Class Blog for Chaipel

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Up, up and away...

This week has just flown by. As part of our enquiry into Crime and Punishment, Chaipel have been learning about the 'inmates' of Bodmin Jail in the run up to our school trip. They enjoyed learning about the crimes that were committed and have been discussing whether the punishment did in fact fit the crime. In many cases, not.

On Thursday, we had an amazing school trip to the jail. The trip leader couldn't believe how much we knew and it was so exciting to actually stand in the jail that the people we had researched actually stayed in. We tried out some 'hard labour' and agreed that it was not something that we ever wanted to do!

As a special surprise, we then detoured - on the way back to school - to Bodmin Airfield where a biplane was waiting for Miss Randle to take to the skies and flutter the WW1 poetry we had written earlier this year. It was a chance in a lifetime and we were proud to be the class that was there to witness this!

Our Transition morning, on Friday, went very well and it was lovely to meet Chaipel's new recruits. 

The guys have been super busy preparing for their Leaver's Assembly next week. We look forward to seeing all of you on Wednesday for a tearful farewell and celebration of their time at Polperro Primary. There is a 'pool and pizza' party afterwards, though, so I'm sure that the Y6s will soon recover!

That's all from me, have a lovely weekend.

Miss Randle and Mrs Clary 



Chaipel have had a lovely week this week, kickstarted by our Sports Day. We all demonstrated our school values, taking part not just for personal gain but for our House Teams. Well done to Willow who were our overall winners but each and everybody helped to gain points for their team!

Our crime-based narratives are in full swing and we are currently at the 'investigation' stage, where the detectives or sleuths (depending on which era the narrative is set in) are gathering their evidence! We hope to complete them on Monday. 


We have been learning about Area and Perimeter this week whilst some Y6s have been learning about Finance in the 'adult world'. A really important area and although they are finding it challenging, are thoroughly enjoying it!

We have been experimenting with thermal insulation, this week, testing out various materials which couldact as a sleeve for keeping a cup of coffee hot. Silver foil-backed bubble wrap seemed to do the trick!

Chaipel have been exploring Olympic pictograms throughout the years and have selected a sporting event, drawn its progression and then designed their own. They are currently creating a prototype out of pipe cleaners and tin foil, which they will then move onto creating a 3D sculpture out of clay. 

On Friday, the whole school were treated to a visit by the incredible SquashBox. He really entertained us and we all had an amazing time!

Residential for Y6s next week so if there are any last minute questions, then either find me on the gate at 3:15 or give the secretary a ring.

Homework Grid and Knowledge Web
I have attached the homework grid for this half term, linking to the them of Crime and Punishment as well as the Knowledge Web. Enjoy!

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle and Mrs Clary

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It has been a fun-packed week in Chaipel this week. It began with the introduction to our Bridge School Games and everyone was excited to be involved. 

Polperro Festival School's Day on Tuesday was a roaring success, with many locals commenting on it being the best one yet! We had such positive feedback regarding the behaviour, positivity and 'excellence' of the children: real advocates to our values. Our performance of Goodnight Mr Hitler was incredible and all involved gave it their best. One very proud teacher here!

Thursday was a very sporty day. Three members of Arena visited the school to show us a range of alternative sports. We had a go at archery, fencing, javelin throwing and long jump, competing in teams representing the Olympic 'ring' colours in the afternoon. Well done to all competing but especially to the yellow 'Team Asia' for being the overall winners! 

We have really shown our values this week in competing in the Bridge School Games. Everyone has given 100% and thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the events.

In other area of our learning, we have been planning our crime-based narratives, writing sinister setting descriptions and planning our suspects, their alibis and the crime itself. I can't wait to see what Chaipel eventually write; the plans all look fabulous so far!

Y6 Parents
A polite reminder that we have a meeting at 3:15 on Monday to go over final preparations for our Residential the following week. I've attached a copy of the kit list below - no pillow or sleeping bag is needed as it is all provided!

Sports Day
Just to remind you all that our Sports Day is on Tuesday, starting at 10am. Please make sure that you have a sun hat, sun cream and water with you as the forcast (at the moment) is a hot one!

