Class Blog for Chaipel

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We have had another fabulous week of learning in Chaipel. 

We have been learning about the use of active and passive voice as well as how to accurately punctuate dialogue: all of which we can apply to our Pompeii time slip story. We finished the week by planning our narrative, ready for us to begin writing on Monday.

The Y5s have been learning how to estimate and round to check calculations - a very important skill to have, whilst Y6s have been tackling multiplying 4-digit by 2-digit numbers. We have applied our knowledge to ICT where we have been adding up using the Binary number system.

We have been very productive. In Art, we have been creating abstract perspective landscapes, for PE we have been developing our tactical skills in Tag Rugby and Geography has taught us about how volcanoes are formed, where the Ring of Fire is and what causes eruptions. Following our learning about the Roman invasion on Britannia, we have investigated what the Romans brought to us and how significant it is to today. We explored the types of houses for the wealthy and the poor and how they differed depending on where you lived. What did the Romans bring to Britain? Roads, aquaducts, sewage systems, the list goes on!

CONGRATULATIONS to Elsie who achieved her 66 Club.

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Colton.



Welcome to our new Year 6 bloggers: Verity, Joel and Ava.

It's another busy week in Chaipel. We have finished writing up our newspaper report best copies and they all look amazing! In Maths, the Y5s have finished place value and are now onto adding and subtracting, whilst the Y6s are learning the rules of divisibility.

Chaipel have enjoyed learning about what causes a tsunami in Geography and who Boudica was, and her influence over the Roman invasion of Britain. Did you know 'tsunami' means 'harbour wave' in Japanese?  - VERITY

In ICT, we are learning about the Mars Rover and have been creating instructions for sending data from Mars back to Earth. Recently, we were lucky enough to have a visit from George Orwell's son who we will be working with on an exciting project in the Spring term. More information to follow...

We have been experimenting with tinting and shading in Art, and been looking at atmospheric landscapes. They look fab!

We've had another fabulous Funky Friday, listening to music and dancing our hearts out at lunchtime. - AVA

On Wednesday, our Readers of the Week were Lily and Phoebe, our Writers of the Week were Aria and Max B for their newspaper reports and our Mathematicians of the Week were Kora and Harrison. A big well done to those guys!

Today some amazing people came in to show us the boat that they will be sailing across the Atlantic in, later on this year. We learnt that two people would row whilst the other two would sleep or eat. We wish them lots of luck and hope to follow their adventure! - JOEL

Have a fab weekend!

Verity, Ava and Joel (Chaipel's Y6 Bloggers)



We've had another busy week in Chaipel. Y6s have been finishing off Place Value and will be moving onto the four operations next week (addition/subtraction/multiplication/division) whilst the Y5s are tackling rounding, compairing and ordering numbers.

We have written and edited our draft newspaper report on the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD79, adapting our byline names to that of ancient Roman times, such as 'Veritius' , 'Elisius' and 'Maximus'. We will be writintg up our best copy, assessing our writing and creating our first writing target for this year. 

In PE, we have been learing and sequencing a range of yoga positions and techniques, which we will develop over the next few weeks, and in Art, we are looking at atmospheric perspective, using tints and shading to create the illusion of distance.

For PSHE, we have looking at the rights of children and how this differs globally. We have been investigating the cocoa plantations in Ghana and how the lives of the children compare to those of our own. In Geography, we have been exploring earthquakes, how they are measured on the Richter Scale and where the tectonic plate faults are around the world.

A huge WOW goes to Joel, Ava, Max B and Harry for their creations of Mount Vesuivius as part of their homework grid activities. They look amazing and you can see that a lot of work has gone into these.  

Congratulations to Dom for achieving another badge in his 99 Club and to Freddie and Lily for being Chaipel's People of the Week for demonstrating our school values.

Have a lovely weeked and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Colton.



Chaipel have been busy this week, investigating Place Value in Maths and are really getting to grips with dealing with numbers up to 10,000,000. Next week, we will be rounding, reasoning and problem solving, applying our new understanding.

We are currently planning our newspaper report on the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and destruction of Pompeii and this week we have been exploring how to write 'journalist-style', practising direct and indirect reporting as well as past simple and past progressive verb sentences. We will be writing our report next week and I look forward to reading them!

For Spellings, we have been creating Top Trump cards for our curriculum spellings, navigating dictionaries and unpicking a word, its composition and its word family. Phoebe and Verity have created some impressive cards full of facts.

We have been exploring the use of water colour in Art, and experimenting with various techniques to create texture. Freddie worked extremely hard and has produced some incredible work to be proud of. 

Today, we were lucky to have had the opportunity to create class cards to put into a time capsule which will be buried beneath the new Big Green for future inhabitants of Polperro to unearth in years to come...

Congratulations to our People of the Week - Aria and Imogen - to displaying our school values as well as to Dom for achieving his 99 Club. 

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday.

Mss Randle, Mrs Clary and Mrs Hodge.



It's the end of our first full week and we have had a fun one! We are learning how to write a newspaper report in English. We will take what we have learnt and then create a report on the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and its destruction of Pompeii. It's got everyone excited about writing about the tragic event and I look forward to reading their amazing reports in the coming weeks.

In Maths, it's Place Value and the Y6s are looking at numbers to 10,000,000 and Y5s to 1,000,000. We have investigated extreme weather conditions as part of our Geography and why the Roman army were so powerful in History. In Art, we have been learning perspective landscape drawing, creating work from a horizon line and vanishing point. Noah has really got to grips with this and has made a piece to be proud of! In ICT we have been learning about the Mars Rover and how the Binary system of data collection works. 

Congratulations to Harry and Henry for being our People of the Week today for displaying our school value of being a 'responsible' role model - both for behaviour and attitude to learning. 

I have attached the KIRFs  for Autumn 1 as well as the homework grid and curriculum spellings (Y3-4 and Y5-6 pdfs below). Please continue to read every day and practise your KIRFs and spellings. It really makes a difference to your learning!

Have a fantastic weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Mrs Hodge.

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Welcome Chaipel Class!

We have had a lovely first few days back and what a fabulous class Chaipel is this year!

We have chosen our class monitors and they are already helping the school day run smoothly. Welcome to our new class member, Elsie, who has settled in very well to life in Chaipel. 

Our enquiry is all about the Romans this half term and we have already been learning about where Rome is and how historians believe it was built/founded. We are also exploring extreme Earth in Geography and have been investigating areas of extreme temperatures. We will move onto learning about tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquakes etc. which the children are already excited to learn about. FYI, Knowledge Webs, KIRFs and Homework Grids will be attached to the blog next week.

Congratulations to Elsie and Dom for being our first People of the Week this school year for their fabulous learning attitudes and how well they have settled into our class.

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Mrs Hodge.


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