a busy week in Chaipel class this week. We now have an understanding of how Hitler rose to power and the subsequent events leading up to the start of WW2. We have created timelines, investigated Hitler's life and written about Germany's initial invasion into certain countries within Europe.

We are building up to writing a letter home through the eyes of an evacuee but firstly, we needed to gather information about what life was like in London during the Blitz and compare that to life in rural Cornwall. Chaipel have written some incredible pieces, depicting  the war-torn streets of London and the contrasting serenity of the Cornish coast. Next week, we will build on this and begin to plan our letter in detail. 

Y6 have been multiplying, dividing and finding fractions of amounts this week and Y5s have been working with mixed numbers. We will move on, next week, to investigating Units of Measure as this is an area that both year groups are finding tricky. 

In Science, we are learning about electrical circuits and Chaipel have been investigating how to connect circuits together and draw diagrams using the symbols for their components. We will move onto learning Morse Code and will use the circuits to send messages to each other! We have been creating motifs to WW2 in Dance this week and will move onto learning how to Jitterbug! Music is also heavily WW2 based so look out for an update very soon...

I have attached the Knowledge Web, KIRFs for this half term and Chaipel's homework grid. Please keep up the daily reading and spelling practice!

Take care and have a great weekend!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.

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New year, new learning!

It is lovely to have everyone back after the Christmas break. We have been immersing ourselves in our new enquiry, World War II, beginning with how Europe was ruled pre-WWII and which countries were under which regimes. Chaipel have compiled a timeline of war events - discussing how these impacted upon and steered the course of the Allies victory over the Axis. The children are so engaged with this enquiry and are looking forward to investigating this further.

We will link (as always) our English to our enquiry, learning about the children's evacuation to the country, and will write an informal letter through the eyes of an evacuee to their family. We will investigate and describe scenes during the Blitz and compare them to the tranquility of the Cornish coast where some children would have been billeted to.

In Maths, we are still working on Fractions. Y5s are converting, adding and subtracting mixed numbers whilst Y6s are multiplying and dividing. In Science, we will be learning about circuits and using Morse Code to send messages, WWII-style. Music will begin next week with Mrs Butlin teaching the children some WWII songs and I will be teaching them the Jitterbug in Dance! Exciting times ahead.

I have compiled a knowledge web, homework grid and the KIRFs for this half term and they will be attached to the blog next week.

For now, enjoy the weekend and see you all on Monday.

Miss Randle and Mrs Clary.



Y6 Bloggers are here...

We started off the week by going 'rehearsals mad' and then doing a fantastic job performing for our parents and carers on Tuesday. It was a really busy day but we all enjoyed ourselves and pulled off an amazing performance! As well as our own play this week, we watched Penhallow and Landaviddy's dress rehearsals; they were amazing too!

Aside from the play this week, we have started our final space composition in art with a Retro-Futuristic theme. Watch this 'space' for some examples of the fabulous work that we've been doing! We ended the week with a morning of Science, learning about how the Sun and Earth work together, giving us seasons and how the movement of the Moon affects high and low tides. - ROSIE GRACE

We have completed our investigation into creating animation on Scratch and used a range of algorithms to design a narrative. Its been so fun and we have learnt alot!

Although Christmas is just around the corner and we are very excited, Miss Gilbert is sadly leaving us today as she has completed her teacher training.We wish her all the best and hope she will come back to see us one day. - DAISY 

CONGRATULATIONS to our people of the week: Jack G, Ava and Phoebe for being recognised for applying our school values [determination, creativity, enthusiasm, being excellent being responsible and being curious].

Remember - we are in school for two days next week and break up on Tuesday. The last day of school is our Christmas party day so arrive in fancy clothes and if you can bring in some food to share, that would be amazing! - JACK C

Take care and see you all next week!




Busy, Busy!

What a busy week we've had!

Some of Chaipel children have been singing as part of our school choir this week. On Monday, they joined with Keltique choir to perform an early evening Christmas service in our local chapel and then an afternoon performance on Thursday  for the residents of Atlantis Care Home. They were absolutely amazing and did the school, and themselves, proud. 

Our Christmas play, BETHLEHEM BANDITS, has really ramped up a gear and we are ready for next week's performances. We have a matinee sitting at 2pm and then an evening on at 6pm. 


Your child does need to attend both performances on that day as each and every role in the play plays a part in the storyline.

We have been immersed in ICT this week. Y5s had a morning, learning how to animate and have put together a sequence which will become part of a whole Bridge Schools Trust animation which will be revealed in the new year. Chaipel have also been learning about coding and are currrently planning an animation narrative involving speech, backdrop switch, sound, sprite hide and show and broadcast and receive algorithms. I think they are teaching me more than I am them!

We ended the week with our Christmas Fayre. Thank you for your support - our class really enjoyed making and running the games today.

All that is left for me to say is - HAVE A LOVELY WEEKEND AND SEE YOU ALL ON MONDAY!

Miss Randle, Miss Gilbert and Mrs Clary.



Hello parents and pupils of Chaipel! Another week has flown and BETHLEHEM BANDITS is now in full swing! I have warned the children that there is a 'no script' policy from Monday onwards so please encourage one final push to polish those lines!! Costumes and props need to be in by Wednesday/Thursday please so that we can have a full dress rehearsal on Friday, ready for our performances the following week.

The lanterns for Saturday's Light Switch On are now complete and been taken ready for the big night. Please be down outside Coffee, Cake, Create by 4:30 to pick up a lantern and get ready for the procession.

Chaipel have been continuing to learn about the Earth and Moon relative to the Sun this week and have been investigating the phases of the Moon. Take a look out of your window tonight - you should see a Waning Gibbous Moon. Ask your child what that means and what the next phase will be - very fascinating!!

