Class Blog for Chaipel

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This first week back has just flown by. We started off with launching our new enquiry, "How does the Moon affect our lives?" We took part in a Kahoot quiz assessment, identifying what we know already, and then decided what it was that we want to find out.

Our English is also taking us to the stars. We are looking into descriptive language and will build up a bank of knowledge in order to write a Space Log about a newly identified planet! Everyone is super excited about the enquiry and eager to get writing. In Maths, Y5s are looking into factors and multiples whilst the Y6s are tackling a range of division strategies. In Art, we are learning to create a Retro-Futuristic composition. So watch this space for updates on how it is going...

We celebrated Black History Month by investigating the inspiring space scientist, Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock. We shared our new learning with the rest of the school in our Black History Month Celebration assembly and everyone was amazed at this incredible woman's accomplishments. If your child hasn't already told you about Dr Maggie, then ask them about her - a true inspiration to young people!

Congratulations to Leon (Bronze) and Max B (55) for achieving their 99 Club badges this week. Harry and Martha were recognised for their kindness, determination and positive learning attitudes in our Celebration assembly.

That's all for now. Have a lovely weekend and if you are out and about for Bonfire Night, stay safe! 

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.



Chaipel's Choctastic Week

What a fabulous last week of term! Our school trip to St Ives was an incredible experience as we learnt about the remarkable life and times of the late sculptor, Barbara Hepworth; immersing ourselves in the exhibits in the Tate gallery and... making CHOCOLATE! Chaipel class were a credit to Polperro School and have individually written 'Thank You' letters to Coco Kitchen, raving about their experience. A huge thank you to the Polperro Arts Foundation and to FOPS for part funding the trip and enabling us to have such a rich experience.

We completed our enquiry into the Mayans by making headresses and ordering ourselves by way of 'importance', and sampling some typical Mayan food - including the 'bitter water' Xocoltl (chocolate drink of the gods). Noah quite enjoyed it!

Congratulations to Ava and Bayley for being recognised in our Celebration assembly on Thursday.

I just want to say a big thanks to you all for your continued support in making Chaipel a happy and successful learning environment.

Have a lovely half term break and see you all on Monday the 30th!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert



Another busy week has flown by. We have completed and edited our draft version of our Mayan narratives and are in the process of writing up or best copies: I can't wait to read them all! In Music, Mrs Butlin had Chaipel playing a range of instruments, collectively. 

In our enquiry, Chaipel have been learning about the importance of Fairtrade and what impact buying a fairtrade product has to the farmers. Chaipel have also been comparing the Maya rule with Anglo-Saxon England and have been surprised to find some similarities. The Maya podcast is getting very exciting and will conclude on Tuesday, with a look at creating our own podcasts to follow...

We are finally just days away from our school trip to St Ives. A letter will go home on Monday enquiring whether your child has any allergies regarding the chocolate making and decorating. Please send the slip back before Wednesday or contact the school secretary so that we have all the information we need to present to Coco Kitchen.

On Thursday, we will be  having a day where we consolidate our learning regarding our enquiry into the Maya civilisation. We will be 'trading' playing Pok-aTok and sampling a range of Mayan delicacies - yes, bitter, chilli-infused chocolatl will be on the menu! The trip allergy consent form will also apply to this day so don't worry about another letter! 

Congratulations to Noah and Jack G for being our Mathematician of the Week and to Joel and Rosie G for being recognised as our Visible Learners for this half term. We really do have an amazing class!

That's all from me so have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday for our final week of school this half term.

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.



Terrific Chaipelers

It has been a fantastic week in Chaipel - the learning taking place has been truly incredible. We have learnt about the importance of Fairtrade as part of our enquiry and Chaipel were outraged to learn that only approximately 8p in a £1 chocolate bar goes to the cocoa farmers! 

In Maths, Y5s have been learning how to round to check calculations and put this into a real life scenario - food shopping! Mr B put them through their paces and they can confidently help their grown-ups when they next visit the shops!! We have begun to plan our Mayan narrative and will be ready to write up next week. They have some exciting ideas and I can't wait to read their stories.

Chaipel had a lovely music lesson with Mrs Butlin, using a range of instruments, and they have learnt how to discuss the weather in French with Mrs Hillman.

Congratulations to Ava, Joel and Max for being recognised in our Friday Celebration, along with the rest of our class for their support with lining up the Reception children and making sure they feel happy and safe in the playground.

If you have not yet brought back your slip for the trip to Cocoa Kitchen in St Ives on the 18th October, can you please do so on Monday so that we can finalise numbers etc.

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday.

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.



It's been another busy week in Chaipel. We have been busy completing our non-fictional texts, assessing our learning and thinking about our personal writing targets. In Maths, Y5s have been learning strategies for adding and subtracting larger numbers and Y6s have been investigating common multiples, factors and prime numbers. We have learnt about the Mayan writing system, creating our own hieroglyphs and decoding some numeral challenges as well as investigating Mayan religion, creating their own gods for their narrative! Jack G made a fabulous replica of a Mayan temple out of Lego for his homework!!

On Thursday, Mrs Evered and Mr H took a team of footballers to Duloe for a friendly tournament. Our guys were amazing and their exemplary conduct was praised by the adults who took them.

