Class Blog for Talland

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Talland's Class Blog 10.1.25 


Happy New Year everyone! We hope you had the most magical time during the Christmas holidays.

It's been a great start to 2025 and the children of Talland have brought with it their fabulous energy and creativity! Creativity is the value Polperro will be focusing on this term. Therefore, I can't wait to see the spectacular things the children come up with! The homework grid will be coming out on next weeks blog - I will try my best to think of some fun and creative ideas for you and your child to get your teeth stuck into!

Year 4 have been continuing to multiply and divide. Mostly focusing on division skills. They will be completing this unit next week.
Year 5 have also been focusing on division problems, including using remainders. We've found the bus stop method to be helpful when solving these problems.
It would be fantastic to have a try of some division questions with your children to continue to build their confidence. Why not try out these and similar questions:
488 divided by 4 =
629 divided by 4 =  

We have planned our persuasive letter and are ready to independently write our letter next week. Can they convince a Greek citizen to fight for either the Spartans or the Athenians?

We've experimented with sound this week and helped Justin Bieber out with a tweet he made. He thinks that having a larger pinnae (ear) will mean that you can hear more clearly. We put this to the test. Why not ask your child about the results...

This term, Talland will be performing dance and playing tennis (perhaps not the Wimbledon weather you would hope for but good fun all the same). 

That's all from Talland this week. We hope you have a brilliant weekend and can't wait to see you all on Monday.

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton. 

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Talland's Class Blog 13.12.24 


What an incredible week! The Christmas performance was incredible and our trip to Eden today was fantastic. Talland class represented themselves and the school brilliantly and we all had so much fun! We might have a few budding ice skaters in our ranks now!

That's about all the talking I'm going to do... I think you would prefer a photo off load...

Like I said... it was an amazing day and we all had lots of fun!

We hope you have a great weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop, Miss. Colton and Mrs. Hodge.


Talland's Class Blog 6.12.24 


An acting packed  week (da dum...cha) in Talland this week as the children have been honing in on their performance skills. The Christmas Play is all starting to come together now!

Year 4 have been multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100.
Year 5 have been multiplying a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number. 

We have been using persuasive techniques to help exaggerate our writing. Ask your child what a 'superlative adjective' is... can they remember?

Design and Technology:
Children have designed and built their chassis for their Greek toy (a chariot). I'm looking forward to seeing how these turn out. They could be a great Christmas gift for someone!

We've dived into the ear and explored the different parts and functions of it.  

Well done to Heidi for being celebrated for her fantastic efforts this week and a huge thank you to everyone who has been helping their child to learn their lines. It's starting to sound great now!

Short and sweet this week... so that's all from us. We hope you have an amazing weekend.

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.

P.S Year 5 will continue to learn their statutory words.

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Talland's Class Blog 29.11.24 


We hope you're all getting excited for the Polperro Lanterns Parade tomorrow... I know we are! The children have worked tremendously hard and created lots of fabulous lanterns! It was incredibly lovely to watch how the older children helped the younger children decorate them. Such an amazing bunch of personalities we have here at Polperro!

Year 5 have been working their way through multiplying 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. We've been learning how to organise the calculation and discussing why the place holder is important and necessary. Eg. 3 2 4
                                                                                                                x    2 3

Year 4 have been looking at factors and discovering which factor pairs make a product. EG... 3 x 4 = 12 (3 and 4 are our factor pairs and 12 is the product).
Talland have been looking at the differences as similarities between the Athenians and the Spartans as they prepare to write their persuasive letter urging their people to fight in the great Peloponnesian War.

We had lots of fun experimenting with sound with the use of a drum, a beater and some corn... amongst other instruments. Talland now know that sound is created by vibration and sound does not travel in a straight line.

What Christmas Means To Me:
Talland and Chaipel have been getting to grips with our Christmas Production. I've enjoyed sitting in my directors chair and shouting CUT, whilst both classes have done a fine job at learning their lines... KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK EVERYONE!