English has been our great Space Log write up and we have some incredible entries from Chaipel, packed full of metaphors, personification, onomatopoeia, precise vocabulary and much, much more. I'm looking forward to reading the completed version of each and every one of them. In Maths, we have been comparing, ordering, adding and subtracting fractions with the Y5s converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions. PHEW!

CONGRATULATIONS to Martha, Ivy and Bayley for being recognised as our Chaipel People of the Week for their amazing kindness, determination and resilience towards life at Polperro Academy.

Have a lovely weekend everybody and we hope to see you down at the Polperro Light Switch On on Saturday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert



Another week closer to the Christmas play and rehearsals are in full swing! Mrs Butlin has been helping us to learn our songs for the big day and we've all taken home copies of some of the songs to learn over the weekend. Miss Randle has attached copies to the blog below.

This week, in class, we have started writing up the best copy of our Log entries in English, been learning all about fractions in Maths (Y5 and Y6): equivalent fractions, proper and improper, plotting them on a number line and ordering and comparing by both numerator and denominator. In French, we've been learning words and phrases to be able to talk about our family and our Enquiry has taken us into different world time zones; linking these to our planet's revolution and rotation in relation to the Sun. - ROSIE GRACE

On Thursday, a group of children went to Callywith College to take part in a Dodgeball competition.They did amazingly well and made it to the quarter finals!

We have begun to make our lanterns for the Polperro Christmas Lights Switch On (Saturday, December 2nd).Talland and Chaipel have worked together to make the frames and the rest of the school will decorate them next week.- DAISY  

CONGRATULATIONS to Rosie Grace for achieving your Silver in 99 club and well done to Jack G and Phoebe for getting Mathematician of the Week for your fabulous fraction work. Finally, Chaipel's people of the week are... Jack G and Noah for being super kind and caring to others.

We said 'Goodbye' to Mrs Robinson this week and decorated our section of the school card using our favourite book covers as she was a fab school librarian! We wish her well for the future.                  JACK C

That's all from us!
Have a super weekend and see you all next week!!

(Y6 Chaipel bloggers)

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Another week has flown by in Chaipel. We started off on Monday by wearing odd socks for Anti Bullying Week and we even made our own class poem which we read out in assembly on Wednesday. It was also the Book Fair this week and we want to say a big, 'Thank You' to everyone who supported this by buying a book. A percentage of the money raised will go towards getting some fabulous new books for each of the classrooms. 

We have even started writing the draft copies of our three logs in English and will be moving onto editing and improving and writing up our best copies next week. Y6 have began to investigate Fractions in Maths this week whilst Y5 have been multiplying and divding by 10/100/1,000. Aswell as all of this, our Art lessons have led us to learn how to use tone and texture to create our own versions of the planets in our Solar System. Check out our planets and nebula - pretty cool!  - ROSIE GRACE

In other new this week, we have been given our scripts for our new Chirstmas play which is called 
BETHLEHEM BANDITS. The play is a comedy about a group of thieves (that are not very good at their job) and and the crazy adventures they have the night Jesus was born. Dates and times for our performances will be sent in a letter by Mrs Hillman very soon! - DAISY

Congratulations to Ivy, Daisy, Rosie G and Max B for being recognised in our Celebration Assembly for their kindness and compassion towards others this week. Martha and Phoebe have gained their Bronze badges in their 99 Club so a HUGE 'Well Done' to them - they have been working really hard to achieve this. 

We ended the week with Children in Need Day and it was amazing to see everyone in spots/pyjamas and bright colours! Every pound counts so thank you for your support!

So, that's all from us. Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Rosie G, Daisy, Miss Randle, Miss Gilbert and Mrs Clary.



Y6 Bloggers are here!

Let's welcome Rosie Grace, Rosie May, Daisy and Jack - our Chaipel class bloggers. From now on, these incredible young people will be writing our class blogs each week: let Miss Randle hand you over to them...

This week has been jam-packed full of learning. We started off our wonderful week with a visit on Tuesday by an amazing poet called Sally. Sally influenced us to write our own poems about World War I after showing us how to create a 'magic writing ring' AND how to eat our words - literally!! Our poems will soon be sent off (by plane) over the field, where the Battle of the Somme took place, and scattered. The paper is made of seeds (the German, English and French flowers which all mean peace) which will eventually decompose and the seeds will grow new flowers. - ROSIE MAY

This week, our English and Maths has been out of this world! In Maths, Y5 have been tackling prime and square numbers and factors. Whilst we have been looking at Brackets, Order, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction in Y6 (BODMAS). In English however, we've been planning our log entries and even designed our own planets to go and explore! - ROSIE GRACE

On Wednesday Reverent Richard gave an amazing assembly for Remembrance Day and then we got the opportunity to put the names of the 46 soldiers - who died in the war from Polperro - on crosses with a message of thanks from us. These will be laid on the memorial, in Polperro, on Sunday. - DAISY

Congratulations to Ivy for achieving her 88 club and to Wyatt, Noah and Rosie G for being our People of the Week.

Next week, it is Odd Socks Day on Monday so wear your school uniform but make sure your socks are odd and as wacky as possible! Our Book Fair is on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday in Chaipel Class at 3.15. It is Children in Need Day on Friday so come in pyjamas, spotty clothes or bright colours. Bring £1 in with you to help the children in need.

Finally, clubs begin next week  so if you want to go them go to our secretary (with a grown up) and ask to sign up. - JACK C

Quick message from Miss Randle:
I have attached the Wider Curriculum Knowledge Web, Homework Grid, Curriculum spellings and KIRFs for this half term below!

Have a great weekend, 

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