Thanks again, parents, for your support in making the festival so fantastic this year! 

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Randle and Mrs Clary.



Chaipel Class are really immersing ourselves in our new enquiry, 'Did the Punishment Always Fit the Crime?' and this week, we have been investigating crime and punishment in Anglo-Saxon Britain. We have learnt about tithing, the wergild system of payment and some of the horrendous 'trials' that people accused had to endure whilst awaiting their time in court - guilty or not. We are very thankful for our modern-day justice system!

We have had a lovely week, learning about the features of crime-writing. We have looked into suspects, clues, red-herrings and motives/alibis. The children have thought about a period in history that they are basing their story around and have designed a fitting villain, writing a character descrption which really brings them to life! Their only criteria is for them to ensure that the crime committed links to the period and the punishment given. We have moved onto using AI to generate a setting for our crime-scene, which we will write about on Monday.

In Science, we are investigating states of matter and have begun by revisiting the properties of a solid, liquid and a gas. We will be separating, melting, evaporating, freezing and so much more...

Polperro Festival
Rehearsals are in full swing for Tuesday's festival. The children are working really hard and have created their own props too. Any final props from home need to be in on Monday, please. We are all super excited!

That's all from us so have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle and Mrs Clary



Chaipel Class have had a lovely first week back after half term.

We began, on Monday, with a visit from the NSPCC to give a talk to all Y5s and Y6s. The ladies were lovely and we really enjoyed the workshop.

We finished writing up our persuasive texts and shared our work with our peers who offered constructive advice and suggestions on how to improve our writing. Some wrote a letter to Mrs Hillman trying to persuade her to give Chaipel Class a 'Pool Party' at the end of term whilst other children wrote about the importance of daily reading - outlining the benefits to both attainment and positive mental health. These will be displayed as leaflets for all to read (in our school library) whilst Mrs Hillman will be receiving her persuasive letters next week...

Y5s have been working on reading and interpreting negative numbers whilst the Y6s have begun their second consolidation project entitled WHITE ROSE TOURS. They are applying all that they have learnt in Maths over their primary school years to real-life scenarios. This one being to study the climate of a range of popular holiday destinations. They will learn about the various aspects of planning a holiday, including airport and flight scenarios, hotel and budget planning.

We have begun to look into our final enquiry for this year, 'DID THE PUNISHMENT ALWAYS FIT THE CRIME OVER TIME?'
We will be looking into crime and punishment in Britain since the invasion of the Romans. This will lead to us writing our own crime-based narrative. The period the narrative will be set in is purely up to the individual and we are super excited to get started: we have already begun to design our own villain!

We will be swimming as much as we can from now until the end of term so please make sure that swimming kits are in every day.

Ice Pop Friday
Ice Pops will be on sale every week so remember to bring £1 in!

That's all from me, so enjoy the extended weekend and see you all on Monday!!
Miss Randle and Mrs Clary.



Happy Half Term!

We have had a lovely last week in Chaipel. We evaluated our tie-dye T-shirts and were thoroughly happy with the outcomes! 

For Computing, we completed our investigation into using Micro:bits to record the temperatures of a range of rooms over a 5-day period. We then used a spreadsheet to input the data and then chose how to present our finding for analysis. Some represented using a line graph whilst others chose bar charts.

The House Captains and Vice Captains got together to count up the house points so far. It was very close, but the running order is...


Well done to all for showing our Bridge School Values in order to receive a house point - you are all most EXCELLENT!

We completed our enquiry into WHAT DO ALL LIVING THINGS HAVE IN COMMON? with a Kahoot quiz. Chaipel thoroughly enjoyed it and the results showcased everything that we had learned this half term.

That's all from me so have a lovely half term break and see you all back, ready for the final half term where we will be looking into Crime and Punishment with a distinctly Cornish theme!

Miss Randle and Mrs Clary.







