Class Blog for Penhallow

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Penhallow Class Blog: 3rd May 2024.

A jam packed week in Penhallow this week! 

We  started the week by learning all about how to group animals based on what they ate and whether this made them a herbivore, carnivore or a omnivore (like us).

In English, we are beginning to research our minibeast, ready to write a plan for our fact file.

Maths has been full of activity this week where the Reception children are learning what happens to numbers when we add more or take some away. Year 1s are flying through their multiplication and division topic where we are learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s as well as understanding that it is easier to count in groups if they are equal. We also learned what makes up an array, recognising lots of new maths vocabulary like row and column. 

Kai received his 33 badge this week in 99 club, well done! It is getting tougher to achieve these badges now but I know with plenty of practice we will get them in no time! There are plenty of chances to practice these maths skills on twinklGO! Ensure you are also keeping up with your KIRFs that were attached in last week's blog.

We have enjoyed two really important assemblies this week. The first was on Tuesday when we learned what it meant to be sun safe. Please send your child in with some labelled sun cream, a named sun hat and a drink every day now that we are finally seeing some brighter days! In Penhallow, we love to take our learning outside! It will also be very soon that we take our PE sessions in our wonderful school swimming pool! Remember that our PE days are Wednesday and Friday so please make sure your children have their PE kit in school for these days. Our second assembly was on beach safety with the R.N.L.I. Sam and Harry taught us all about what to do to stay safe on the beach this summer.

PSHE was so much fun this week where the children learned that it is ok to say no to physical touch as a greeting, there are lots of other ways to greet each other and we enjoyed making some new ways of greeting our friends. 

Music was fantastic fun! We leaned all about the keyboard and what different sounds we could make with them.

Well done to our 'People of the Week' this week, all showing us how to be 'Excellent' in their learning! Sonny, Dexter, Evie D and Kai, well done to all of you!

Enjoy a wonderful, longer weekend! If you get the chance, pop onto TwinklGO! where you can play lots of games which will help you with your learning. We will see you on Tuesday morning for another week of fun!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss Cullingford and Miss Hodge.



Penhallow Class Blog: 26th April 2024.

It has been another week of fun in Penhallow where we have learned lots of wonderful things along the way!

We started the week by celebrating World Earth Day, we have been working hard to pick up any litter we see around the school grounds in a step to look after our planet!

In Science, we looked at different animals and the characteristics that made them what they are. We worked with a partner to describe our animals to see if our partner could guess which animal we were trying to describe by it's key characteristics.

In English this week, we have been looking at the difference between fiction and non-fiction books about animals. This is in preparation to write a non-chronological report (a fact file) about a chosen mini beast! I can't wait to find out more about the mini beasts the children choose to write facts on.

Maths has been an adventure for Reception this week who are counting to 20 and beyond. The Year 1s have been counting in 2s and 10s to start their multiplication topic. In 99 club, the children tried brilliantly to answer their questions in 10 minutes.

PE was great fun this week where on Wednesday we worked on our underarm throws. We enjoyed a mindful Yoga session on Friday afternoon which we really enjoyed and stretched all of our muscles. We found the spider pose particularly tricky!

We enjoyed an afternoon of coding with some fantastic 'mousebots' on Thursday. We learned that robots could hold a place in our future job and we showed that we are going to be experts if we ever need to programme a robot in our future roles.

In PSHE, we discussed: What made a good friend? We were able to tell each other what we thought made up a fantastic friend and also the importance of being a good friend ourselves.

Well done to our 'People of the Week' April, Jemima, Max and Iylah were picked for showing great examples of being 'Excellent'. This is one of our school values and our focus this half term. 

Please find attached this half term's knowledge web, where you will be able to see what amazing learning we will be covering over the next few weeks. You will also find copies of this half term's KIRFs. The KIRFs are our Key Instant Recall Facts that children should learn to recall instantly, more information is on the cover letter from our maths lead to explain why these are such an important part of your child's learning.

TwinklGO! codes have now been updated, an email with the updated codes has been sent to you all. They are:

Reception Phonics: AD7803
Reception Maths: NG4763
Year 1 Phonics: EF0215
Year 1 Maths: QX4721

It is World Veterinary Day on Saturday, perhaps you could enjoy reading the story Jet the Vet and answer the questions together afterwards.