Well done to the year 5 Playground Leaders who have been organising and helping children with activities during Lunch times. Great job Archie and Thomas for bringing in some fantastic artefacts and homework, creating an abundance of curiosity amongst our class. And of course, congratulations to our superstar 99 clubbers for passing their 99 club this week: Flora, Arnie, Leo, Skye, Tabbi and Archie.   

That's all from Talland this week. We hope you have a fantastic weekend and see you tomorrow for the Polperro Lantern Parade.

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.

P.S Year 5 will continuing looking at last weeks spellings.

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Talland's Class Blog 22.11.24 


We hope everyone has had a lovely week this week - Talland certainly have!

Both year groups have come to the end of their first unit of Multiplication and Division and are starting the next unit of Multiplication and Division next week.

Talland class have put their handwriting to good use and have written up their top copies of their adventure stories... they're looking and sounding GREAT!

We have looked at time lines and artefacts from Ancient Greece. We've spoken about BCE (Before Christ Era) and CE (Current Era). We then thought about what would archeologists find first on a dig: an item from the the BCE or the CE?

Talland used a range of mark making tools (different leads of pencil, oil pastels and charcoal) to draw, colour and shade a still life image. They look fantastic!

Well done to Everly for being noticed for being an amazing member of Talland class this week. Also, congratulations to Everly (again), Callum and Skye for passing their next stage of the 99 club.

That's all from Talland this week. We hope you have a brilliant weekend and can't wait to see you on Monday.

Signing off,

Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.

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Talland's Class Blog 15.11.24 


Hello and goodbye Autumn Term two, week two! Blink and you miss it!

There's been loads going on this week: Anti bullying week, check; book fair, check; Mufti, check; cross country, check; loads of learning, check!

Both year groups are coming to the end of their first unit of Multiplication and Division.

Talland have completed their own adventure story. Next week, they will be assessing their writing success and then moving on to our next piece of writing (PERSUASION). Just in time for those letters to Santa.

The children are experimenting with sound this term and today went on a sound hunt to find out which materials vibrate to produce sound waves.

Talland were excited to find out our new Enquiry Question: What did the Greeks do for us? We've dived straight into researching the Greek Gods and Goddesses - SO MUCH FUN! This turned out to be similar with our RE question, where we looked into Hindu deities. 

The class trip was also revealed - DRUM ROLL PLEASE - we are heading to The Eden Project where we will be known as the 'Greek Edenauts' and we must defend our village (the Mediterranean  Biome) against those menacingly ferocious Spartans. And as it's Christmas, we have also managed to get a spot of Ice Skating in there too... YAY! 

The date of the trip: Friday 13th December... more details to come shortly...

WELL DONE to Chilali, Grace and Lily for being noticed as our children of the week. Also, CONGRADULATIONS to Grace for passing her 44 club and Jamie for passing his 88 club.

Polite notice: 
Could all children please make sure they are coming to school with their complete PE kit including safe and suitable footwear. Thank you.

That's all from Talland this week. We hope you all have a spectacular weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.

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Talland's Class Blog 8.11.24 


What a great first week of Autumn Term 2! Absolute magnificent to see so many smiley and happy children back in Talland Class!

This week we have focused lots on Black History Month and we studied an incredible lady, who goes by the name of Maya Angelou. You might of heard of her. She was an incredible poet and writer, a civil rights activist and she was involved with many of the arts (acting, dancing, film making ect...) An extraordinary person really.

Talland did an amazing assembly about her and I was blown away when they read out and performed the poem 'Still I Rise'. It's got me looking forward to the Christmas production, which isn't too far off. AUDITIONS COMING SOON!

Year 4 have been looking at the 3, 6 and 9 times tables.
Year 5 have been finding out about multiples and factors. 
Why not quiz your children to find out what they have learnt...

Talland Class have immersed ourselves into drama this week and as mentioned above, showed off their fantastic efforts during our Black History assembly.

