Class Blog for Talland

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Talland's Class Blog 27.9.24 


It's been a fun but icky week in Talland class. Hopefully you were informed all about our delightful digestive system hands on experience!
The children are now in an excellent position to set instructions on how to travel through the digestive system! I'm looking forward to reading them next week!

I wanted to say a huge well done to all the children that have been bringing in their amazing pieces of homework - it was lovely celebrating their work with the school during celebration assembly today!

Well done to Isabelle for achieving her second 99 club badge two weeks in a row... YAY!
Great work from Heidi this week also for being noticed for her excellent attitude towards learning and work ethic - what a fabulous member of the class she is!

Short but sweet this week! I'm looking forward to lots more fun learning next week. But until then, we hope you have a brilliant weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.

P.S. Spellings for next week are attached at the bottom.

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Talland's Class Blog 20.9.24 


I cannot believe it's in the end of the week - it's flown by!

Talland have been working their socks off this week! We even managed to squeeze  a couple of cheeky swims in - might as well make the most of the sun shine!

Both year groups are nearing the end of the first unit (place value). Addition and subtraction is next on the list!

Talland have worked their way through the features of an instructional text - next week it will be time to begin planning to write their own (independently). Let's see how much they've learnt - it should be fun!

We had lots of fun using black and white paint to show the children how to add shade to a colour using black or tint a colour using white. Why not ask your child what shading and tinting means?

We've continued looking at erosion and what causes this to happen - fun added homework task to those who choose a little adventure - take pictures of you and child on/next to (nothing dangerous) different coastal features: Arch, bay, beach, cave, cliffs, coast, cove, headland, island, stack, stump, sand dune, spit. I wonder who can find the most?

Well done to Isabelle for earning a 99 club badge!
Well done to Skye for being noticed as Tallander of the week!

I have attached the spellings your children will be learning next week. If you have time, it would be fantastic if you could help your child learn them along with their times tables.

That's all from Talland. We hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.


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Talland's Class Blog 13.9.24 



It's been so lovely getting to know the new year 4's in Talland class and just wonderful seeing my year 5's back from their summer break. 

I hope everyone had an amazing summer holiday and had a whole lot of fun -  I'm sure you were kept busy!

We've kicked started into a very busy first couple of weeks back with our new enquiry question of... drum role please... 'WHY DO WE AGE?'

This enquiry gives us a great opportunity to delve into a bit of biology and take a look at the human body. Time for  a whistle stop tour of what we've done so far...

Both year groups are looking at place value. The year 4's are building up to 10,000 while the year 5's have been building up to 1,000,000... lucky them! We've had resources out to help the children understand different representations of numbers. They need to know which digit represents which place value. Why not quiz your child. E.G. Which digit represents 5 tens in the number 9,354?  

We have begun with instructions. Once we have found out all of the key features, children in Talland will have to write a set of instructions for a miniaturised individual to travel through a human digestive system. Which organ to gracefully pass through, what equipment they might need on their rather revolting adventure and key directional prepositions to safely guide our brave explorer out the body and down the toilet. Hopefully the children will add a cunning method to avoid getting flushed down the loo.  

We will of course be looking at the digestive system, the roles and function of our mouth, food chains - these fun lessons will be accompanied with some fascinating science investigations and experiments. You have been given a lovely one to have a go at on your homework grid which has been attached.

On a Wednesday, Talland will have TAG RUGBY - this is tremendous fun and the children had a blast in the first lesson. 
On a Thursday they will become relaxed and flexible with some refreshing YOGA. 

There's a brief run down of some of the fun lessons we will be covering -  there is of course, a whole load more (COMPUTING, ART, RE, PSHE, MUSIC and GEOGRAPHY) and I'll keep you up to date on those as the weeks progress.

Well done to Flora for earning her title as Talland's HANG TOUGH champion!
Well done to Lilly for being celebrated as last week's person of the week!
Well done to Frankie for being celebrated as this week's person of the week!
Well done to Tabbi, Skye and Archie for being nominated as HOUSE CAPTAIN's.
Well done to EVERYONE for a fabulous start to the year!

Important Information:
Please make sure PE kits are always in school with indoor and outdoor clothing. I like to keep your children as active as possible - Wednesday's and Thursday's are our designated PE slots.
Please make sure your child brings their reading records into school daily to hand in (they will bring it home everyday). It would be lovely if you could write some comments in there at least 3 times a week.
Spellings will be given out on a Friday - it would be amazing if you could practice these with them throughout the week (I will also attach these to the weekly blog).
KIRFs for this term were given out today (these will be attached to this blog.
Homework grids were given out today (this document will be attached to this blog). It would be so nice to share what the children have done with you at home. This can be in the form of show and tales and their work will be displayed on the 'WOW WALL'. 

Your kids are great and I can't wait to get to know you all throughout the year. Any questions please don't hesitate to ask!

That's all from us in Talland Class this week. We hope you have an amazing weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.

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