Class Blog for Chaipel

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What a busy week we've had in Chaipel Class! The week got off to a flying start with an assembly about our Bridge School value (being Excellent). During this assembly, we branched off into our House Teams and discussed what being excellent looks like at Polperro School. We then came back together as a school and shared some of our ideas with each other. Three of our Y6 pupils (Lily, Bayley and Wyatt) demonstrated 'being excellent' by recieving certificates from the Fowey Young Writers Competition. Bayley was Highly Commended and both Lily and Wyatt were Commended for their tremendous efforts on their poems about the D-Day landings.

In English, we have begun to write our explanation text on the seven life processes (Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion and Nutrition).  In PE, we have started to learn what it takes to be an expert at badminton and amazing at orienteering. - ROSIE GRACE

Also this week, our class have picked out our new reading books. They are a range of very interesting texts which we can all enjoy as they are organised so that we can read and comprehend them independently. After we have finished our books, each pupil in Chaipel will do a book review and a persuasive leaflet, explaining why reading for 5 minutes a day is good for our wellbeing! In Computing, we are learning all about algorithms and for Art we have been looking at colour schemes for our tie-dye project! - DAISY R

Our new enquiry has got off to a great start and this week, we have learnt about the reproduction process in a range of living things, moving onto comparing the life cycles of certain animals.

In our Celebration assembly, Jack C got person of the week for being an excellent learning partner to his freinds. In 99 Club we have a big 'well done' for Lily R for achieving her Bronze club (100 arithmetic questions in 4 mins). 

Your child has come home today with a letter about Chaipel's    tie-dying art project. If you could let Miss Randle know whether you are providing a white T-shirt or would like the school to purchase one no later than next week so that we can get the materials we need to make a start!  - JACK

Attached below, is the KIRFs, homework grid and Knowledge Web for this half term.

Have a lovely weekend,


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What a busy first week back we've had!

In Maths, we have been investigating Statistics; drawing line graphs, bar charts, pie charts (Y6) and tables and understanding why and how these represent data collection.

We have been editing, improving and writing up our best copy of our Midnight Fox in English. Chaipel have written the ending to our class story (which we are now reading to see if any of ours match the imagination of the author, Betsy Byars).

Our study into the Neo-expressionist Basquiat has concluded with the completion of our artwork and subsequent evaluation. Everyone has embraced this particular style of art and the finished pieces will make a great display to showcase the unique style of this incredible artist.

On Thursday we had the Polperro Wreckers in school to sing some Sea Shanties. They then joined us for our Music slot where we got to perform alongside them. It was amazing and the school were complemented by how well behaved and enthusiastic the pupils were!

Our new enquiry is...WHAT DO ALL LIVING THINGS HAVE IN COMMON? We will be investigating life cycles and classification - so very Science heavy. We will be Tie-dying in Art (I will send a letter with more info next week) and learing how to programme and code Micro-bits to measure temperature in Computing. Very exciting!!

That's all from me so have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.



Chaipel have had a lovely last week of school! We have begun to create our final Basquiat-inspired piece of art and they are looking amazing so far. There will be time to complete the work at the beginning of next term!

In English, we have beeen writing up our ending for The Midnight Fox. The children have really got into their writing and are looking forward to editing, improving and writing up their neat copies.

In PSHE, we have been learning about basic First Aid and how to put people into the Recovery Position  - a vital skill to be able to do. 

For our final day, we had an egg-cellent Easter Egg Hunt - thank you to FOPs and all involved: we had a great time!

So, all that is left for me to say is...

See you next term,
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.



What a busy week we've had in Chaipel Class! Y6 have been working so hard this week, by sitting practice SATs tests whilst Y5 have been working equally as hard by doing their Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. In English, we have started to plan our own endings for the Midnight Fox. We have read up to the dilema, and are being left to make up our own ending for the story. In Art, we are getting ready to do our final piece, which we're all really looking forward to creating. 