We hope you all enjoy a lovely weekend!

Keep up with your amazing reading and remember to head onto TwinklGO! for some more fun learning opportunities.

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Mrs C and Miss Hodge.

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15.4.24 - 19.4.2024 

Welcome back to Summer Term 1!

Welcome back to everyone for the first half of Summer Term! We have got off to a great start where we introduced our new enquiry question: Is it a Bug's Life? We began by asking, are all animals the same and worked together to group animals that were the same.

In English, we have now written our own version of the traditional tale, The Enormous Turnip. The children have really enjoyed putting their ideas onto a story board in preparation to write our story as our 'best copy' next week. We have stories about colossal potatoes, enormous blueberries and huge carrots!

In maths, year 1 have been learning all about mass, weight, capacity and volume. They enjoyed weighing different things from around the classroom, learning which was heavier and lighter. Reception children have been exploring 3D shapes and patterns.

PE has been fun this week, especially as we have been able to get outside for our Ball Skills lesson. We also enjoyed our first yoga lesson on Friday, learning that Yoga originated from India, we therefore got into lots of monkey poses and recognised which muscles we were using to balance.

Our music lesson was a little different this week. We had a visit from the Polperro Wreckers. What a delight it was! Listening to a group of gentlemen sing songs all about where we live was a real treat and the children enjoyed talking about how important it was to appreciate different styles of music.

Our phonics lessons have also been a little different this week, the children enjoyed using ipads to explore twinklGO! on Friday, remember this is a resource that can be accessed at home and is updated regularly. Year 1s have been exploring 'alien'/fake words in preparation for our phonics assessments in June. It is important to keep up with daily reading and practising of sounds to ensure we are ready for this check!

Well done to our 'People of the Week' this week, all showing examples of our school values.  Emily, Felix and Evie G were recognised for this, this week. Well done!

We hope you enjoy a lovely weekend, especially now that the sun is shining!

See you on Monday for another fun-packed week of learning!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Mrs C and Miss Hodge.


Penhallow Class Blog 28.3.24 

Have a very Hoppy Easter Penhallow!

We have enjoyed a fabulous end to our spring term this week. 

We have learned all about the Easter Story and how Christians celebrate Easter. The week started with a wonderful assembly from Reverend Richard, we learned all about the relevance of the Hot Cross Bun and how Christians celebrate Easter by making Easter Gardens. The Easter Bunny paid us a visit today and delivered everyone a chocolate egg, which the children thoroughly enjoyed!

We had a fabulous lesson all about how important trees are and how we could look after our trees. We learned about climate change and since, the children have been telling me off for not using both sides of paper! Being very mindful of our environment.

Our PE lesson on Wednesday was altered to an Easter version, learning team games, Bunny, Bunny, Easter Bunny was thoroughly enjoyed by all!

Well done to our 'People of the Week' this week, Tommy and Emily for showing super examples of our school values!

I will update the twinklGO! activites throughout the holidays to keep you updated with our current phonics and maths learning. Please keep up with your fantastic reading, every day!

Enjoy a wonderful Easter break and we look forward to welcoming you back for the Summer term on the 15th.

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Mrs C and Mrs Hodge.


Penhallow Class Blog 22.3.2024 

Enormous Fun in Penhallow this week!

We have enjoyed a fabulous week of learning in Penhallow this week where we started retelling the traditional tale; The Enormous Turnip. The children have really enjoyed this story and there have been lots of vegetable linked activities around the classroom!

In science, we ventured out on a tree hunt to discover the evergreen and deciduous trees in and around our school grounds, we bought back some evergreen leaves and produced some beautiful leaf rub art work.

In maths, we have ventured into a new topic of measure and the children have enjoyed measuring objects with cubes and learning all about centimetres.

PE has been fun this week with lots of links to how we can work better as a team, encouraging others to do well and praising them when they succeed! We also enjoyed a very fun yoga session linked to The Enormous Turnip.

Well done to Iylah and Sonny for getting their next 99 club badge this week, showing real determination in their learning. A big well done also to our People of the Week this week; Molly, April and Amelia were picked this week for showing amazing examples of our school values. Well done!

We look forward to another fun week ahead, a little shorter as we come to the end of our Spring term. The children's Easter holiday begins at 1.30 on Thursday and this week we will be learning all about how Christians celebrate Easter starting with an assembly on Monday with Reverend Richard.

