This week we are answering our new enquiry question which is "How do i know it is autumn?"
The children have explored our autumn themed tuft tray, looking at different objects and exploring the different properties of them.
There has been some great arts and craft happening including handprint hedgehogs and leaf printing with the paint.
On Thursday we did some cooking and the children enjoyed making some apple crumble and today (Friday) we have been in the school garden and on the field collecting sticks for an art project next week. The children explored with interest and were keen to see what was growing in the greenhouse.
At story time we have been enjoying a selection of stories including "The leaf thief" and "In the woods".
In phonics this week we have been exploring loud and quiet sounds, copying sequences of actions e.g. clap, stamp, clap, stamp and we have been trying to recognise sounds that have the same initial sounds.
In maths, the children have been enjoying our new abacas outside and have been practicing counting all of the different coloured balls on it as well as drawing and practicing writing numbers and mark making on the chalk boards.
Bags2school- We are collecting any good condition clothes, shoes, bags and belts for Bags2school. If you have any items then please bag them up and bring them to nursery before 9am on Wednesday16th October.
See you next week
Julie, Sarah and Jade
"Goldilocks and the three bears is what we have been looking at this week at nursery. The children have enjoyed exploring the themed tuft tray, re-creating the story using the props available and exploring voice sounds such as a deep voice for daddy bear, a soft voice for mummy bear and a high squeaky voice for baby bear.
The children have been getting creative decorating bears, making paper plate bears and have made their own bear toast for snack!
In phonics we have been talking about pets and the children have been using instruments to match animal sounds, identifying the different sounds that animals make and using our bodies to explore and create different sounds.
In maths, we continue to practice KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) We have been finding numbers in everyday life and sorting objects and identifying how many.
Julie, Sarah and Jade
This week we have finished our question of “who am I? The children have been practicing drawing faces with different features such as eyes, ears, nose and mouth. We have been discussing the places we live and exploring the story of “The three little pigs”.
We have made the pigs houses out of straw and sticks and bricks and used props in the tuft tray with the pig stick puppets. The children have been painting and creating tube pigs.
In phonics we have been making the sounds of different family members, taking notice of the way we formed these sound with our mouths and we have been making silly soup with different initial sounds.
In maths we have been practicing counting and finding different numbers around us. We have been learning about simple shapes such as circle, square and triangle.
Have a great weekend
Julie, Sarah and Jade
This week at nursery we have been answering our enquiry question of "Who am I?". The children have been busy making paper plate portraits and naming and drawing parts of their faces. We have been discussing their likes and dislikes and what makes them, them.
On Monday, the children enjoyed making and creating their own wrap snack faces. They selected their own fruit and vegetables to make the different features and then enjoyed eating them at snack time.
At story time we are looking at the story of "The Three Little Pigs". We have started to talk about the different houses in which the pigs live and talking about our own homes.
In phonics we have used our bodies to make different sounds such as stamping and clapping and have been listening and trying to identify different sounds in our environments both indoors and out.
In maths we are finding numbers in everyday life. Kirfs learning will be sent out soon.
Just a reminder that flu vaccinations will take place next Friday (20th Sept) and can all forms be back to nursery by the end of Tuesday 17th.
Have a great weekend
Julie, Sarah and Jade
A big welcome back!
It has been great to see all of our returning children to nursery and we have enjoyed welcoming some new faces to our nursery family.
This week has been all about settling the children back into nursery life and the nursery routine and we will be beginning to explore our enquiry question which is "Who am i?"
We have enjoyed some sunshine over the last 3 days so have been making the most of this time to play and explore outside. We have enjoyed lots of discussions about the children's summer holidays and it was lovely to hear about what you all been up to.
We look forward to sending book folders home again from Monday and we are sure the children will enjoy taking these home to share with you all.
We have a new helper in nursery from today. Jade will be in nursery helping us on a Monday and Friday morning and is looking forward to getting stuck in!
Have a lovely weekend
Julie and Sarah
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We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
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