On Thursday, we had a visit from Linda from Marie Curie in Cornwall, who presented us with an enormous cheque, revealing how much money we raised. It's amazing to think that only nine children managed to raise £692.05! Linda was extremely pleased and thanked us all for our hard work. - ROSIE G 

Also on Thursday, 6 pupils from Polperro join other children from the Trust in an Alternative Sports Day.
Max S and Ivy went from Chaipel, and this is what they ahd to say:
"I felt happy and excited about the day." - Max
"It was a learning curve because I learnt new sports which were fun!" - Ivy
Both agreed that they made lots of new friends too!

Congratulations to Ivy for being Miss Randle's Person of the Week for being determined and resilient in tackling her SATs papers.

That's all from us,
Rosie and Jack



What a brilliant week we've had in Chaipel Class! We started off the week by finding out what house teams we're in. There are four houses: Chestnut, Willow, Oak and Ash who each have their own Captain and Vice Captain. Congratulations to Ava, Verity and myself who were all chosen to represent our houses as captains in Chaipel Class.

On Thursday, Y5 and Y6 were lucky enough to go down to Liskeard Fire Station for the afternoon. We learnt how to stay safe in different scenarios that we might come across. 

On Friday, we raised money for Comic Relief by dressing in 'mufti' and bringing in our best jokes. My favourite was       Jack G's which went like this:
Why do some cows travel in limousines?
Because they are moovie stars!  

In our learning, we have been working with fractions, decimals and percantages in Maths. In English, we have been studying the book The Midnight Fox and we are are going to be writing our own endings next week. - DAISY 

Congratulations to Rosie Grace and Martha for being Chaipel's People of the Week and to Joel and Ivy for getting their 99 Club badges. - ROSIE MAY 

That's all from us for another week!

Rosie G, Daisy, Rosie M and the rest of Chaipel Class.



World Book Day 'Chaipelers'

It has been another fun week in Chaipel Class. This week we rounded off our World War Two enquiry by completing our diary entry through the eyes of Anne Frank. We then peer assessed our friend's work; it was lovely to read each other's letters.

On Tuesday, the Y5s had a day packed full with Playground Leadership Training. They really enjoyed this opportunity to help everyone stay more active whilst out on the playground. - ROSIE G

On Thursday, it was World Book Day and each pupil of Polperro dresssed up as their favourite book character. We also had an amazing LIVE online session with Michel Rosen, promoting 50 years of his work. He was really funny and we joined many other schools internationally to watch him!
In our class, Chaipel, Daisy won the 'Wooden Spoon Character' competition. Well done Daisy! - ROSIE M

CONGRATULATIONS to Max S for achieving his Silver and to Daisy who achieved her Bronze in 99 club this week. Chaipel's 'People of the Week' were Jack G and Rosie Butcher for showing our School Values very well.This week's Golden Ticket goes to Noah H.

Miss R would like to remind parents to sign up for the  parent consultations if you have not already done so. - JACK C

Thanks Rosie G, Rosie M and Jack C - our Chaipel Bloggers!

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.



Charitable Chaipelers!

Another fun-packed week has flown by!

The weather held out on Tuesday for the Y6s to do their sponsored walk for Marie Curie as part of their PSHE. They walked the equivalent of the 5 mile coastal walk from Polperro to Looe around our Active Mile Track. They did amazingly well and we will send off the sponsorship money to Marie Curie next week! The Y5s are also planning a sponsored event. More info to follow...

We have been finishing off our enquiry into WW2 this week by compiling an assessment of their learning through PowerPoint. The work is amazing and really showcases what they have learnt about the war. Our new enquiry is, "How Does North America Compare to Europe?" We will be exploring the human and physical geography of North America and then comparing an American region with our own. 

Decimals have been the focus for Y5/Y6 this week and we will be moving onto Fractions/Decimals/Percentages next week. 

As part of our enquiry, we are learning about the late Neo-Expressionist, Jean-Michel Basquiat. The children have been looking at a range of his art, selecting ones that they like and explaining why they have chosen it. We are building up to creating our own Basquiat-inspired piece of artwork in the coming weeks.