Keep up with the lovely reading and accessing TwinklGO! for more learning opportunities. Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Mrs C and Miss Hodge.



Penhallow 15.3.2024 

Despite the weather, Penhallow have continued in their search for Spring and enjoyed a fun filled week of learning.

In maths, we have been partitioning tens and ones. The children have done brilliantly at recognising how many tens and ones make up numbers to 50.

In English, we have written up our instruction texts and we look forward to starting our traditional tale; The Enormous Turnip. We will be learning the story and then making our own version of the traditional tale. I hope the children will be able to think of lots of different vegetables that could be included in our new version of the tale.

This goes brilliantly with our PSHE topic of Healthy Me! This week, the children have been looking at what makes our bodies healthy, how important getting a good night sleep is and what to do if we are feeling unwell.

In science, we have discussed if a tree is a type of plant. We have looked at different deciduous and evergreen trees on our school grounds.

Well done to Penhallow's 'People of the Week' this week. Theo, Ida  and Casey have shown fantastic examples of our school values. Well done!

Keep up with the brilliant reading and accessing TwinklGo! for more activities.

We hope you enjoy a lovely weekend!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Mrs C and Miss Hodge.


Penhallow 8.3.2024 

A Fabulous Week, FULL of celebrations this week!

Penhallow have enjoyed a fabulous, fun filled week this week which started with a fantastic assembly from Reverend Richard all about Cornwall and how and why we celebrate St Piran's Day! The children loved learning more about why our Cornish flag looks like it does. 

In maths, the Year 1s have completed their topic of addition and subtraction within 20, doing brilliantly, especially when learning all about related facts and what the inverse operations are. The children loved standing at the front of the class to teach me what the opposite of addition was! We also loved learning all about the difference this week, comparing boys and girls in Year 1.

In English, we are writing our instruction texts, whilst planting a sunflower seed. This is a great opportunity to include all that we are learning in Year 1, we have included a question and sequencing words to list the important steps to plant a sunflower seed.

PE has been super fun this week, we are learning how to respect each other in games and work brilliantly as partners.

In Science, we made the most of getting outside for a spring time search for wild flowers, learning that wild flowers grow wherever their seed falls. This complimented our story of The Tiny Seed perfectly.

Talking of enjoying stories, on Thursday, we celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as our favourite book characters or wearing our pyjamas. We had a fantastic day! In the morning, Year 1 joined year 2 in Landaviddy and watched a digital event hosted by the author Helen Stephens. The children loved hearing her stories and seeing how she created her illustrations for her story books 'Smelly Peggy' and 'How to Hide a Lion'. The decorated spoons that the children bought in are just fabulous and we are looking forward to seeing them displayed in our school library!

Music was also thoroughly enjoyed on World Book Day where we sang a song all about books to celebrate! We added instruments for a beat and lots of fun was had!

Well done to our 'People of the Week' this week, Esme, Alfie and Emily, each showing fantastic examples of our school values. WOW, the children did so brilliantly in our practice lockdown today, I was so proud of each one of them. Well done also to Esme for achieving her 11 badge in 99 club this week and Iylah for achieving her 33 club badge!

We hope you enjoy a wonderful weekend and really hope Mums enjoy receiving their handmade treasures on Sunday (check bookbags if nothing arrives on your breakfast tray!!!) 

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Mrs C and Miss Hodge.


Penhallow 1st March 2024. 

It has been another fun-filled week of learning in Penhallow. The weather being the main discussion point as we continue our search for signs of spring! 

In maths, we have been exploring doubles and had lots of fun with dice, ladybirds, butterflies and double treasure hunts! We have found out that near doubles can help us with our addition and subtraction facts  within 20.

In PSHE, we continued to learn about the importance of staying healthy! We put together a healthy and an unhealthy plate, learning about the important food groups.

In PE, we have enjoyed 2 really fun sessions, learning all about fitness and why it is important and game skills like rolling, kicking, throwing and aiming.

Science this week has been fun, where we dissected a daffodil, learning all about the structure of a plant, the children 'wowed' us with wanting to know more, recognising pollen, the stigma, the trumpet of the daffodil as well as the basic plant structure. Next week we will be starting to grow our own seeds.