It's been another busy week in Chaipel. Firstly, I want to say how incredibly proud I am of our Y6s. They were amazing this week, supporting each other through their SATs and were ambassadors of our Bridge School Values! Thank you parents and carers for supporing us and bringing them into school extra early for their bacon baps and a natter. It really helped! We celebrated in style after the last test, a lovely ice-cream from Noah's dad's cafe at Talland and then off to the beach. We did say to 'paddle only' but...

In Art, we made tie-dye swatches at the beginning of the week and evaluated the outcomes such as: colour scheme, technique and application of the dye. We then decided on which technique and colour scheme we would like then created our own T-shirts. They are currently hanging out to dry in my garden and they look amazing! Can you spot which one is yours?

On Friday, the Mayor of Polperro came in to annouce the winners of the Polperro Festival programme cover competition. Congratulations to DAISY for winning 3rd place, VERITY for 2nd place and MAX B for his 1st place entry for Chaipel class!

In other areas of the curriculum, Chaipel have been learning about classification, moving on from animals this week to plants for our final week this half term. Y5s had Music with Mrs Butlin, whilst the Y6s were down at Talland beach, practising for our upcoming Polperro Fesitval in June.

Next week is only a 4-day week, finishing on Thursday for pupils.
The swimming pool is ready so please make sure you have your swimming kit in every day as we intend to make the most of it. Each pupil must have swimming kit, towel and a swim cap. Please see the secretary if you do not have a swim cap.

That's all from me so have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle and Mrs Clary



Another week has come and gone and Chaipel have made the most of every minute.

The Year 5s have been learning about decimals and how to write persuasively with Mr Langley this week whilst the Year 6s have been doing some last-minute preparations for next week's SATs. They are so ready for them and Wyatt and Jack enjoyed a lovely 'cheese platter and a natter' Friday afternoon with Miss Randle, following on from the Y6 girls' 'tea, cake and chat' last week. 

On Friday afternoon, we have been 'tinkering' with Micro:bits and have now created algorithms to measure temperature. We will be using them next week and then recording our data in a spreadsheet.

We have learnt how to classify living things, as part of our enquiry this half term, and can distinguish some similarities and differences between animals and plants.

Chaipel learners love to read and Max B has been immersed in his new reading book, Wolf Brother. We will be writing a book review based upon our new reading text in the coming weeks, together with a persuasive leaflet (for the rest of the school) explaining the importance of daily reading for both learning and mental health and wellbeing.

That's all from me on this lovely, sunny afternoon. Enjoy the weekend and Y6s - relax, leave the revision and have some YOU time. You've worked so hard and we are already so very proud of you all!

Y6s, SATs breakfast club is Monday - Thursday this week from 8am. Mrs Clary will be waiting with a smile and a bacon bap!

Happy weekend, Chaipel Class!!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.



This week has been a busy one!

We are writing up our explanation texts on the seven life processes in English, which is part of our enquiry into what all living things have in common. We have learnt so much so far, including just how amazing a plant's respiration is. I can't wait to read the finished pieces!

Mrs Butlin introduced Chaipel to keyboards this week in Music and we are looking forward to learning how to play a short piece in the coming weeks. 

SATs are fast approaching and so on Thursday, the Y6 girls were invited to a 'tea, cake and natter' afternoon with Miss Randle and Mrs Hillman. It was a lovely treat, looking at old photographs and reminiscing about their experiences together, both in and out of school. The Y6 boys will get their opportunity next week. 

The RNLI were in on Friday morning to remind us how to stay safe on the beach and in the water this Summer. We had fun and learnt a great deal at the same time.  Well done to Verity and Max who were our RNLI lifeguard and 'swimmer in distress'!

We were exploring Micro:bits in Computing this afternoon and although some of us are currently in The Learning Pit (Miss Randle and Mrs Clary also) we are excited to see how we will progress over the next few weeks as we build up to measuring and recording temperature, creating spreadsheets and representing findings in a bar chart, pie chart or line graph (depending on the nature of the investigation). 

CONGRATULATIONS to Chaipel's People of the Week, Noah and Max S for showing their Bridge 'excellent' value in their learning this week.

REMEMBER... it's a three day weekend so relax, enjoy and see you all on Tuesday!!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.


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We are passionate about learning.



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