I have attached this half term's homework grid and KIRFs.

SATs Club
SATs club begins next week for Y6s. 
There will be three sessions per week and a copy of the days and times have gone home with your child in their SATs folders.

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.

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Another busy week has flown by in Chaipel. The children who want to submit their poem to the Fowey Young Writer's Competition have written up their best copy ready for the school to submit them next week. Good Luck!!

On Monday, we were lucky enough to have a TEAMS meeting with a lovely school in Ors, Northern France. We asked each other about how  similar/different our lives are and are looking forward to becoming pen pals. Y5 and Y6 found out that the French children start school at 8:30 and stay till 4pm but are only in school for 4 days a week. They don't wear uniform, have a one and a half hour lunch break and 4 courses for lunch, and learn English every day.

Year 6 have been sitting practice papers for their upcoming SATs and the Year 5s have been amazingly supportive. We really do have a lovely class! 

Chaipel have completed their investigation into WW2 by spending the afternoon producing their end of unit assessments. They had the choice of producing a written double-page spread or using ICT to produce a PowerPoint to showcase their learning. They have all done incredibly well and their work shows just how much they have learnt about the war.

That's all from Team Chaipel. Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday.

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.



Chaipel have had a busy and very productive final week! It was Safer Internet Day on Tuesday and the class learnt all about how to navigate the internet safely. It threw up some very interesting debates! 

On Wednesday, Chaipel visited Bodmin Keep, Cornwall's Army Museum (as part of our enquiry into WW2) and what a day we had! We used all of our understanding so far, practically putting into context what we had learnt with Home Front and Air Raid workshops, as well as an extensive tour of the exhibits. We were amazed at the armory and medal displays; we even spotted a letter from Florence Nightingale herself, written whilst she was tending to soldiers in the Crimean War during the 1850s. This linked back to an enquiry in a previous year when we had studied the exploits of this incredible woman and the medical impact she had on so many individuals.

We completed our WW2 poetry and those who have chosen to have their piece submitted to the 2024 Fowey Young Writers competition, will do so during our first week back. 

We will be continuing with our enquiry into WW2 for the first couple of weeks back. We are so engaged in the enquiry, we feel the need to complete this before moving on. Chaipel will be learning about the atrocities of the Holocaust and, after studying the life of Anne Frank, will be writing a diary entry (in English) through the eyes of a Jewish child living in Germany under Nazi rule. 

Thank you, as always for your continued support. It is always a pleasure to teach in Chaipel class: we have some inspiring young people in there!

Enjoy the half term!!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.



It has been an exciting week in Chaipel this week, with many 'guests' visiting our class to support and enrich our enquiry into WW2. We started off the week by sharing our WW2 evacuee letters with each other. We gave positive feedback in areas of strength and also where we feel our peer's next steps could be.  We have moved onto poetry: writing a Free Verse poem about the D-Day landings. This links into the Fowey Young Writers and Artists competition and their theme of 'beaches' and Chaipel will have the opportunity to enter their final piece into the competition, should they choose to. Exciting times!

In Maths, Y5s have been multiplying using the long column method. Mixed reviews at the moment but it is just the start of their journey and they will have mastered it by next week - hopefully! Y6s are learning about Ratio and Proportion and are steaming ahead. 

We have had the pleasure of having Caterlink in to bake WW2 eggless carrot cookies on Wednesday, followed by Reverend Richard talking about his father's childhood evacuee experiences. If that wasn't enough, Ava's dad then arrived with primary sources from the war. We saw photos, ratio books, letters, wireless reports, telegraphs and medals. We have been truely blessed this week and thank everyone involved for giving up their time.

So, it's our trip to Bodmin Keep on Wednesday. Just a reminder that it is school uniform and children will require a drink, snack and packed lunch. Please let the secretary know if your child requires a school packed lunch please. The trip is in normal school hours so please ensure that your child arrives promptly at school on Wednesday as we will be leaving shortly after 9am.

That's all from Chaipel, so have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert


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