We really enjoyed a jam tart snack break on Friday to celebrate the Reception class finishing their level 3 phonics!

Well done to Finn, Kai and Brody for achieving their 22 badges in 99 club this week!

Also a big well done to our 'People of the Week' Martha, Sonny and Darragh for showing super examples of our school values.

Next week is a 'biggie' as we celebrate St Piran's Day and World Book Day!

Attached to the blog this week is this half term's Knowledge Web, outlining all that we will be learning in this half-term, up until Easter!

We hope you all enjoy a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday for another great week of learning!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss C and Miss Hodge.

P.S. Remember spoons must be bought into school to be in the World Book Day competition by MONDAY!

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Penahllow Blog 23.2.2024 

A fabulous, 
first week back in Penhallow!

The first week back from our half-term break has been filled with fun and we have thoroughly enjoyed launching our new enquiry: What happens in spring?

We ventured out on our only dry afternoon to explore the garden on a nature walk in search for the first signs of spring. We have also been learning all about what makes a plant a plant? This will continue next week where in English we will finish our spring acrostic poems and begin learning how to write an instruction text telling us how to plant a seed.

In maths, both Reception and Year 1 have been working so hard. Reception have been focussing on one more or one less within 10 and Year 1s exploring number bonds to 20. It is so important that the Year 1s know their number bonds within 10 and to 10 before moving onto this point so please, if you have any spare time this weekend pop onto TwinklGo! where the children have plenty of options to practice these.

We had a great PE lesson this week where we played games to explore how exercise made us feel. It was so wonderful to see the children working together and congratulating each other for doing well. This also linked to our PSHE lesson where we discussed the importance of healthy choices!

We enjoyed a fabulous music lesson with Mrs Butlin this week where we were able to play the ukuleles and learn a song all about Cornwall.

Well done to Brody, Tommy and Evie D who were picked as our 'People of the Week' this week for showing fantastic examples of the school values. Also well done to Lowen for achieving his 11 club badge in 99 club this week!

I hope there is a break in the weather this weekend so that you can venture out to explore some of the signs that spring is on the way!

We look forward to seeing you on Monday for another fantastic week of learning!
Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Mrs C and Miss Colton.


Penhallow Class Blog. 

Penhallow 9.2.2024.

It has been a fantastic, final week of Spring Term 1. We have squeezed so much into these past five weeks and the teachers were busy at school on inset day preparing for the next half of Spring Term.

Our enquiry, What Happened in London a Long Time Ago? was finished brilliantly with a mini quiz and the children were able to bring home their master pieces, which have been created during our art and design and technology lessons. We hope you have enjoyed the children telling you about the 'process' which is always the best part, especially if the 'product' hasn't turned out exactly how they wanted!

It has been a busy classroom this week where the children have enjoyed taking part in active bursts that relate to Children's Mental Health Week that has been celebrated this week. Through daily exercise we were able to explore emotions and feelings discussing why it is important to speak to others about how we are feeling. In PE, we worked hard at being part of a successful team and thoroughly enjoyed our boat game and relay races!

As well as rounding up our topic, the children have also been given opportunities within the classroom to think about some celebrations coming up over half term. We discussed Chinese New Year and discovered what animal year we were born in, this year is the year of the dragon and children have been decorating masks, making paper chains and using their cutting skills to make fortune tellers. We also had a valentines creative table and enjoyed a fliptastic assembly with Reverend Richard who discussed Pancake Day/Shrove Tuesday. Reverend Richard will be giving up crisps for Lent, will you be giving up anything this year?

Children have each gone home with a reading book and Twinkl Read it Together book, it is important that children keep up with their reading every day so please aim to read with your child for at least ten minutes each day, focussing especially on their phonics sounds and tricky words. Another important activity your child has come home with is a number bond activity. Reception should know their number bonds to 5 and Year 1s, number bonds to 5 and 10. This is important as we progress our maths journey into addition and subtraction. Remember there are some additional activities and extra reading opportunities on TwinklGo!
Codes for access:
Year R Phonics: ZW0753
Year R Maths: JX4293
Year 1 Phonics: ZX5318
Year 1 Maths: WB6095

We hope you enjoy a lovely half term and look forward to seeing all children back on Monday the 19th.

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton and Mrs C.


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