Thank you, parents and carers, for attending the Meet the Teacher afternoon. We have a lovely bunch of children in Chaipel and it was great to meet you parents as you are very much a part of our Chaipel team!

Next week, we will be immersing ourselves in the Mayan folktale THE CHOCOLATE TREE, creating new characters and planning our own adaptations of the Mayan tale. In Maths, Y6 will be learning about the rules of divisibility and then moving onto long multiplication whilst the Y5s will be rounding and using the inverse operation. In our Wider Curriculum, we will begin to look at Mayan trade and the importance of Fairtrade as well as how the Mayans ruled, comparing them to the Anglo-Saxon's rule over England at that same time.

We have had to say 'Good Bye' to Mrs Evered this week. She has been with us for some time now and it sad so see her go. Nevertheless, the children and staff wished her well in her new career and hope to see her again in the future!

We welcomed Miss Gilbert to Chaipel this week as a BEd student. She will be with us until December 15th and the children have warmly welcomed her into the class already.

That's all from us so have a fantastic weekend and see you on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.



Well, all I can say is that I have been 'WOWED' with the writing in Chaipel class this week. We have written our draft non-fictional text about the life of a Mayan family, edited our writng AND written up our final piece. Most opted for a double-page spread and their layout and creativity has surpassed my expectations. Here's a few examples - they are amazing.

We have been rounding in Maths and the Y6s are ready to move onto the four operations now with the Y5s a few more lessons away from that area. 

In our enquiry, Chaipel have been learning about the links between the Mayans and the history of chocolate. We have compared the Mayan folktale with that of the Aztecs and understand the similaries and differences between the significance xocoatl had on their daily lives.

Congratulations to Ava and Jack C for being our Writers of the Week. I was blown away with the language you used to to inform us about Mayan life. Bayley and Joel were recognised for their determination and positive learning attitudes in our Celebration assembly on Friday as well as Leon for achieving his 99 Club.

Next week, we will be moving onto a fictional writing piece in English, learning about The Chocolate Tree - a Mayan folktale. We will adapt the characters and retell the tale putting our own 'spin' on it. In Maths, we will move onto addition and subtraction strategies and our enquiry into the Mayans will revolve around their geographical location and the importance of Fairtrade.

Sadly, we told the children today that Mrs Evered will be leaving us next week. We will be very sad to see her go, but wish her all the best for her next endeavour. 

Meet the Teacher is on Wednesday afternoon at 2:45. It would be lovely to see you all and go over what life is like in Chaipel class!

That's all from us, so have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday.

Miss Randle, Mrs Evered and Mrs Clary.



This week has just flown by, beginning with a research investigation into what life was like for a Mayan family. We have been learning about farming, education, entertainment and sport, although the game rules were slightly more 'gory' then they are today, thank goodness!

In Maths, we have been investigating Place Value: ordering, comparing, partitioning and solving problems involving powers of 10. We have planned our non-fictional information text and written our introduction, ready for writing up next week. We had our first Music lesson of the term with Mrs Butlin on Thursday as well as French with Mrs Hillman on Tuesday afternoon. 

Next week, Year 5 will continue to master Place Value whilst Year 6 move onto number problems involving the four operations (+/-/x/divide). We will be looking into how the cocoa bean arrived in Europe and dive deeper into Mayan education (learning about their alphabet and number system). In RE, we will be learning about the Mayan Maize God and the Pok a Tok myth. WE will design our own Mayan god which will feed into English in the coming weeks...

CONGRATULATIONS to Leon for achieving his 77 AND 88 club this week, and Verity for being our Reader of the Week. Harry and Rosie May were recognised for their kindness in our celebration assembly.

Chaipel class have the following homework for this half term:

  • Reading: to continue to read daily to develop and broaden their range of vocabulary,
  • KIRFs: they were sent home last Friday but I have attached them below. Y5 and Y6 are different to be sure to download the correct year group,
  • MAYA-THEMED HOMEWORK GRID: attached below. Feel free to bring in any homework completed to share with the rest of the class!
  • CURRICULUM SPELLINGS: As always, these need to be practiced at home regularly. I have attached Y3/4 and Y5/6 for you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          That's all from me for this week's blog. Enjoy your weekend and see you all on Monday morning!                                                                                                        Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Mrs Evered.


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I think I can say on behalf of all of our class, what an incredible first week back we have had! Everyone has settled in amazingly well and are are already feeling like a real team.

We have had a real, 'Getting to know you' week and making sure that we are in a happy and comfortable learning environment.

School Council
Congratulations to Rosie May (Y6) and Joel (Y5) for being elected our class School Council representatives and to Wyatt (Y6) for being voted School Council Chairperson. I am sure that they will do a fantastic job at getting all of our voices heard. 

Important information
PE kits should be complete and in everyday. The children can take them home for washing at the end of each half term.
At present, the swimming pool is still open, so swimming kits in daily as we will go in as long as the weather permits us to.
Today, your child went home with their KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) for this half term. This is part of their homework which we will give you more information on on next week's blog.

Our Wider Curriculum focus this half term is, WHY SHOULD WE REMEMBER THE MAYA? We are already getting our teeth into this amazing civilisation - especially the link with chocolate! We will upload the Knowledge Web next week so that you can see what the children will be learning these next few weeks. EXCITING TIMES!

That's all for now so have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Evered and Mrs Clary.


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