This term we are throwing ourselves into fitness, where we are looking at the key elements (strength, speed, agility, stamina, balance and coordination). We are also getting our Michael Jordan sneakers and on shooting some hoops (basketball). We will see how Talland are at working as a team, finding space, learning the rules and invading an opponents territory. 

Talland will find out on Monday what our learning focus will be for this half term. I can't wait to tell them. There are lots of fun and exciting lessons planned including a trip... stay tuned to find out what they are learning and where we are going!

That's all from us this week. We hope you have a spectacular weekend.

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton. 

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Talland's Class Blog 25.10.24 



What a fabulous Autumn term 1 it's been. It's been so lovely getting to know Talland as a class and I have to say - what an exceptional group of children we have! They've all worked so hard, helped each other to learn along the way and have had a load of fun doing so! I'm so proud of each and every one of them - keep up the great work Talland!

Maths: Children have worked their way through PLACE VALUE, ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION and the year 5s even learnt VOLUME!

Writing: We've made fantastic instructions for travelling through the digestive system and have been writing an adventure narrative based on saving the Micro Monster, who was kidnapped by Acidro (the evil gastric acid beast), whilst following our instructions to travel through the digestive system. What a cheeky little acid monster Acidro is!

Art: Talland created an amazing mixed media collage by making a mood board of school based objects, choosing which collage they preferred, experimenting (over  a course of lessons) how to tint, shade and create different textures with paint and produce fantastic final piece.

Science: WE delved into the digestive system, looked at teeth and food chains. This was so much fun!

Geography: Talland looked at erosion, defenses for erosion and the impact erosion has on communities that live near the coast. We also explored different physical features of coasts - some children took some amazing photos of these different features with their parents - a huge WELL DONE there!

Well, that was a brief break down of just some of the learning that took place over the last 7 weeks. I have had a great time and I hope your children have too!

That's all from Talland - we hope you have a magnificent half term and look forward to seeing you all soon!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.


Talland's Class Blog 11.10.24 


The eggs-perts have been in along with the results and it's safe to say we should all brush our teeth twice a day AND avoid drinking too many sugary drinks. Water wins the day!

Both year groups have continued with subtraction and addition - now would be a great time to quiz them on what they have learnt so far - why not ask them to solve some addition problems?

We have just started looking writing a narrative. We've been pulling apart some of the features this week to help us understand what a great piece of narrative writing requires.

This, as always, was great fun! Talland were exploring different techniques and textures to apply to a page in order to create some amazing ideas for our mixed media piece we will soon create!

A huge well done to all of the children who were noticed this week for being responsible and BRILLIANT (Chilali, Thomas and Lily)!  

That all from us - we hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

Signing off rom Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.

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Talland's Class Blog 4.10.24 


What an 'eggsellent' week we've had in Talland class this week (excuse the pun)! Here's a brief run down of it...

Both year 4 and 5 have completed their place value units and have moved swiftly on to addition and subtraction. It's always fun to get your child solving some addition and subtraction problems at home - especially when it comes to money - you can't have them short changing you now (joke)!

The children have written up their instructions for helping a minaturised monster travel through a digestive system. They have been great to read!

We have begun our experiment to see what happens to an egg when left in a particular liquid for a week. What do you think will happen? Why not ask your child why we used an egg to replicate a tooth...

We've continued to experiment with white (to tint) and black (to shade) paint. We tried painting a mug this week -  First, the children draw the mug, then we added either black or white to the paint to show elements of where the light was shining on the cup and where is was most shaded. Talland did a fantastic job!

A massive thank you to the Oars of Thunder crew for bringing their rowing boat in to show and talk to the children about. The vessel will be rowed around the Atlantic - what an amazing achievement that will be once they have conquered it! We wish you all the best on your journey!

Attached are the spellings for both year groups next week. 

We hope you have  a spectacular weekend and we can't wait for Monday!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss Colton.


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